The Return of Tod

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In a very white, empty void, Sky wandered around, looking for perhaps something or someone. At the distance, a blurry silhouette of a man appeared in the distance, she went near the silhouette to see who or what is in the distance.
When she did, she stood next to a tall man with shiny black hair that reached to his shoulders, and very twinkly blue eyes. He looked at her and asked, "Does this appearance of mine look familiar, Sky?". It did not register into her mind at first that this man, this person was her mother's boyfriend and her father, Tod! After a reminder or two, it finally got to her. "Yes, it's me, Vastor, but I'm in the form of Tod, who fell in love with your mother and you, my darling are the result of our love. Sorry for snapping at you earlier.".
Sky was surprised that she actually is an half-spirit, and then she spotted a mirror in the distance. She looked to Tod, who approved of her decision, and she walked towards the mirror. She began to look at her reflection. However,  instead of a human girl, she saw a periwinkle spirit with yellow, glowing eyes. "What happened to me?! Why do I look like that?!" Sky yelled at the top of her child lungs. Tod ran to see what's wrong, and asked her so. "Why do I look like that?" Sky said, panicking. Tod stared at his daughter's new appearance, transforming back to Vastor. "My, my. You can switch between your human and spirit form now! Let me teach how to transform into those two forms easily." They explained, taking her to a place to teach her.

One lesson or two later, Sky can finally transform back to a human and to a spirit again with little to no problem. She hugged her father, tightly and affectionately to show her gratitude, they hugged her back. Now, Sky and Vastor were back in E7 again. Sky rushed to the front door, swung it open, and ran for her mother and Fanny, "Mama, Fanny! I met with Vastor!". Destiny made a confused face, cocking her head to a side, but Fanny went inside to investigate the apartment. "Come on out, oh spirit. You got nothing to hide, I hope." Fanny chanted softly. Destiny scooped up her daughter and asked her about Vastor. "They're a friend." Sky told her, Destiny understood.
Minutes, possibly a quarter to an hour passed, Fanny came out of the apartment alongside Tod. Destiny's eyes widen, tears came out of her eyes, she shouted, "Tod?! Is that you?". She rushed to give him a hug, one he didn't have for years. "Oh, my love. It has been years since I last saw you, beloved Nirvana, or do you call you Destiny?" Tod asked her, Destiny preferred to be named by the latter. "One last thing, Destiny and one I need to tell you," Tod said, "I'm not human, here love, lemme show you my true form.". Tod turned himself back to Vastor, Destiny was shocked, almost had no clue how to respond.
She turned to see her daughter transform into a spirit too, she began to panic. "If you aren't Tod, then. . . Who are you??" Destiny asked in a frantic tone, Vastor introduced themselves as they had little Sky (who has embraced her spirit half) in their arms. "My darling Destiny, I've been taking care of our daughter the best I could and since I'm officially her father, I will ask you this question; do you want her want to stay with you or do you want her to come with me?" Vastor asked. Sky stared at Vastor piped up, "I want to live with you! But, can I still see Mama every now and again?". Vastor chuckled, nodding their head. "Please, Sky. Don't leave me!" Destiny yelled, crying and hugging Sky. Vastor reassured her that Sky will come back to visit every month or so. Destiny made eye contact with her college-boyfriend one last time, finally accepting her daughter's decision. "Goodbye my precious child. See you during Thanksgiving week." she muttered softly, pecking her daughter's cheek.

Vastor took Sky with them into the apartment and closed the door behind them. Fanny puzzled as to what just happened, left to return to her place, Destiny went back to her apartment as well.
In the apartment living room, Vastor opened up a portal to another dimension, most likely to the spirit world. The two stepped into the portal, slowly and carefully, ready to start a brand new life at their true home, reunited forever.

The End

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