part 18

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Today was the Founders Day parade. I didn't get picked to dress up, thank God. I am just wordering around watching my mom boss everyone around, like she always does. I see Stefan and Damon talking, and right now, i don't want to be involved in whatever supernatural problems they have gotten into. So i just sit on a bench and draw. I have this gut feeling something is going to happen, but i can't seem to figure out what it is.

Time passes by, and I notice some floats are moving to get into position. All of a sudden, i feel two hands on my waist, lifting me up off the bench im on, and a giggle excapes my lips. I turn to see Damon, who says, "Come on, we're going to miss the floats."

With that, i pack my things up and head to the crowd of people. Damon wonders off, and im stuck alone again. I get bored after about 5 minutes and walk away.

I walk around the carnival, bored out of my mind and darkness has now spread over the night sky. I notice Damon frantically walking away from Stefan and Elana. Quickly, I catch up to Damon. Gently holding his hand, making him turn to face me. Looking into those panicked blue orbes, i notice worries and fear take over.

"What's wrong." I say worried.

"Emm, nothing, you just need to go home." He says, not paying complete attention to me.

"What's going on, Damon? "

"Go back to the bording house, Ame. Now, please." I sigh and nod.

"I'll go with Tyler. He is over there. I'll ring you when im there and safe." I say, and Damon noddes. He kisses me on the fourhead, and I leave.

Coming up to Matt, Caroline, and Tyler, i sheepishly say, " Hey, could i get a ride with you, please? I dont have a car, and it's dark."

"Yeh, sure, come on." Tyler says.

We get into the car and buckle up. Im in the back with Matt, and Tyler is driving with Caroline in the passenger's seat. Suddenly, this unbearable noise hittes my ears. I put my hands on my head, and i can't hear anything except from this noise. I feel two arms around me, and i still feel the pain the noise is causing me. I see Tyler is in pain as well. An enormous, unbearable, high-pitched scream leaves my lips.

I stop screaming, but the pain is still there. He swerves the car, and it crashes. I get out as fast as i could and i fall to my knees, clenching my head still. I feel my eyes change when all of a sudden, the noise stops. I take a moment to gain my strength as I take deep breaths. Then I stand up and go to see if Caroline is ok, but before i get to her, im comsumed by darkness.


My eyes open, and i notice im in an ambulance. I try to sit up, but someone holds me down by my shoulders. I try my hardest to get free, but there are restraines on my wrists. I start to panic when i see John Gilbert next to me. My eyes widen, and i say with dread in my voice, "Where am i going? Why can't i get up?"

"You are going to be safe whether you like it or not  but for the journey, a little witch hazel to take the edge off." He says, holding a syringe. I quickly try and get out when i get this rush of power, and it takes one swift tug, and the restaurant comes off. I get up and open the doors to the ambulance. It's moving, but i dont care.

I jump out and land on my feet, crouched to the floor with one hand on the floor to help me keep balance. I notice where i am, and i feel my body have a jolt of power go through me again.

Knowing why this is happening, i take into the desire and let my animal form take control, to give in to the instinct.


I wake up to be in a hospetel bed. Looking around franticly, I see that I'm in a hospital roubes, and more importantly, I'm not alone.

I sit up, swing my legs over the bed so they are now touching the floor and get off the bed. A pair of arms help me as I lose my balance and almost fall.

"Hey, take it easy. Do you want to get in bed until the nurces come back." Elana says, but something is different.

Shaking my head no, I push her away slightly and get the clothes that were on a chair next to me and change into them.

After I'm changed, I finally say "Ok what are you doing here?"

"I don't know what you mean -" I cut her off and say, "Katherine!"

She raises her hands in sourender with a devilish smirk now being placed on her face.

"Ok. Ok, you got me. But how did you know it was me?" She questions getting closer.

"Well, the bracelet for starters. And Elana wouldn't see if I'm ok she doesn't really like me, I think. And lastly, the curles in your hair." I say while smiling triumphantly at her.

"I forgot how observant you are."She comes over to me and engulfs me in a hug, which I return.

"So you are finally out of that, he'll hole. How are you liking being a free woman." She says, letting me go but still close to her.

"It's good, except I'm living with Stefan and Damon since my dad is a d-head. So I'm not with my family." I say, looking at the floor.

"Well, you could always come and join Mason and I. " she offers, causing me to look into her brown eyes.

"As much as I would love to. I'm assuming you would like to keep a low profile of where you are. You wouldn't want a Salvatore finding you, would you." I say, walking to try and find my phone.

"Again, I forgot how inelegant you are." She says, smiling.

"Well, maybe stop comparing me to everyone else. Have you seen my phone?" I ask, not looking at her.

"You mean this phone." She says as my gaze shifts to her holding my phone."You know you and Damon are quite close. Too close."

I walk over to her and try to take my phone, but she moves it behind her.
"Don't worry. Ist nothing, we are just friends." I reasure her.

"I am just looking out for you. I don't want you getting caught in between them. Ok. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you." She says with pure worry in her eyes. After a moment of silence, she hands me my phone.

"Ok, I'm gonna go. Tyler is down the coridore if you want to see him." She informs me.

I shake my head no and reply, "i think I'm just gonna go and sleep. Maybe paint. I don't know. I'll see you soon."

I have a light smile, and she smiles back before she vamp speeds away.

I walk out and go to the door to see Stefan and Elana. I turned away but they called after me. I feel a gentle hand on my wrist, so I turn to see who it was and if it was Elana?

"Are you ok. I heard you were in the crash." I nod, and she pulles me into a hug. I feel strange, but it feels nice. She pulls away, and I turn to Stephan and say, "I'm just gonna head back. I'm  tired and I need some rest. So if you need me I'll be in bed." He noddes when I hear someone call my name.

I turn and see Sheriff Forbes, and she says, "Amethyst, I think you need to go home and speak to your mom."

"Why, did something happen?" I question.

"I'm really sorry, but it's your dad. He's....dead."

When she said the late word, I could feel my whole world crash. I run as fast as I can outside, and when I get out of the doors, I scream so loud it feels like my lungs will come out of my chest. Two arms wrap around me and pull my close to his haired chest. Tears fall down my face uncontrolabely, and I move, so I'm facing who's  ever chest that was holding me.

I look up to see big green eyes that belong to the one and only Stefan Salvatore. He picks me up bridel style, and I cry in his chest even more.

Soon, I fell asleep in his safety. 

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