rewarding punishment

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Asahi stared at the tied up man in pity. He watched as Junkyu played the bottle of poison in his hand. The poison, a special request that the detective asked to Doyoung, is a non-lethal poison that causes pain fron inside the body.

"Hyung" Asahi muttered, slightly afraid of the smiling korean sitting calmly.

"Yes, Asahi?" Junkyu turned around, attention stopping to the ninja who slightly shuddered.

"M-Mashiho has returned" Asahi stuttered slightly as he reported. He has been trained as an assassin and had seen plenty of things but never had he found something more scarier than Junkyu smiling as he tortured Musashi. Death is better. Asahi concluded as he watched their prisoner convulsing in pain and tears flowing in his eyes.

Junkyu hummed in reply as he stood up from his seat, chuckling darkly. A sinister smile creeped on his lips as he remembered about one more naughty boy that needs to be taught a lesson.

Asahi sighed as soon as he heard the door close and watched Junkyu exit the room. He spared a glance to their captive and shook his head, "You pleaded for your life but is it worth it?"

Asahi withdrew his gaze from Musashi. He had planned to sever his body so that no one would be able to recognize him but Junkyu appeared and stopped him. Musashi pleaded for his life and Junkyu granted it. But, Asahi sighed once again before exiting the room. I'll bear in mind not to anger Kyu-hyung in the future.

Mashiho sat solemnly on the couch with Haruto. Jeongwoo and Junkyu had their hands placed on their waist, brows raised and irritation obviously leaking.

Junkyu, in particular, had his foot tapping impatiently in the floor. "Speak"

Mashiho gulped slightly at the pressure released by Junkyu, he slightly shivered at the coldness of his boyfriend's tone.

Haruto stared at Jeongwoo with puppy eyes and winced slightly. He used the fact that he was wounded to escape this trouble. Mashiho glared at his retainer who was sneakily trying to escape.

Jeongwoo who had not noticed the plan, obviously fell for the trick. He sighed as he helped the wounded samurai up and grumbled about the recklessness of the japanese and exited the room.

Mashiho sighed and looked up to Junkyu who was still frowning at him. "Kyu"

"No, I won't fall for your charms this time" Junkyu pouted as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, he bit his lips as he tried to restrain his tears from falling. "I won't"

Mashiho stared at Junkyu whose eyes blinked tears. He imnediately stood up and hugged the taller. "Kyu, I'm sorry"

"I was so scared." Junkyu bawled as he throw soft punches to Mashiho's chest, bending slightly to bury his head on the other's shoulder's. "I thought my heart would stop. You were not waking up for one whole week"

Mashiho comforted the crying giant in his arms, soothing him by rubbing circles in his back. "I'm sorry, Kyu". The japanese gently pushed Junkyu's body away from him to kiss the tears in the taller's eyes.

"I hate seeing you like that, Mashi." Junkyu blinked his eyes open, softly tackling Mashiho to the sofa. Both landed softly against the large couch, Mashiho stared intensely at Junkyu. The taller pressed his face against Mashiho's clavicle and inhaled the smaller's natural scent of soothing lavender. "I know that one day, you'd probably do the same thing. Get yourself in danger for the goodness of your plans"

Mashiho stayed silent. He cannot deny that. If it means that he'd be able to save Junkyu, his clan or any of his family -- he would sacrifice himself. "Mmm, I guess so."

Junkyu raised his head fo look at Mashiho eyes and smiled sadly. He placed his hands on the backrest of the sofa and needily kissed Mashiho.

The japanese widened his eyes, his and Junkyu's kisses were always soft and fleeting. Never aggressive, not like this kiss. Mashiho responded back but allowed Junkyu to establish his dominance.

They parted their mouths as soon as they ran out of air. Junkyu panted slightly, cheeks drunk with blush. He chuckled before attacking Mashiho with his quick pecks. He started for the japanese's nose, cheeks, chin, eyes,  forehead and then back to his lips. "Mashi, I've decided"

"Hmn?" Mashiho tilted his head, hands running over his brown manes.

"I never felt despair as close as seeing you losing life" Junkyu held Mashiho's waist and snaked his arms to the other's back hugging him tighter. He rested his head on the shorter's stomach and closed his tired eyes, "I'm changing majors. I want to study medicine" 

"Is it something that you love?" Mashiho used his fingers to play with Junkyu's silky midnight hair.

"It is for something that I love"

"Are you doing this for me?"

"I am"

"You don't have to do all this foe me, Kyu. What about your future? Your plans?"

"I am doing this exactly for my future. My plans. My life and my dream" Junkyu rolled slightly and sat up, he stared at Mashiho with a gentle smile. "Mashiho, I've told you a thousand times. You are my everything. And, I never have been clear of it than when I thought that you might be leaving me."

Mashiho sighed. When had his plans ever go well when it comes to his Junkyu? The japanese lifted Junkyu's chin using his fingers and kissed the other passionately. Junkyu whimpered slightly as Mashiho slightly nibbled his lips.

Mashiho grinned as he saw Junkyu in a daze after the kiss. "I was planning to do this once I graduated but"

Junkyu curiously gazed at the blue bag of charm that Mashiho took out from his pocket. The japanese asked for the taller's palms and placed a cold object atop of it.

Kim Junkyu stared at it speechless. It was a beautiful ring made of platinum There was no design to it aside from a small cut ruby and amethyst engraved delicately into it.

Mashiho flushed as he coughed, "You are not the only one thinking about the future, Kyu."

Junkyu clenched the ring and sobbed. Never had he felt so elated that everything looks like a dream. It was Mashiho that taught him joy, love and satisfaction. He was right. Mashiho was an angel, the heaven's blessing for him.

"Kim Junkyu" Mashiho smiled warmly, love overflowing in his eyes as he stared straight to Junkyu's beautiful orbs of black. Like the stars meeting the midnight sky, one completes the other like a perfect scene where one cannot be missing without the other. "Would you walk down this road with me? It would be hard and full of conflict. It might also be bloody and filled of danger. But, would you still choose to stand next to me?"

"The moment that you walked towards my desk with your playful smirk, I have already given my heart. The moment you kissed me in that ferris wheel, my life was yours to own. It is not a matter of option now , Mashi. I love you and I'll fight to be by your side"

"Good" Mashiho laughed as he sneaked a kiss on the other's lips slightly smiling. "I was quite afraid that you would say you don't like the taste of the cermonial wine."

Junkyu chuckled and punched Mashiho playfully in his shoulders. Mashiho faked a wince still grinning, "Yoroshiku-onegaishimasu, Kyu. Be with me forever"

"With pleasure, my angel."

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