Chapter 3

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3rd person POV

Tord puffed out smoke from his cigar. Tom laid on the couch peacefully, of course having monster traits. His purple horns sticking out, and long tail half off the couch.

Tord got up and walked to Tom, shaking his tired body. Tom shot up, wiping his black eyes with his claws, eyes widening as his eyes darted around the room. He nearly fell off the couch as he saw Tord rolling his eyes, while he inhaled his cigar.

Tom flattened his ears, half human half monster brain didn't know what to think. He tries to roar but all that came out was a loud, crying scream.

Tord took a step back, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Tom fell off the couch and put his claws through his hair, one eye streaming blood out and one streaming tears.

Tord was quite the confused man when Tom came back to his senses.
"What am I doing here?! Wheres Edd? Why are you here TORD?!"
Tord crouched down to his level and explained everything. Tom just shook his head in anger.

Tom then analyzed Tord, he had one red robot arm, one eye patch, and had more pinkish skin on one side which looked scarred. Tom reached out for Tord, which sat down in shock. Tom caressed Tords face.
"Did I do this to you..? Wait NO!" He yelled, standing up, blood drawing from one eye again.

Tom screamed so loudly the windows almost broke. "How are you still alive?!" Tord was shaking at Tom's sudden mood swings. Tord reached down at grabbed Toms arm to help him up. Tom just threw himself into Tord's arms, sobbing and crying as he held tight onto Tord, nails gripping into Tord's poor skin as he let out a painful yelp. Finally Pau and Pat burst into the room, confused and worried.

Tord shooed them out with one arm, the other holding the drugged up Tom. Pat and Pau just walked out the room and closed it softly. Tom had fallen asleep in Tord's arms, Tord felt Tom's claws retract. He laid down Tom on the couch again, which let him see Tom was fast asleep, and fully human. Tord just sat next to the passed out Tom, and rubbed his eyes, soon falling fast asleep.

Meanwhile with Edd and Matt

Edd had been the first to wake up, only to find that he's in a plane, he looked around, and saw no one. He ran to the front of the tiny plane, he was terrified of heights. He banged on the cockpit door, and a blonde soldier came out. "Hm?"
"Where am I?" Edd pleaded to know, and the blonde soldier just turned around. "De uhm, gutt er vaken??" He spoke in norwegian, which led the pilot and the blonde soldier to talk back and forth, which gave Edd a good look at his name tag, 'Liam'. After alot if bickering between them, Liam just went back to the cockpit, waving to Edd as they left him in the plane by himself.

Edd just sat down, knowing he had no other choice. So he just stared out the window. He was back in the UK, but where was Tom..? What if Tord killed him?! His thoughts ran wild. Is Matt ok by himself?? He sighed. Soon enough, they landed the plane. Edd was shoved out onto the streets to find his directions on his own. As he watched the plane to back the other direction, Edd trudged on, to find his apartment. Was Matt and Tom ok? He ran and ran till he found mainstreet London. He called down a taxi, and told the taxi the address of his apartment. When they got there, Edd paid the driver and ran up to the apartment.

Matt let him in, hugging him and sobbing saying that he missed him. Edd chuckled weakly and hugged him back. They walked inside of the apartment, and Edd ran to his flat, banging down the door and running to the phone. Matt was confused on why Edd had broken the door. But Edd just called Tom right away. His eyes narrowed in realization.

Tom had left his phone here.


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