part 21

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It feels like someone is shaking me. My eyes slowly begin to open, and I see Elana next to me. "What happened. Where are we?" I question confused.

She explained that a man and a woman kidnapped us and was going to give us over to someone called Elijah.

A man comes in and says, "Good, you are awake. I'm glad."

"What do you want with me. I have nothing to do with this." I say thinking about the curse and Elana's role is it.

"You don't fit into it, but you are the last of you kind,a Banshee." He says, looking at me.

A woman comes in, and the man leaves. After a while, he comes back in, and it looks like he is scared. "He's here. I told you it was a mistake." He comes down the staircase that leaders out of the room.

"No, I'll sort it out, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me." The woman with a pixe hair cut says in her thick British accent.

"NO. He wants me dead, Rose." She raises his voice in fear.

"He wants them more." She says back at him.

"I can't do this. You give them to him, and he will have mercy on you. But I need to get out of here." He panics even more.

She goes over to him and says, "Hey, what are we."

"We are family.Forever." He replies, calm.

Suddenly their was a bang upstairs. I notice Elana's body instantly tens up. The woman goes up to see the noise, whereas the man paces back and forth. I go to Elana and stand next to her.

"I wish I could hear what they were saying." She whispers to me.

"I can hear them. I'm part wolf, remember. Do you want me to eavesdrop?"I whisper back.

Realisation is in her eyes, and she nods. I listened to the conversation between Rose and Elijah. When I hear loudly, "What are they saying?" Elana whispers, but it sounds like she is shouting to me.

"Just that Elijah is a noble man. I think they were standing up to come-" I cut myself off when I feel a strong presence by the stairs. I turn, and so does Elana.

My eyes look up to a man with dark hair and pail skin. He is wearing a dark blue suit, and he does look nobel.

Within seconds, he is in front of Elana, and she jumps back ever so slightly. She is breathing quickly out of fear. He moves close to her. If they were any closer, their body's would be touching, and he leaned down and smelled her neck. Then he says like he can't believe what he sees before him. He stands up straight and says, "Human. Impossible."

He looks down at her and says as if he was speaking to an infant. "Hello there."

All of a sudden, I hear voices having an argument in my head. I cluch me head, and luckerly no one notices. I fall to my knees, and during their conversation, I hear the voices say that Trever (the man) was going to die.

I feel a presence above me, and the voices become instantly quiet. I look up to see Elana by my side and Elijah staring down at me in confusion.

I look at Trever and whisper "Trevor I know you can hear me. You need to run. He is going to kill you." He looks at me like I'm lying and in disbelief.

Looking back at Elijah, he has a courious spark in his eyes. "Well, I haven't seen one of your kind in a very long time." He says as he offers his hand. Hesetently, I place my hand in it and stand up.

"Well, we have a long journey ahead of us -" I cut Elijah off by saying, "No. I'm not going, and neither is Elana." I stand infrount of her proactively even though she isn't my favarate person in the world.

He comes over to me with amusement on his face. "Oh, really. And who might I ask is going to stop me."

With conference I say "me!"Then I scream and move my hands to him, and he goes flying to a wall, hitting it hard. I stop, and his body falls to the floor. Out of nowhere, I feel a hand on eather shoulder, and my back hits a wall. I close my eyes and let out an animal like grown.

With a strong, gentle hand, my chin is lifted, and I open my eyes, knowing that they had changed into the beautiful amber/gold colour that I love.

"You are a werewolf and a Banshee. Remarkable." He says, looking at me with amazed eyes. Still keeping eye contact, Elijah says, "You will not attack me again."

Feeling relaxed and not wanting to attack him anymore realisation hits me. He just compelled me. Dammit!

Hearing the voices get loider, i zone out of the conversation everyone else had in the room until I have this erge to scream. I let out an ear piercing scream, and I feel arms wrap around me. As I stop and tears fall down my face and my breathing becomes heavy. Feeling a tight, firm grip on my upper arm, I'm forced to stand up and looking around to see Rose weeping and Elana on the other side of Elijah with his other hand on her upper arm as well.

"Come along, we have a long journey ahead of us." He says as he starts to walk with us still in his grasp.

"What about the moon stone? I know you need it. And I know where it is." Elana says quickly.

"Where is it." He says calm.

"It doesn't work like that." She spits at Elijah, and he lets go of me and puts his full attention to Elana.

"Elana, what are you doing. Stop." I say annoyed at her.  Elijah looks at me amused. He moves his look to Elana and then to Rose, who says bitterly, "It's the first I've heard of it."

He turned to Elana and looked in her eyes then Elijah came and stood in front of me. Knowing exactly what he was going to do, i try and look away, but before I can do much, he puts his hand on the side of my face and makes me look into his eyes.

"Where is the moon stone?" He asks, getting impatient.

Without knowing it, I answer, "Underneath the church ruens."

"And what is it doing there?" He questions again.

A shaky breath escapes my lips, and then i say, "It's with Katherine."

He smiles in amusement, and then a crashing sound is heared from upstairs. I feel myself swaying slightly, then I feel a tug on my upper arm again, and I'm now leading up the stairs with Elana. 

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