Chapter 1 - The Red Door

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The sun was shining brightly as I sat on the park's bench, allowing myself to feel the warmth of the sunshine for a moment. I heard the children play nearby, the adults' conversations and laughter, the motors of the cars passing in the street, the birds chirping as they flied above our heads. I crossed my legs, making the denim of my jeans seem lighter with the sunlight, and straightened my light purple, three-quarter length blouse around my middle. My navy blue cotton jacket laid next to me on the bench, not needed on such a nice warm day.

It was only for a moment, before I took my phone from my bag as I sighed. I scrolled through the contacts on my list, before reaching the one I had to call. Closing my chocolate eyes, I pressed the screen and it began calling. I pushed my loose wavy chestnut colored hair behind my right ear, feeling it brush my shoulder, and pressed the phone against it. It took a few rings, but eventually there was an answer.

- Hello? – her voice sounded hurried and breathless. Immediately, I got worried.

- Mom? What's wrong? Is everything okay? – I frowned in concern as I talked to the phone.

- What? Oh, Tina! No, no, everything is fine. Your sister had some pain in her stomach, so we hurried and got her to the Hospital. They just took her inside.

- Do you think it's fake contractions again? – I asked, remembering all the times this has happened in the last few weeks.

- Probably. But we still just want to be sure. John is the one panicking the most out of all of us – she laughed.

- Well, it is his first child – I pointed out. – I'm sure that's a given.

- It sure is. I still remember how your father almost had a heart attack when I started having contractions with your older brother. He had no idea what to do, so he just kept calling the nurse!

I smiled. I had heard this story before, but my mom always enjoyed recalling it. Perhaps because it was her first baby too, or because it was her only son, his birth was the most remembered out of all of us.

- Talking about Tomás, he's coming home tomorrow! Can you believe he'll stay for two full weeks? I can't even remember the last time he stayed for so long with us.

I remembered him being home for almost a month just last year, but I wouldn't bring it up. My mother was incredibly excited for his arrival. My brother started working out of the country about five years ago, and she always had a hard time accepting that she wouldn't get to see him as much as she liked.

- That's great, mom. I bet dad and Martina are happy to have him back home to. Is everyone going to pick him up at the airport?

- We wanted John and Isabella to go too, but we'll have to wait and see what the doctors say. You have to come and visit too while he is here, do you hear me, Valentina?

I bit my lip, not liking how she always used my full first name when being assertive with me.

- I know, I know. I'll go next weekend.

- Oh, but why are you calling at this hour? You usually call at the end of the day – my mom commented, confused.

I suppressed a sigh that threatened to come out.

- It's nothing, really. We were supposed to have lunch together today, but since Isabella felt sick, I guess you forgot – I explained, trying not to sound disappointed, although I felt a bit.

- Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry! It slipped my mind completely! With your brother coming home, and Bella's frequent visits to the doctor... I'm really sorry, Tina. We'll reschedule as soon as possible, okay?

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