5; first punch

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If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out.

"Don't let your thoughts get to you, just stay calm."

I nod my head in quick motions, letting Changbin's words echo around my head. It helped, but I'd immediately start doubting myself.

"Balance your breathing and switch your swings every now and then," he continues, keeping me grounded.

"You got this (y/n), I believe in you."

Right then the bell rings indicating the first round has commenced. Changbin climbs off the canvas onto the floor, still shouting encouraging words through the yells of the audience.

I stood up from the small stool and approached my opponent. Another girl, seemingly older than me with her brown hair up in a tight ponytail. Her eyes were dark and bore daggers into me, but I didn't let that get to me. I have to show her I'm not intimidated, even though I kinda am. Who wouldn't be?

After touching gloves, we circled each other before she stepped towards me and her arm flew out towards my face. I quickly bring up my forearms to block the blow, feeling her glove hit me with immense force.

In slight panic, I aim my right hand at her side, hitting her successfully, but she backs away and shakes it off like it was nothing. Her arms came up, ready to block, and so did mine.

It happens once again. She throws a punch to hit my face, but I block. This time though, her free hand lands a blow at my side, causing me to bend slightly forward.

"Breath (y/n)!"

After hearing Changbin, I realise the blow wasn't as bad as I thought. It hurt, but she didn't knock the wind out of me. I'm fine.

Ding, ding, ding!

I lower my arms to my sides, my body aching as the girl slowly gets up from off the canvas, the ref helping her. I walk up to them and put and arm under the girl so she could find her balance.

The ref and I walk her to her corner and sit her down on the stool, one man coming up to examine her bruises.

"You did good kid," she says, her eyes closed as the man places a white towel on her forehead.

"Thanks, you too."

She smiles.

I turn away towards my corner where Changbin stands with a wide smile on his face and his arms open. I can't help but feel proud for this first win, and I rush up to him and give him a hug.

"Thank you," I mumble into his shoulder and he laughs, pushing us apart slightly so he was just holding my biceps with his hands.

"This was all you," he says, quickly grabbing a water bottle from beside the stool. "Now let's go celebrate."

And celebrate we did.

We met up at a well known Korean BBQ place. I was happily greeted by Changbin and Dahyun when arriving, then Minho arrived with Jeongin and Woojin.

When seeing Woojin walk in behind the two boys, I was worried he would scold me for what I had put myself through. The opposite happened.

It was a tight hug, followed by encouraging and cheesy phrases only Woojin could come up with, and I was happy.

"Has he texted you yet?" I hear Dahyun ask Changbin, who sat beside her. The boy shakes his head, checking his phone in the process.

Wondering who they could be talking about, I look out towards the entrance of the restaurant. Maybe someone else was supposed to be here but couldn't quite make it.

After a quick scan and seeing nothing but strangers, I return my attention back to the table and Minho, who was teasing Changbin about his fashion choices.

"Beanies and sleeveless shirts? Explain to me how that's normal."

"You're just upset that you can't pull it off," Changbin bites back, causing Minho to laugh, along with the rest of the table.

"Did I miss the punchline?"

The laughter dies down when the new, yet familiar voice jumps in. I look up and there stood Hyunjin, a bored look on his face.

"More than that actually," Dahyun scolds, "where were you anyway?"

Hyunjin sighs, sitting down in the empty space beside me. He looked tired, the usual don't-come-near-me vibe unable to be found.


Dahyun didn't push the boy after he answered, and Changbin didn't say anything either; but I noticed their soft glances.

Hyunjin had a tough exterior, and for a while I thought we wouldn't get along.

Seems to me we're more alike than we think.


my brain stopped working and my mom was waking me up early to run errands almost all the time ㅠㅠ

i also got really discouraged bc i was really excited for this book but it's not doing well ):

please tell your friends to check it out, it would mean so much to me you have no idea

ok, I'll dip now bc it's late uwu

Love ya ♡

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