A Cloudy Afternoon

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The afternoon was oddly cloudy for an September, but Destiny Baker, a twenty seven year old woman didn't notice because all she wanted to do is pick up her daughter, Sky from Kindergarten. Everything went out normally, except for when Destiny and other parents went to get their children. The kindergarteners turned themselves into a bundle, presumably trying to protect themselves and each other from an unknown threat but when their parents came up, they loosened up and ran happily towards their mommies and daddies. Sky was one of them, she rushed her way to her mother's car, opened one of the back doors, and hopped onto the seat swiftly. "You look excited," Destiny cooed at her daughter, Sky yelled excitedly, "Mama, Mama! Look what I got from my best friend Emma!", Sky showed her mother a rock covered in little specks of multicolored Crayola chalk, little Sky looked so happy, especially since it's a Friday.
So, as weekly tradition, Destiny asked Sky if she wanted anything. For this Friday, Sky wanted McDonald's, to which, the drive there was not very long, at the Drive-Thru, Destiny ordered a Happy Meal for Sky, and for herself, a nice salad and a cup of coffee.

After that, Destiny and Sky were back home to Cherrywood Apartments, Destiny drove to her parking spot and parked her car. Sky unbuckled her seat belt and waited for her mother to get her out, and when Destiny opened the car door, she saw that her daughter already unbuckled herself, something that frightened but impressed her as she helped Sky out of the car and to number C2, which is her apartment number.
The girls took their McDonald's meals with them and inside the two bedroom apartment. When they finished bringing everything inside, Destiny took her salad and coffee into her room and turned on her laptop just she can do her second job while having lunch, meanwhile, Sky was eating her Happy Meal while playing with the plastic My Little Pony doll and watching shows on Cartoon Network to entertain herself while her mother worked. While in the middle of watching Camp Lazlo, Sky's father figure and neighbor, Marshall Rockford walked in to see Sky playing with her new toy and watching cartoons, "Hey Sky, having a great life it seems. So, where did you get that pretty pony?" Marshall said to Sky, she announced to him that she got it from McDonalds, he shook his head nostalgically and wandered around for her mother to see how's she doing. "Sky." Marshall spoke once more to the little girl, "Yes, Marshall?" said Sky, curious about what Marshall wants from her, he asked her about which room of their apartment Destiny was in.
Sky said bluntly to him, "In her room, doing her one of her two jobs."

Marshall found one of the doors, and knocked on it, no response. One more door was knocked, and it made Destiny shout, "Marshall, is that you? My room's left of the bathroom!", "Yes, it's me! Also, left of the bathroom? Thanks for letting me know!" Marshall shouted back, and followed Destiny's directions. He found a door with two cats, and those cats belonged to Destiny. Marshall opened the door to find Destiny doing work on her laptop, "How's work, Des?" he asked her politely, she paused her work, and turned around to see Marshall is his favorite polo, white jeans, and a Giants baseball cap, he approached her with his usual small, docile smile. Destiny, smiling back replied, "My work is going a lot more smoothly than last week.", "That's good to hear. Well, I'm just here to see how you and Sky are doing." Marshall explained to her, as he went back to his number, C5 for the night.

After her work was done, Destiny noticed that it was 9PM, meaning that it's bedtime for Sky, Destiny walked through the apartment to find her daughter, in her room, and in bed, with the lights off and snuggling with her stuffed animals. Destiny sighed with relief as she slowly closed the door and went to back to her room to go to sleep.

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