Knowing that You Don't Know what's Next ~ Chapter 6

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( The thing up top, idk it's cute ok. It reminded me of Star cause when she's super happy a pink star is in her left eye and a teal one in her right X3 . . . Hope you enjoy ^^)

Luna's POV

I was just sitting on Falina's couch staring at the TV. I wasn't watching anything cause the TV was off. That's why I was glad to hear Falina's goaning butt coming down the stairs. He never liked waking up this early, especally weekends, but Strawberry always woke him up. If you're wondering, no Strawberry is not her real name. Her name is Salina, but we know another Salina. So, Falina was like "I'm calling you Strawberry~", and smirked while saying it. I chuckled at what Strawberry's reaction was. She jumped out of the chair that she was sittting in looking like an accual strawberry, and ran out of the class room. I snapped back into reality when I felt a someone shacking my shoulder. I look to see Falina pis- I mean mad with her eyebrows narrowed looking down at me since I was sitting and he was standing. 

"What are you doing here!?" He asked sitting down next to me. 

"I didn't want to go home since Pj might be looking for me," I said while getting up and going to his kitchen. There was soda on the counter so I grebbed the huge bottle of soda, opened it, and drank it from the bottle. "I'm not in the mood to talk about Pj right now, so don't say anything inspiring dude," I said straight faced not looking at him. He walked over to me and leaned back into the counter on the right side of me. I finished the bottle of soda and throw it like a basket ball into the recylcing. I looked over to Falina and he rolled his eyes. I chuckled and went back to the couch. Strawberry comes down and looks at me like I'm a huge as- I mean huge spider sitting on their couch. "I am I scary now?" I asked getting up with my left bown rased while grabbing my bag off the coffe table next to the couch. She shook her head and walked over to me. She then got closed to my ear by having to go on her tippy toes ( OMGLOLXD . . . she's 5'7 and she's in her second year of high school XD )

"Pj texted me what happened," she said while sounding serious. She never does! "I know you're upset and Pj knows too, so go talk things out with him," she said then went back down away from my ear and smiled. "Cause you and him are best friends, right?" I looked at her with a shooked looked. We were! We ARE! I have to go say sorry! I nodded with a confidient smile. I opened the door and ran off to Pj's house. I didn't look back, and I will tell him everything I feel! But. . . will he forgive me . . . 

Star's POV

I woke up and looked around. I didn't see Galix. I quickly got out of the bed almost tripping and went down stairs. I looked around and saw him in the kitchen with his parents ( If you're wondering why I haven't told you anything about Galix's parents. Well, it's because he doesn't have parents in his accual AU, and I shipped him with Star when I made her. I'm working on his parents ok, just give me some time QwQ ) I giggled cause I saw him drop an egg on his foot. I walked over and everyone looked at me. 

"Umm, you ok Galix?" I said while grabbing paper towles for him to wipe off the egg. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," He said while taking the paper towel, "So, how did you sleep?" 

"I slept good with you next to me," I answered while blushing a bit. I looked at him to see being a blushing mess. I giggled and grabbed a cup so I could get some water. "It was nice to feel your warmth. . . even though you're a skeleton," I said while giggling. I turned on the water and started to fill my cup. I gasped when I felt someone put there arms around my hips from behind me. I look to see Galix. I heard footstaps leave the room, meaning that me and Galix were alone. I blushed brighter than before and looked back to my cup. I was almost filled, but then I heard a voice in my ear.

"Did you feel protected?~" wispered Galix in my ear. I blushed more and noded. "Did you feel happy?~" he asked while leaning in closer to me. I bluhsed even more and noded again. I put his face into my neck and I felt as if he was going to kiss it, but he didn't. He let go of me and walked to the stove and coninued to cook the food. 'YOULITTLEBUTTNUGGET!' when I then felt a cold on my hand. I looked to see the water over flowing from my cup. I dumped some out and turned off the water quickly. I looked over to Galix who looked really claim. I smirked and drank some of my water. My smirk dissapred when Galix looked at me and stuck his tounge out like he was sexy . . . I mean he is so it worked  . . . I'm a tomato again >/////////<

Word count: 924 OwO

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope it's not super short QwQ I didn't know what to do and this is the what came out XD I hope that you guys have a wonderful day/night ^^

Stay Happy, Live Life, and Always See The Light OwO

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