27. Photoshoot

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A few weeks after he got back from California with Tyler, Josh was walking into the office with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.

Today was the day he was getting interviewed and photographed for the cover of Modem magazine and he could not be more excited.

Sure he's been featured and has even had a small article here or there in the magazine but he was going to be on the cover. The interview was being published online and in the magazine so he would be able to see that within a few days. he was nervous but excited.

Josh made his way to his office. He had to get a few things done before they came to get pictures of him. Modem had wanted very casual and laid back photos of him in his own office and they were bringing in a backdrop to get a few of just Josh.

He was told to come into work later than usual and for the first time in a long time, he was okay with that. He had been giving more of a workload to the employees on his floor and even more down in sales. He knew they could handle it and he liked not having to worry about everything.

The people working for Modem had been busy setting everything up this morning and told him to come in at eleven. Hayley was there watching over them and instructing them on what (and more specifically what not) to do. It was 10:55 when he opened his office door and was greeted with chaotic organization.

There were easily five or six people in his office including Hayley who was talking to a man with brown hair. She looked over and smiled when she saw Josh. "Hi, Mr. Dun."

"Good morning, Hayley," he nodded. The man turned and smiled brightly at Josh as well.

"Joshua Dun it's so nice to meet you," he stuck his hand out and Josh shook it. "I'm Mike Naran I'll be the coordinator for your photoshoot and interview today. Brad here," he pointed to a guy who was helping someone else with the studio lights they had. "Will be your photographer and Nicole," he pointed to a blonde woman talking to a woman that looked to be a makeup artist. "Will interview you here in a little bit."

"Call me Josh. It's nice to meet you as well," Josh smiled. "Let me know what I can do to help and what you need from me."

"Actually," he spoke, pointing to the makeup artist. "Ruby's gonna start getting you ready for the shoot. What you're wearing is fine since you told us you wore suits everyday anyway but I'm gonna have her put a little makeup on you so you don't look shiny under the lights and we can balance out the color on your face. It's nothing much."

"Gotcha," Josh nodded, somewhat knowing the drill.

He walked over to the chair by the woman Mike had pointed to and she looked over, a smile on her face. "You must be Josh," she greeted. The mentioned noticed she had an Australian accent. "I'm Ruby. I'll be getting you ready for the shoot."

Josh nodded. "Nice to meet you, Ruby."

"You as well, handsome," she replied, moving to the cart next to her to grab some. She turned back and must've seen the look on Josh's face because she started laughing. "Relax, pal. I'm gay."

Josh relaxed, nodding once more. "Sorry. I've already had someone in the office try and hit on me. Wasn't really looking forward to having to deflect that again."

"How'd you get her to back off?" She asked, bringing a wipe to his face for what (Josh assumed) was for getting oil off of his face.

He swallowed, feeling nervous. This woman wouldn't judge him though, right? She just told him she was gay. "I told her I was seeing my now boyfriend."

Ruby stepped back and raised an eyebrow. "You like boys?"

Josh felt his heart rate start to pick up. "Um, yeah," he nodded.

"That's cool," she shrugged, throwing the wipe in the trash can. Josh released a breath he didn't know he was holding. "What's he like? Your boyfriend."

Josh found himself smiling. "He's great. I like him a lot. A whole lot. He's sweet and funny and the cutest thing ever. He makes me feel whole," he gushed, not even realizing he was doing so.

She smiled and picked up a compact, swiping a brush over it to get the powder up. "That's cute," she replied. "You guys seem cute."


Ruby finished "making him pretty" as she put it and then they began shooting.

"Okay," Mike began. "Josh I need you to sit up straight in your chair and look slightly to your right— no not— yes turn your head just like that. Perfect. You're doing great. I need you to set up at your desk and fold your hands. Don't look that awkward. Not that relaxed. Sit up more. More— good! Hold it. Now," he pointed to the chair Josh had resting in the corner of his office. "Sit there and lean over slightly.

Josh did what he was told and sat down. This continued for God knows how long. They had him take a few more pictures in the chair, a few more at his desk, and a pretty large amount in front of the backdrop they had brought in.

Josh was in the middle of standing awkwardly with his arms crossed when there was a light knock at his office door. "Come in!" He shouted, slightly confused.

The door opened. "What's going on? I saw light flashi— oh hello."

Josh's heart began rapidly beating and swelling with happiness at the same time. Tyler was standing there with a cute little confused expression on his face, a large paper bag in his hand. "Hi," Josh grinned.

Everyone turned to him as if asking for an explanation. Everyone except Ruby and Hayley seemed to have a confused look on his face, the former possessing a look of realization as she connected the dots. "Am I interrupting something?" Tyler asked, slightly rocking back and forth on his feet.

Josh was about to reply when Mike raised an eyebrow. "Who are you?"

"Tyler... uh... Josh's boyfriend..."

Josh's face turned bright red as everyone looked at him again and his stomach felt like it was going to erupt and he was going to throw up everywhere due to nerves. Hayley was even giving him a surprised look. "Boyfriend?" Mike asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh... yeah..." he nodded. "We've been together almost a month."

Tyler smiled. "Hi," he waved slightly. He looked back at Josh. "I brought you lunch. It's just cheese fries from the diner. I can leave if you need me to?"

"Stay," Mike said, looking like he was thinking. He turned to Josh. "Josh would you mind if we got a few pictures with the both of you? Maybe included him in the article? It would be nice to touch on your personal like within your work life. People don't really know much about you personally. We'd of course let you take a break for lunch if you wanted."

Josh glanced at Tyler who nodded, smiling. He looked back at Mike. "Alright," he agreed. "Go ahead."

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