Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV

As the Norwegian leader shot Tom in the eye, with one of his big guns, Tom was immediately defeated. He turned into his human form, and collapsed next to Edd, both of them blacked out. Tords eyes narrowed. He stepped back in shock, as all of the soldiers stayed stone cold except for Paul and Pat. The reason why was, they both knew Edd, Matt, and of course Tom. They knew Tom had caused Tord to get a robot arm.

They knew Edd was Tord's old friend, Matt was also Tord's old friend. And of course because of their high ranks, Tord told them almost everything. Pat and Paul were also very close to Tord, they sorta raised him. Thats what made them the best soldiers. 

Tord nearly fell over in shock, as Paul and Pat ran to the two blacked out boys. "L-Leader what do we do?" Paul asked in a slight confused panic. Tord slowly walked over, towering over Paul and Pat as they crouched down to inspect Edd and Tom. Tord covered his mouth, feeling tears in his eyes. No. He couldn't cry infront of all of his soldiers. "Take them to my 'office'." 

Paul and Pat clearly obeyed as they saluted and grabbed the two boys bridal style and ran into the corridors. "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE BACK TO WORK!" Tord yelled, as everyone stopped staring and went back to whatever the hell army stuff they were doing. Tord went back into the corridors of the army base, his boots tapping against the hard concrete floor. He stopped to think what he just witnessed. He shot Tom in the eye, Tom is a monster? Posessed? Tom hates me- why on earth would he be here?!

Edd, Edd was forgiving, but why would Edd be here either?? Edd and Tom did live all the way in England.. But more importantly, Tom. How did Tom turn into a monster. Surely, everyone in the base would want to do experiments on Thomas. Which would lead to Tom getting killed Edd? They would want to flat out kill him.

Tord didn't really care for them anymore, they were just a spec in his life. But he remembered when they had the good old times, that made Tord get his eyes pricked, with tears. "S-Sir?" a soldier called, but it wasn't just any soldier, it was Paul. He motioned Tord to come into the First Aid room, where one of the doctor Soldiers and Paul was. Edd was there, lying there with a bloody nose, and a bruised cheek. On the other side, was Tom. Tom.. didn't transform back?

Tom was still have monster, he was indeed in his human form, but still had monster ears, and horns, and a tail. But he was bleeding, from his eye. The doctor snapped Tord out of his thoughts. "He has a concussion, and a shot eye that won't stop bleeding? We can't really tell with his pitch black eyes, Sir." Tord nodded, and touched the back of unconcious Tom's head. He came back with blood on his finger. Tord frowned. "What about the fact that he's a FUCKING MONSTER?" he spat, trying to control his rage. The doctor cowered in fear, explaining the effects haven't wore off, and that he never saw anything like this. Tord just shook his head.

Then, he remembered all of the bruises and cuts they got. He turned to look at Paul, who was shaking and playing with his fingers nervously, and at that moment Pat burst through the doors. "H-hi sir.." he said as he saluted Tord, and ran to the corner Paul was in. "So.." the Red Leader started. "Why are they all, beaten up?" they looked up at their Leader in what could only be described as pure fear. "Um.. we may of..." Pat started to speak, "We might of umm.. punchedandkickedtomandedd?" he said, almost too fast to hear. Tord muttered 'Faen' under his breath and face palmed himself. "YOU IDIOTS! Just, go back to your fucking post." Tord said, not wanting to hurt his 'nonbiological parents' 

Paul and Pat were happy to scurry out and down the hall, back to their post. The doctor bandaged them up, and Tom still didn't de-transfrom. Odd. Tord thanked the doctor politely, and told his soilders to fly Edd to England, which they complied to. Tord didn't send back Tom however. He wanted to understand his monster form more, and Tom also had to explain why he was here.

So, Tord picked up Tom in his arms, which was easy for Tord, he was pretty strong. After all, he had went to the army, learnt how to become a leader, and more. Tord carried Tom to his office/bedroom and softly put Tom on the couch. Now Tord was scared to see how Tom would react when he woke up. He didn't want to provoke him or make him TOO angry, which would clearly lead to him becoming a monster. Being half monster is bad, but full fledged monster, Tom could kill Tord right away.. which would lead to him dying.

Tord inspected Tom's hands, they were like gloves, but merged with his skin.. a dull purple. Tord sighed and sat down at his desk, lighting a cigar. He really needed this. The Leader sucked in the fumes from the cigar, and puffed it out. He sighed running his hands through his hair. What was he gonna do with Tom?

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