Coincidentally fated

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Park Jeongwoo was surprised as soon as he entered the classroom, he was immediately pulled into a hug and he doesn't need to look to know who it is. 

"Gue!" Jeongwoo giggled as soon as he broke the hug from his best friend. "We're classmates again!"

"Obviously! Feel lucky, you peasant" laughed the bespectacled junior, eyes crinkling in crescents. Jeongwoo chuckled, also happy about being in the same class for one year with his close friend. 

He immediately scanned the room and noticed some familiar faces from his class back in the first year. But, a lot were students that he had noted to be sharing the same class with Haruto before. 

Watanabe Haruto entered the room groggily. He was messy, from the way he wore his uniform to the way he walked. Jeongwoo heard from Yedam that the tall Japanese new classmate of his is apparently bad at mornings. 

The room was silent as soon as the youngest of the Kings entered. Jeongwoo sighed and approached the new public moral committee head. He remembered the responsibility that Asahi gave him. Haru is slovenly every morning.  Can I leave him to you?

"Watanabe, fix your uniform" The treasurer reprimanded the Japanese who blinked dazedly at him. 

"Treasurer-ssi?" Haruto mumbled half-asleep. He rubbed his eyes groggily and yawned. "Can I do it later?"

"No, can do. Come here, let me fix you're uniform." Jeongwoo took a bold step forward and helped the lazy looking second year fix the button of his uniform and his tie. "Fix your hair too. You can sleep after"

"Mmm~" The class, especially Haruto's previous classmates, were shocked at the scene. If any of them had done that with Haruto, they might lose one or two of their limbs. "Thanks~" 

Haruto carelessly patted his head in an attempt to calm his bedhead. Jeongwoo sighed as he saw that the appearance that Haruto has, became much better than he had originally. "You can sleep now. I'll wake you up when its lunch. We have a meeting" 

"Kay~" Haruto nodded obediently like a child. He walked towards the farthest chair from the blackboard and near the window. Jeongwoo let out a sigh again and noticed that his classmates were looking at him as a hero. He tilted his head in confusion. 

Yeongue chuckled as he draped his arms around Jeongwoo whispering, "When did you snatch a fine man?"

"What?" Jeongwoo stared at his friend in disbelief and immediately understood what the stares are about. The sun-kissed skinned treasurer frowned and declared, "No, it's not what you're thinking. I'm assigned by Asahi sunbae to take care of him during the mornings"

"Oh~ As expected of Asahi sunbae. The only time Haruto is dangerous is mornings" interrupted a tall innocent looking boy with mahogany colored air and pure light brown eyes. "Hi! My name is So Junghwan"

"We know" Yeongue and Jeongwoo chorused as they stared at the boy who interrupted their conversation. They looked at each other and chuckled. Jungwhan was the favorite hoobae of the Kings and the only person Haruto has known to acknowledge in his class. He is a famous person in his own right as he has been a national taekwondo champion and is the only son of the living national treasure, So Minseok.

Jungwhan laughed awkwardly at the reply. He eyed the pair of friends in front of him and smiled. He already knew of Park Jeongwoo as the student council public moral committee from last year. Haruto also told him that the tanned-skin student council member with eyes that remind him of a cat was treated as a correspondent of the Kings. Kim Yeongue, on the other hand, Jungwhan had remembered as the genius pianist who was regarded as the youngest to perform with the New York's Philharmonic orchestra at ten years old and the only son of a famous stage play director and a well-known fashion designer. 

"Good to know. I'll be in your care for the next year, I guess?" 

Jeongwoo was about to reply when the teacher entered and told everyone to take their seats. Jeongwoo forgot that he basically had not chosen his seat yet and awkwardly remained standing. Jungwhan sat in the chair in front of Haruto with Yeongue beside him. Jeongwoo scanned the room and found out that his classmates had already reserved his seat, the one beside Haruto. They are fully giving me Haruto as a responsibility now. 

The treasurer sighed again as he walked towards his seat. The teacher smiled at him apologetically and started his lecture. The whole morning was boring as it was plainly still at the introduction phase of their classes. Jeongwoo glanced at the peaceful looking Japanese classmate who was still dozed off even if it was already the second quarter. He looks really tired. I wonder why though. 

The bell rung signaling that it is already lunch. Jeongwoo opened his bag to take his lunch box out and walked towards Haruto's seat. Junghwan was shaking the Japanese awake as was his routine back in freshmen year. 

"Hwannie?" Haruto mumbled as he sat up while rubbing his eyes with his hands. He stretched his arms and yawned before he blinked his eyes open. "Jeongwoo?"

"Good morning, sleepy head. It's lunch" Junghwan chuckled as he patted Haruto's shoulder. "You have a meeting with the student council today, right?"

"We have?" Haruto shifted his direction to the treasurer who was patiently waiting for him. Jeongwoo nodded his head as an answer and confirmed, "We do"

Haruto frowned at the confirmation but stood up and nodded his head, "Can we stop by the cafeteria?"

Jeongwoo bobbed his head silently and followed the japanese out of the classroom. As they were walking towards the cafeteria, he asked his classmate, "You don't have lunch?"

"Junkyu hyung and Yoonbin hyung graduated. No one feeds me" Haruto pouted as he remembered that his meal tickets had graduated at the same time. 

"You don't cook?"

"I can but I don't have the strength to do it" Jeongwoo frowned at the answer and remembered that the japanese struggles to keep awake every morning. 

"No one cooks for you?"

"I live alone unlike Asahi hyung"

The pair entered the cafeteria and Haruto's presence created a way in the crowd making it easier for the youngest Kings member to buy his sandwiches. Jeongwoo noted that Haruto bought three large sandwiches. The japanese grinned at the treasurer who was slightly pondering, "Shall we go to the office now?"

Jeongwoo was taken slightly aback by the sudden question. He stared at Haruto with startled eyes making the japanese laugh at him amused, "You really look cute when startled. Let's go" 

"Right" Jeongwoo pouted and spun his heels to march forward to the student council office. To be honest, Jeongwoo felt his face flushing as he had not expected the sudden compliment from the usual lazy or unbothered japanese. 

Haruto followed the tan-skinned student who was walking in front of him silently. He confusedly stared at Jeongwoo as he suddenly stopped walking and turned around, it was obvious that the treasurer was embarrassed as he slightly fidgeted with the cloth covering his lunchbox. He raised his brows in amusement and waited for the boy in front of him to talk. 

Without betraying Haruto's expectation, Jeongwoo opened his mouth and suggested, "I haven't thanked you yet for helping me the other day so as a way of thanks... um if you don't mind, would you like me to prepare your portion of lunch as well?"

Haruto chuckled at the awkwardness that the treasurer was offering himself to be a meal ticket. He narrowed his eyes unconsciously, releasing his usual mischievousness. He took a step forward and patted Jeongwoo's head as he accepted the offer, "I'll be sure to look forward to lunchtime for the whole year, Woo ~"

"Hey! What's with the nickname?" Jeongwoo pouted as he fended himself from Haruto's arms. Haruto grinned and rushed towards the student council room as he screamed, "Woo! Woo! Park Jeongwoo! The last one to the room gets punishment by Yedammie"

"Yah! That's unfair! Wata- HARUTO!!!!" Jeongwoo roared as he chased after the giggling japanese. I'll ask Asahi hyung what food Haruto hates later and add it secretly on his lunchbox.

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