Chapter 11 - Trust

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- I am neither back, nor am I a prince anymore. I was never one – Emmeric spat back, the fury and disgust clear in his dim voice.

The King's low baritone laugh filled the large room for a few seconds, as he descended from the elevated floor where his throne was, to stop just about a foot in front of Emmeric.

- How could my one and only child not be a prince? – he asked him, tilting his head as if completely unbothered by Emmeric's intense stare.

- Ah... I see now. – Emmeric said, realizing something. – Is that what this is about? The fact that you never had another child, and so now you need me by your side to take your place? No wonder you suddenly remembered I existed and insisted I came back.

- I see you still hold some remorse against me. I hoped time would have healed those old wounds, son. – The King smiled in his face.

With a lot of apprehension, I saw Emmeric's hands turn to fists. I could tell he was trying to hold himself back. I wanted to jump in between them, stop whatever confrontation that was taking place, and run with Emmeric back to the castle with the Shadows. But, much like he was doing now, I held myself back.

- You are, of course, correct in your assumptions – the King finally conceded, stepping back from Emmeric only to have his gaze fall upon me. – However, that might change. Thanks to this unexpected guest of ours.

It took all of my will power not to squirm under his intense scrutiny as he walked around me, analyzing every angle and inch of me. He stopped in front of me, a few feet away, with a hand under his chin in contemplation.

- The humans seemed to have gotten... bigger than I remember. I don't appreciate it very much.

At that I felt indignation and forced myself to look boldly into his blue eyes, my frowned expression conveying what I didn't dare to say out loud. I had already decided I didn't like him. He, however, seemed amused at my reaction.

- Oh, but I see the intensity behind the humans' eyes hasn't changed. Such... emotion. If no one else, she will do.

I was confused by his words, but Emmeric seemed to understand them immediately.

- She is to be sent home – he growled, coming a step closer my way, in between me and the King.

- You seem to forget that I am the King here – he said, crossing his arms as he defiantly took a step closer to his son. – Maybe you've been away so long that you've forgotten.

- She came from the Forest – Emmeric rebutted. – You may be the King of the Realm of Elves, but you are not the King of the Forest. Therefore, you are not her king. And, when you sent me away, you stopped being my king as well.

Before I knew it, the King grabbed Emmeric's left arm and forcefully pulled him to him, their faces inches from each other as they stared boldly at one another.

- When you set foot in my Kingdom, I am and always will be your King. Got it? – he whispered heatedly at Emmeric's face.

There was a moment of silence as the King awaited his response. My heart was about to jump out of my chest, my hands growing sweaty as they held on to my red dress, in an effort to stay put. Still, the fear was strong enough to make me slightly quiver.

- Yes... King – Emmeric looked like he had to force those two simple words out with all of his strength. I saw him slightly wince as the King removed his arm, a fake smile back on his face.

- Glad we can agree. And to be clear, son – he said, turning around to walk back to his throne – I am not opposed on sending the human back. As long as that means we can open up a new gate to the human's world. Imagine: the Realm of Elves with access to a human gate. It would only enhance our power to all the other Kingdoms. And, of course, having humans around again would definitely help our decaying numbers. As you well know.

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