part 34

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Its been two days since the two girls have been trapped in this apartment, Alaric or Klaus comes in and out to keep an eye on them, but that is about it. Its about 5:30 when klaus comes through the door and looks between the girls, one who was sitting on the counter island in the kitches sketching with her music playing loudly through her earphones, klaus gave her a mp3 player for her music, and the other who was bordely sitting on the couch.

Closing the door behind himself, he makes his way over to the young girl sitting in the kitchen. Standing behind her, looking over her sholder at the picture she was scetching, she takes out an earphone saying, "Yes, you are starring."

"Im admiring talent and skill. It's different." He teeses her.

She pauses her music and puts down her pencel, turning to klaus she asks, "As much as i enjoy being here. How long is it going to be until i can leave?"

"Im glad that you asked. Tonight, i got you some clothes to change into. I need you as backup tonight because i am going after the Bennit witch." He informs the two, whils, handing a bag to the young girl.

Trying to ignore the comment about bonnie, the young girl replies, "Crap, it's that stupid decade dance, isn't it? Please dont say i have to dress up!"she complaints. Opening the bag that was given to her, a relived sigh excaped her lips. And she says "oh thank god, when do i need to be ready for?"

"6 im gonna go and get ready, you can get chainged hear or in the bathroom." He walks to the bedroom.
(A/N: Her outfit is at the top)

She walks to the bathroom and changes. Feeling good to be in clean clother, she comes out and asks her vampire friend, "Would you like to do my hair."

They exchange smirkes and they go to the kitchen. Pulling a stool about two meater away from the island in the kitchen, the young girl takes a seat.

Still doing the young girls hair, Klaus comes out and looks at the two and says, "Are you almost ready, love?"

Katherine finishes her hair and tappes her sholder, signeling that she was now done.

Her hair was down in loose waves, and there were two small franch braides going down her head nicely.

The two make their way to the door, Klaus turns Katherine, then says, " we'll be back soon."

Katherine noddes and replies, " Be careful." Aiming that at Amethyst.

Amethyst comes to a holt just before the threshold of the door. Due to klaus compelling her not to leave unless he says otherwise. He looks at the girl and says, "You can now leave." She walks out of the apartment and walks next to klaus. Walking out of the building, they get in the car, and they drive to the Salvator bording house.

Pulling up and parking outside the bording house, klaus says to the girl "ok im going to go in, i need you to stay in the car and make sure you are not seen." The girl noddes.

He gets out of the car and walks into the bording house, leaving her alone in the car.

After a while, he comes out and gets into the car, in the drivers seat. Starting up the car he drives to the school, the journey was quick but silent. They park, and they both get out.

Walking up to the school entrance, klaus pines the girl up against the wall. Looking her in the eyes, he compels "you will not interact with anyone that is close with Elana. You will stay by my side unless I say otherwise. And you will be by my side to kill Bonnie."

When he says that a shockes expression crosses her face but she noddes in agreement.

They enter the school and go to Alaric's classroom, only to be met with the worlock that kidnapped her only days ago.

Entering the room, she closes the door behind them. Leaning against Alaric's dest, she watched the worlock put a protection spell on him. When he was finished, the young brunette was getting a strange look from both men. Standing up straight she was suddenly thrown to the wall and her arms were spelled to the wall like her body is, so she couldn't move them from the presition they were in, down by her side.

The worlock walks over to her and places one hand on her chest, near her heart, and the other on her mouth. He mutters a spell. In pain, Amethyst screams. No one could hear it because a hand was on her mouth.

After the spell, the worlock moves, and Klaus catches her in his arms.

"It's ok. It is over now. It's ok. I've got you." The British accent says to the young girl who was slowly calming down in his protection.


When she was fully calm, he released her from his embrace. The two keep very close to one another and walk out of the classroom and into the gym, where hunderds of students were dancing. Making their way to the punch bowl. Looking around, the girl turns to Klaus and says, " Could i be excuses, please?"

Looking deep in her eyes for a second, he finally replies "yes you may, but if im not hear, then use your instincts to find me. Also, don't talk to anyone."

She noddes and walks out of a door that leads out of the gym and into a hallway. Walking down, she hears voices behind her. Not able to know who's voices they were, the young girl continues to walk. Hearing footsteps getting closer to her, she simply brushes it off and keeps walking.

Stopping in her tracks, she suddenly feels her back against mettle lockers. Struggerling against this persons grip. The young brunette releases an ear pircing scream that makes the man fly actoss the hallway and vilently hites the wall. Noticing the man, she runs back into the gym and bumps into a had chest.

"What happened?" He questions as he notices she is out of breath from running.

"I, emm, i was walking, and someone pinned me up against a wall, but i.. i screemed, and he was thrown across the hallway and... and.. it was DAMON!" She finally manages to say out of breath.

His expression droppes and takes a gentel hold of her hand, and they walk out of the school.

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