Why is Love hard? ~ Chapter 3

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      ~Luna's POV~

I had already gotten my lunch nd was sitting with Falina, Strawberry, Swapfell, and Dust. Falina was vaping since none of the teachers ever watched the students during lunch. Strawberry was on her phone doing something. And SF and Dust were too close to each other. I took a bite out of my burger and looked at my tray. It had a my cola bottle, Ruffles ( Chedder flavor ), and my phone right next to it. I looked at my outfit for the day and saw that Iwas wearing my sleevless crop top that was red with my black jeans. I was also wearing red socks with my balck Vans. I didn't noticed that I had finished my burger after starting to watch Falina and Strawberry getting lovey dovey. I grabbed my cola and opened and took a sip. 

     "Hey there~" was what I heard behind me and I spitted out the cola out of my mouth onto SF by accident.  I quickly looked behind me knowing that  it was Pj using the most sexy voice he ever used. I was blushing as if I was cosplaying as a tomato. "Wow, you good, Luna?" He asked starting to reach his hand out to me. I slaped it and glared at him. He seemed suprised and a little confused. "Umm, Luna?"

     "Don't 'Umm, Luna' me!" I yelled. "Why didn't you just tell me you didn't love me? Instead you find an adorable nerd that's a guy! So, you're gay now, Pj?!" I yelled again and started to get up out of my seat. 

    "Wait, you're mad that I'm gay?!" Pj started to get louder and looked a little mad, but Ididn't care. I was too mad.

    "NO IDIOT! I'm mad that you didn't tell me you didn't like me back!" I paused after I said that. "DId you know that I liked you? . . ." Iasked not yelling. HE blushed and looked aways and looked back at me. 

     "no . . . I didn't . . ." and both of us went quiet and let the sound of over 100 kids talking making kill our ears. "You . . . liked me?" He asked and looked at me still blushing. Iblushing more, if that was even possable me being a tomato at the moment. 

     "Yes . . . and I'm sad you didn't notice," was what I told him before Igot up running away to go find Star. I needed my little sis.

    ~Star's POV~

I had found Fresh and Alphys sitting together at the school football field eating their lunch. I didn't get a lunch cause I wasn't hungery. I was going to ask Fresh how him dating Pj was going for him until I heard running behind me. I look over to see Luna towards me . . . crying!? Iquickly got up ran over to Luna and hugged her as tight as I could. 

      "He didn't know I liked him, Star!" She yelled under all of her tears. "I don't care that he's gay for a nerd anymore I just want to be his friend forever!" She yelled again and continued to cry in my shoulder by leaning down since she was way taller than me. She was like 6'7 while I was 6'1 and we were only a year apart from each other. I'm 16 and she's 17, plus she has a car that looks like it's a car that belongs to a millionare. I mean both my moms have good jobs. Mom nuber one has a job of being a pro athlet and mom nuber two is the head sicentist of the Monster Lab. Oh! I forgot to say that all four of us are half human, half monster ( Skeleton ). Igot snapped out of y htoughts when the bell rang telling me I had to get ready for Gym. Luna let go of me without saying anything and we both smiled at each other knowing that both of us had to go to Gym.

*Time Skip brought to from me being a lazy poop QWQ*

I had gotten changed and walked into the gym and looked for Galix since he was in this class too, I found him talking to Cill, but I ran over and hugged Galix from behind.

    "Galix!" I yelled happily, I felt him jump and he looked back at me almost kissing me. I blushed as if I was cosplaying as a . . . . . wait Luna already? Well Idon't care cause it's funny. Well, you ruined it IQ! *sigh*anyways back to the story.

     "Star you scared me!"he yelled making me giggle and letting him go. He rolled his eyes an giggled too. Cil left us alone to go see Pj. I looked at Galix and blushed more than I think I ever have before. He started to bluch too, so I quickly looked aways for a bit then looked back. He wasn't blushing anymore, but he was so sEXy! He was also tall s heck, 6'5 to be specifice, so that meant he was shorter then Luna. ButSILlTALlerThanME!  . . . I looked aways again. "So, you're coming to my house todnight right?" 

     "Oh, yeah! Sorry, I got something on my mind," I answered losing most of my blush. He was so nice, but I always look at the crack that was from the bottom left eyesocket leading the bottom of his face. And yes, he is a skeleton. "You're so hansome," I said when he looked away to wavy to someone.

     "What?" he said looking back at me. I got my blush back and ran away. ( A/N: What Star didn't know was that Galix did hear what she said~ OWO )


Here you go guys! I made another one UwU 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I feel like it's short, but Idk QWQ

Anyways, if you have any questions you may ask and if you guys want a chapter just of Star and Galix, or a chapter bio for them both. I can do anything to not make me bored, so please ask me to do things ^^ Well, bye <3

Stay Happy, Live Life, and Always See The Light OwO

( If I made any grammer mistakes or spelling mistakes please tell me ^^ )

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