after hogwarts | 1 month 31 days 744 hours

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Magic brought miracles - that's what you always believed before your husband had diagnosed with a fatal disease. The Muggle doctor said it's too late to discover, there's nothing can be done. You'd never thought about that there were some illnesses couldn't even be cured by potions or healing spells. In 2014, 163,444 people's lives in Britain were taken away by this certain type of disease.

"Cancer. Liver cancer. Stage 4. Sorry, Mr. Malfoy, there's nothing we can do now. You have only one month to live," the doctor announced before you two left his office.

Draco Malfoy always looked pale and slender but you'd never seen him this white and thin. Even the slightest pink was no longer found on his cheeks. Last time you'd seen him so sick, was in Sixth Year, when he's struggling to complete the assassination task assigned by Lord Voldemort. But, he looked much worse than that currently. From Draco's features, you found what the doctor said was plausible. Draco didn't have much time left.

You tried your best not to cry in front of your ill husband, but completely failed when he held your hand and gave it a squeeze. The silent comfort was more than enough to break you down and make you cry. He smiled at you sadly and gently placed a kiss on the top of your head.

"Don't be sad, love. Try not to think we only have one month left, instead, try to think we still have one month,"

You nodded, tears spilling over, feeling ashamed of your vulnerability. It should be Draco, who needed support and comfort at this moment.

"24 hours a day, 31 days a month. We still have 744 hours. Sounds much better, right?" he continued.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this with me. The last 744 hours I have, I promise, I'm gonna cherish and spoil you the best I can. I'm gonna love you with the future 100 years amount of love. I'll make sure you're the happiest and the most fortunate woman in the world. Thank you so much for coming into my life. You've brought so much joy and love into my life. Thank you so much for saying 'yes' and letting me in your life. I hope I've done the same to you. Although I've had almost everything since my childhood, you're the best thing I've ever had in my life. I'll still love you even when I'm not around you. If I had a choice, I'd like to stay beside you till we grow old and die. Sorry, but I have to go first and leave you behind. If there's hereafter, I hope to meet you and love you again. I can never get tired of loving you. You may be enough of me saying this, but I love you."

That was something Draco had said to you one and a half month ago. He didn't break any of his promises and had cherished and loved you with all his might. Now, he's already joined Death and they probably have become friends.

Liver cancer has taken your husband's life. There's no magical way to cure the disease and the Muggle biotechnology is still not good enough and needs to be improved. Today, someone shared a donate link with you. They're trying to raise 5000 pounds to supporting the Planets charity, Southampton, into researching Pancreatic, Liver and Neuroendicrine Tumours. You didn't want to see people losing their beloved ones to cancer and experiencing bereavement and depression like yourself, so you decided to take part in it and share the website with your friends and family. You know your husband is going to be so proud of you.


Share this with your friends and family. Help the cancer research. Help the patients.

My friend, Alannah, is now holding a fund-raising event on JustGiving for the Pancreatic, Liver and Neuroendocrine Tumours research, to help the cancer patients and her mum, who is suffering from terminal cancer. It doesn't matter if you don't have the money to donate, sharing this with your friends and family already helps a lot. Either donating or spreading the donate link means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy the imagine too. Share this imagine with someone you think they're going to enjoy or interested in helping the cancer research. Thank you so much.

Cathy xx

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