10; resentment

17 1 3

If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out.

"Chris doesn't know?"

I tilt my head at my friend, whose eyes are staring forwards as we walk down the sidewalk. He and Chris are tightknit, almost I couldn't get them apart when we were younger.

"No, we got into an argument the week before I moved."

This news baffles me further since neither came forward to let us know it even happened. At least I didn't know there was an argument. Back when Seungmin and I called almost every day, I always let Chris knew our friend was doing well. He never seemed upset or uncomfortable when I brought Seungmin up.

"How come you didn't say anything?"

The boy stops, sighing as he lowers his gaze. My eyebrows furrow as I wait for his answer. 

"You don't want to know."

He looks at me with sad eyes, a melancholic feeling overwhelming me as I process his answer, which leaves me to worry more. 

"To put it vaguely," he starts, beginning to walk again. "It was about something I had been keeping a secret, and Chirs didn't like that."

His words cause my heart to quicken its pace with anxiety. 

"I'm sure Chris can forgive you, I mean, you two are best friends!"

I try and lighten the mood and hope that I can convince Seungmin to speak with my boyfriend about the matter. If the argument happened that long ago, I'm positive Chris would forget about it. He's not the type to hold a grudge for that long, especially against someone he was so close to.

"We were, but knowing I still feel the same as I did back then, I doubt he'd want me near you."

I stop walking, repeating his words in my head to make sense of them. Seungmin stops too, looking at me with the same sad eyes. My heart breaks as I realize what he means, and I can't help but feel at fault for it. 

"It was a nice coincidence bumping into you," he says, coming to stand in front of me and taking my hands in his. 

"What happened?"

He raises my hands slightly and examines them. Fixated by the subtle confession of the boy, I forget about the bandages. His question brings me back to earth and I pull my hands away, sticking them into the pocket of my hoodie.

"I'd rather not say."

I can't bring myself to look at him, so my eyes linger on a fallen leaf that settles just above the crack of the sidewalk. Very fascinating. 

"Do you by chance know Changbin? Minho has spoken highly of him."

I sigh, bringing my hands out and in front of me. I stare at the bandages, wondering how I'm going to get away with keeping this a secret from my boyfriend if I can't even hide them from Seungmin.

"My mom lost her job..."

I go on to explain the situation, Seungmin listening intently. I close my hands into fists and shove them back into my pocket, slouching slightly in embarrassment.

"If Chris won't talk to you because of how you feel, then there's no hope if I tell him about this."

Seungmin places a hand on my shoulder, gripping gently in a comforting manner. I look up at him to see a glint in his sad eyes. 

"I guess this will be our little secret."

hey hey hey, a new part ! guess i'll just disappear for another year or so if that's cool lmao at least i updated something other than focusing on my drafts. let me know what you think! kinda need motivation to even continue with this story ): alright, i'll go now, have a good day/night mwah

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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