part 50

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Elijah and i spent hours talking about everything and everyone. The morning sun shon through my bedroom window. He comes over to me and says "ill be back soon." He kisses my forehead and leaves.

I change and go downstairs to see what Nik is doing. I wonder around the house, not finding him, so i decide to go back upstairs when I walk past his art studio. I gaze in to see Nik painting away.

Leaning on the door frame, i stand there for a while admiring him, until i finally say, "painting anything nice?"

"Yes. You could say that. But i much prefer watching you paint. Your mind works differently. it's fascinating." He tells me.

Feeling my cheeks heating up, I look down at my feet. Seconds later, I walk into the room, go towards a pile of his work, and look through the different paintings and drawings. I come to a stop when i see this one piece.

As soon as I stop, silence spreads around the room. "What's wrong, Thyst?" He asks curiously, not moving from his spot.

"This is mine. I remember a while ago i let Elijah take one of my paintings. I didn't have any room, so i was going to throw them away." I tell him as I alow the memory quickly pass thou6my mind..

"Well, you are very talented. And to be honest, everyone loves your art. There are different pieces all over the house." He stops what he is doing, puts the brunch down, then he stands to turn to face me. "Also, we are having a meal with the three of us and the Salvator brothers. There are dresses in your closet, you can pick whichever one you want to wear. The meal starts in an hour." He informs me.

I nod and go to my room to get changed. (Her outfit for the evening is at the top. I hope you enjoy it.) I let my hair fall down my back in its natural dark brown waves.

I walk downstairs to see girls walking around trying to organise everything.

"Thyst, you look stunning as always." I hear Nik say happily behind me.

"Thank you. It doesn't take a lot." I tell him with a smirk on my lips as he chuckles at my coment.

After a while, everything is organised, and i hear Elijah say, "Niklaus out guests have arrived."

Stefan and Damon walk in with Elijah behind them.

"Damon, Stefan. Elijah tells me you seek an audience, very bold, let's discus the terms and agreements like civilised men. Shall we." He says, gesturing to the table that i was already sitting at.

Elijah walks past Damon and says "its better to indulge him."

Stefan cones down and says 'emotionlessly' "I didn't come hear to eat klaus. In fact, i didn't even want to come at all, but i was told i had to because you would hear us out."

Stefan and Nik are quite close to each other now, and im getting worried for Stefan.
He may have this act and be fooling everyone, but i can see straight through it, and im sure Nik can as well.

"Well, we can sit and eat, or i can reach down your thoughts and pull out your insides." Nik threatens as he takes a seat. "The choice is yours,"he gestures to the table that Nik and I are sitting at.

Eventually, the boys settle down and take the easy option, and sit down while the girls arrange everything. But i have this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, like they are planning something, and its big. I don't know, maybe it's just me, so I decide to try and shake the feeling away.

The boys start to bicker like six year olds, and honestly, I've zoned out. Since the meal has begun, this feeling is uneased, getting stronger.

The boys talk about Elana and the original Doppelganger and other things. But i still dont know where i stand with the two families. I love them both deeply.

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