year 2 | quidditch tryout

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I have gone to the house team tryout. Although I don't really know the rule of Quidditch, I can fly quite well. I'm not obsessed with Quidditch before getting to Hogwarts, but I enjoy flying. After watching the matches last year, seeing Harry Potter who was a first-year, same as me could do a really impressing job, I begin to get fond of Quidditch. I've decided to play for my house.

"Chasers come here!" the Captain Flinch instructs.

I only know Chasers need to put the ball into the rival's goal and always fly around the pitch. This job is so suitable to me. I'm good at flying.

"First, one of you needs to handhold a Quaffle while the other need to try your best to get the Quaffle and every time the one who holds the Quaffle will change,"

As I'm a second-year, the youngest one, the big boys force me to be the first one to hold the Quaffle.

I hold the Quaffle tightly and take off, while the others besiege me. They strike me, bump me. They don't even care whether I'm a girl or not. But I won't let off the Quaffle.

I begin to fly up and down quickly, but I still can't get rid of them. I dive. Sprinting towards the ground, I smile and go up just before I would dash into the ground. I seem to have got rid all of them and I throw the ball into the goal.

I look down and see the other big boys lying on the grass as if a small hill, giggling. Someone claps his hand. Turning around to check who that is, I see a boy with white blond hair in a house team robes. He is in the same year with me – Draco Malfoy.

I descend and get off my comet 260 while he is approaching me. I raise a brow to see what he is going to talk about. Although we're in the same house and same year, we've never talk.

"That's cool," he smiles and nods at the small hill of big boys.

"Thanks," I blush a bit. He's so cute in the Quidditch robes! "By the way, which position you're going to try?"

"I don't come here for the tryout. I'm already in the team. I'm the Seeker," he says proudly. "I think you're going to be in the team too," he nods at captain Flinch, who is heading to us.

"(Y/S), you're going to be one of our Chaser," Flinch says with a quite disgusting smile and shakes my hand. "And you're going to have a new Nimbus Two Thousand and One, each of the team members will have one, Draco's father gave us,"

Draco extends his hand after Flinch has gone to select for the other positions. I take it and shake it.

"Welcome to the house team," he doesn't let my hand go and smiles.

"Thanks," I gaze at our hands, blushing.

He finally releases my hand.

"You will be a good Chaser,"

"You will be a good Seeker, but–" I swallow. "Tell you something... I don't know the rules..." I whisper in his ear.

"It's okay, let me tell you all these," he whispers back.

"The game is played by two teams of seven people – three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and one Seeker and involves four balls – a Quaffle, two Bludgers, and a Golden Snitch," he paces around the pitch along with me.

"The Keeper guards the goal posts, while the three Chasers, your position, score goals with the Quaffle by tossing it into one of the opposing team's three goal posts. The two Beaters keep the Bludgers away from their team and hit the Bludgers towards the opposing team, and the Seeker, that's me, catches the Golden Snitch to end the game. The team whose Seeker catches the Snitch is awarded 150 points, but this does not necessarily mean they will win if the other team still has more points after the Snitch is caught," he stops walking and looks at me, who stands next to him. "Is it clear enough?"

"Yes, thanks so much, Draco," I beam at him. "I can't wait to play Quidditch with you,"



"You don't need to wait, we can play now, come on," he grabs my hand and drags me back to the other side of the pitch. "And try your new broom,"

I smile and run after the enthusiastic boy. I can easy to know his obsession with Quidditch. He hands me the new broom which is black and silver and with revolving stirrups.

"Wow," I'm amazed due to the pretty appearance of the broom.

"It doesn't get good looks without substantial ability, try it,"

We mount our brooms together and fly into the sky. It's much faster than my Comet 260. Draco and I are flying with the same speed, flying around the pitch. But suddenly, he looks shocked.

"(Y/S), watch out!" he points at the back of me.

I turn my head around and see something black sprinting towards me and hit my head before I can dodge it. Then everything becomes black.

My eyelids are like heavy stones, I can barely open my eyes. I guess I am in the hospital now as I see the simple white ceiling. My hand is exceptionally warm and something soft and fluffy is on my forearm. I pat it with my hand to try to figure what it is, it moves which makes me surprised.

"You're awake at last," a voice says.

It's Draco. He looks up and smiles at me.

"How long have I been here?"

"A week,"

"A week?" I can't believe I have stayed in the hospital for a week.

"Yea, you really made me so worried. A Bludger hit your head and you fell off the broom, luckily I can caught you before your head collide with the ground. Your head was bleeding so furiously at that time... I flew you the window of the hospital wing and then me and Madam Pomfrey carried you to the bed," he says softly, squeezing my hand. "I was so worried that you would never wake up again despite of knowing Madam Pomfrey can cure everything,"

"Sorry for making you worried about me, now I'm fine," I pat his head and grin.

He stretches out a hand and pinches my nose playfully.

"Welcome back," he smirks.

Suddenly, I hear someone snickering. I look at the door and see Draco's friends, Crabbe and Goyle. They look so stupid while they're laughing.

"Malfoy, we have spent our whole weekend here with you, when can we leave?" Crabbe grunts.

"Why do we have to come here with you every day? You can come here yourself. We have wasted our snacks periods here..." Goyle grumbles.

"Fine, you two can go now!" Draco shouts at them grumpily and waves his hand.

"You come here every day?" I raise a brow and stare at him after the fat boys have left.

His face reddens and he looks away from me, nodding.

"Thank you so much, Draco," I lean in and peck on his cheek.

He touches the place I've kissed him subconsciously and his face is redder and redder. Folding his arms in front of the chest and still not looking at me, he says, "No problem at all,"

I suddenly feel my head as if is going to explode. It's so painful.

"Urgh, my head..." I touch my head and whimper.

He spins his head around quickly. We're just too close because of the thank you kiss. His lips touch mine. I can see his grey eyes widen in shock and we both pull away after we know what's happening.

"Sorry," we say and blush together.

Smiles spread across our faces and we giggle together.

"Are you okay, by the way?" he asks after we stop laughing like idiots.

"Yea, my head is not that painful after the kiss,"

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