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Name: Dimitri Belikov

Age: 25

Hobbies: Training,Reading,Yoga,Listening to Lilly sing, Making Lilly laugh.

Friends: Lilly Hathaway

Hate's: Evil,Liers,Know it alls,Wannabes, Lilly getting hurt.

Personality: Protective, Smart, Great Fighter, Funny, Romantic, Serious, Strong.

Bio: Hey, I don't like talking about myself so point being.I am in love with my friend Lilly Hathaway,the Queen of the Moroi's and the principal at the Achedmy thinks I should ask her out.Apart of me wants to while the other is afraid that she might not love me back.But right now we are looking for her stupid little sister and princess Lissa.We had to split up to cover more ground.But that's all I am going to say, Bye.

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