year 2 | polyjuice potion

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It's your second year of Hogwarts. The rumor of the heir of Slytherin spread the whole school. You and the golden trio has decided to brew polyjuice to turn yourselves into Slytherins to get some information from Malfoy about the chamber of secret.

The brewing process finally has finished. You four drinks the polyjuice in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. You turns into Pansy while Harry and Ron turn into Goyle and Crabbe. Unfortunately, Hermione turns into a cat-like girl. She can't go with you three.

You three walk along the corridor and meet Malfoy accidentally. He leads you all into the common room of Slytherin. 'Well, sit. ' says Malfoy and sits on the crouch simultaneously.

Harry and Ron keep asking questions, they also nearly ruin the plan because of their anger. Suddenly, Harry and Ron discover they are changing back to themselves. They run out of the common room and you want to follow them, but it's too late.

'Hey, where are you three going? ' he asks confusedly and grabs your hand. 'Pansy, don't go with them, stay here. ' you want to get out from his hand but he grips you too tightly, you can't even let go.

You give up. You are now just begging Merlin to give you more time, not transform back to yourself right in front of him.

You can see your tiny scar is appearing on your little finger. You know you will turn back to yourself within a few minutes.

'About your question which you asked before holidays, I can now answer you.' he moves closer to you and puts his anothe hand on your face.

You gulp.

'It's a no. I like someone else, although she will never like me back. I can't ignore my feelings for her. I'm sorry.' He says sadly and looks at his shoes.

You don't know you have already transformed back to yourself, you are just interested in who he likes, even forget you are in an urgent situation. 'Who? ' your voice is trembling with interested.

His eyes look away from his shoes and gaze at you. You meet his gaze and you can see your reflection in his icy blue-grey eyes. You can easy to tell they are in shock and you have already turns back to yourself.

'(Y/F/N). ' he doesn't let you go, he must think that the girl in front of him is his imagination.

Your eyes widen. Malfoy is the one who always teases you. He must be the last one who fancies you.

'Why? You treat me really bad. ' you don't care about your situation in this moment, you just care why Malfoy likes you.

'You are nice, caring and pretty. I tease you because I want to get your attention and also you are Potter's friend. ' he says honestly.

His moves closer and closer. You close your eyes, you can feel his lips touch yours gently and kiss. You kiss back before you notice what you are doing and pull away.

'(Y/S), I know it's you. You are not Pansy. You are not my imagination. You are (Y/F/N). Please don't leave me.' he hugs you tightly. You know he is lonely.

You don't dare to move, you afraid if you move, the boy will lose all his hope but despair. 'Luckily, I like you too. ' you whisper in his ear.

He pulls away and looks deeply in your eyes. He doesn't believe. 'Really? ' his voice is trembling. 'I swear. ' you smile at him sweetly.

He hugs you again and says, 'I love you, (Y/N). Sorry if I have hurt you before. ' 'I love you too, Draco. It's alright.'

Finally, he let you go reluctantly after kissing you goodbye and you head to Myrtle's bathroom to find your friends, who are extremely worried.


'(Y/N), Merlin, we are so worried! Where have you been? ' Ron yells excitedly. 'As you know I can't leave there in time, Malfoy can see me, the actual me. ' You say calmly. 'Bloody hell! Did he do anything bad to you? ' Ron gapes in shock and asks. 'He did nothing bad if you don't think... ' you gulp, 'kissing is matter. ' 'What? ' Harry and Ron 's jaws drop, 'Malfoy love you, (Y/N)! Bloody hell! He knows what is called love! I can't believe it! '

You can't help laugh but you agree what Ron has said, it's strange if Malfoy knows love you think.

The next day, you are still having you Christmas holiday. Harry and Ron go to the hospital wing to Hermione and you stay at the Great Hall alone. 

'Hey, (Y/L/N),' a voice greets, 'where's Scarhead and Weasel-bee?' 

It's no one but Draco Malfoy who is looking around, tries to find your friend. 'At the hospital.' you answer him briefly and keep on eating your breakfast. He then sits next to you and looks at you who is eating. You feel shy that someone gazes at you when you are having your breakfast. 'Can you stop gazing me? It's awkward! ' you stop eating and say. 'No, I can't take my eyes off of you. ' he winks at you playfully.

You can't help blushing. You can easy to tell your face is redder than Ron's hair.

He laughs at your reaction, 'Shy girl is really cute. '

You blush more furiously. He grabs your hand and drags you out of the Great Hall.

'Hey, where are we going? ' you ask tentatively.

He ignores you and keeps on running with your hand in his. You feel happy that there is no one in the corridor. You two run to the Black Lake which has frozen into ice now. He lets slip out of you hand and smiles when he sees the snow. He is not a bully at school no more. He is just a innocent boy. You can't help smiling when you see him laughs happily in the snow.

You feel something wet and cold hits the back of your head suddenly. You turn around and see Draco is giggling. You make a snowball and then throw him back. You throw it right on his handsome face. 'Ahhhhh! ' Draco yells in pain and he falls on the ground which covers with snow. 'Are you okay? ' you run to him and kneel down besides him. 'Oh Merlin! I can't see anything! ' he yells.

You lean in and check his face. Suddenly, you are pulled by him and you are now right on his chest. He leans in and kisses you passionately. You kiss him back and you can't stop wondering why he can kiss so well. His palms are placed on your back and pushing you closer and you caress his face during the kiss.

You pull away after a few minutes of kissing 'Why you can see me? You said you couldn't see anything! You liar! ' you say, acting like you are angry. 'Because you are the apple of my eyes. ' he smirks, whispers in your ear.

You blush. He is really good at making girls feel happy. He is so sweet. 'Did you have a girlfriend before? ' you ask him shyly. 'No, you are the first one, if you love to be mine. ' he picks your nose playfully. 'Have you ever kissed a girl before? ' 'No, you are the first one, if you don't count my mum. ' he then leans in and pecks you on your lips, 'By the way, (Y/N), you have to keep fit, I can't breath! ' he moans.

You realize you are still on his chest. You try to get up as fast as you can but he grips your wrist.

'I'm just kidding. You are the best, the prettiest, the kindest girl I ever met.' he says genuinely.

Your forehead is on his now and you meet his icy blue-grey eyes. You can easy to tell he's serious at this moment.

'You are the best, the handsomest, the sweetest boy I ever met. I love to be yours, Draco.' you whisper in his ear shyly.

'Thanks Merlin! (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is mine! The best girl in the world!' he says excitedly and helps you to stand up simultaneously.

He grabs your hand and you two run back to the castle hand in hand.

Draco Malfoy x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now