9; talk

19 1 2

If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out.

Felix brought me my drink, sitting in front of me afterward. I had explained to them my situation, except for some minor details.

"Why? Changbin doesn't push his trainees that hard, does he?" Felix asks, worry lacing his words.

I shake my head no, earning a relieved sigh from the two behind the counter.

"A lot is going on in my life," I say, my hands becoming fists in the pocket of my hoodie.

"And it doesn't help that I'm keeping my training a secret."

I asked them to do the same, for the sake of the ones I love, and they agreed. I ordered while Jisung went to the other register, attending a new customer. After, Felix asked if he could sit with me for a while since the early mornings weren't as active. I agreed, and now, here we are.

"So, Chris doesn't know about this?" He asks, tilting his head, his blonde hair shifting with the movement.

The sun had risen a bit more and it's rays were peeking through the glass windows. His blonde locks had a pinkish undertone, and his skin looked like caramel, dusted with dark spots.

"No, I don't know how he'd react," I answer, taking a small sip from the hot drink. "I know he wasn't that happy when Minho joined."

"The guy doesn't even actually box, right?"

"Nah, he just wants to look good," I answer, chuckling softly along with the Aussie.

"Sounds like him." He pauses for a second, before posing another question.

"What about your parents? Do they know?"

Instead of looking at him, I look down at my drink. I'm ashamed to be keeping such a thing from my mom, but it's for her good. She's already stressed about finding another job.

I shake my head as an answer, afraid that if I speak I'll break into tears again. I'm not in the right mindset to be talking about these things.

"You can trust us (y/n)," Felix says quietly. "We'll make sure to keep it between us, we'll show up to your matches too!"

I gather the urge to look up and smile at the kid, happy to have someone else by my side.

We talk for a couple more minutes before three women with button-up shirts and pencil skirts waltz up to the counter, where they're greeted by Jisung and his heart-shaped smile. I took this as a sign to leave the coffee shop, it seemed the day would get more active and I didn't want to bother the two any longer. They had a job to do.

"I guess I'll be going now, thank you for keeping me company."

Felix and I stand in unison, both of us smiling. 

"Of course, you should definitely come more often," he says as we walk side by side towards the entrance of the building. "Bring Chris too, maybe on a little date?"

"Okay, enough of you," I scold, pinching his ear playfully as he laughs softly.

Exiting the small shop, I wave goodbye to the two boys. The warm rays of the sun come in contact with my exposed skin and I smile.

"Since when did you go to coffee shops alone?"

Hearing his voice and seeing him walking towards me with those kind eyes and sweet smile was like a dream.


He chuckles and nods.

"In the flesh."

guess updates will be WAY slower.... but hey, Seungmins here so it's okay (:

Love ya ♡

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