Chapter 12 - Not Important

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The doors opened and the sound of conversations and chit-chats fell silent as we entered. The ball room was filled with what I could only assume was about a hundred and something people. It was a testimony of how big this room was, that a hundred people still had plenty of space to move around. There were both males and females, all with the long ears that indicated their species. And they all turned and looked at us when the doors closed behind us.

- His Majesty, King Albericus of the Elves, has arrived. Accompanying him, introducing Miss Valentina, from the human world – Alwin's voice announced beside me.

Gasps and whispers were heard, as I felt almost every pair of eyes falling upon me. My instinctive reaction was to recoil, but I managed to take a deep breath and keep my head up.

- My beautiful people, - the King begins – tonight, we celebrate. We celebrate not only to the return of the humans, but, most importantly, we celebrate a new beginning for our Kingdom. We've laid dormant for long enough! The other Realms seem to have forgotten how strong we are. But we can now prove them wrong, for we have brought back the humans everyone thought were forever lost! Who else, if not for the Realm of Elves, could win such an achievement?

The conviction in his voice was contagious, and I could see the people in the room growing stronger with each word. Nodding their head with each statement, clapping at each pause. The King had their full attention and support.

- It's the begging of a new Era for us. When no one will dare to doubt the power of our Kingdom. Let's raise a glass. To us! – Alwin brought a glass to us, which the King raised up in the air.

- To us – everyone yelled back, with glasses of their own raised.

I remained still as they drank to the King's speech. Somehow, it didn't feel right to toast at his words. They didn't feel right. So, I grabbed my cup a little more strongly than necessary, scanning the area as the guests started to mingle again. It was then that I saw Emmeric, talking to an elderly lady servant, who seemed very apprehensive at his words.

- Your Majesty, if I may – I addressed the King, keeping his sight away from where Emmeric was.

The man looked at me with a plastic smile, white teeth standing out against his read lips.

- I believe this is the first time I have heard your voice, human – he noted.

- Valentina – I corrected immediately, momentarily forgetting who I was talking too. Noticing the dark flicker in his eyes, I amended myself. – Please, call me Valentina, your Majesty, the King.

Appeased with my words, he nodded and motioned for me to follow him as he made his way to the throne.

- You humans are still as bold as ever. But very well, I'll attend to your request – he said.

I looked back just in time to see Emmeric follow the woman out of the room, much to my relief. I wasn't sure how to distract the King from looking his way when he reached the throne.

- You talk as if you've met a lot of humans before, dear King – I noticed.

- Because I have – was his response as he sat down, the cape floating in the air for a few more moments before landing perfectly around his shoulders again.

He gestured to his side, allowing me to stand beside him and his throne. Still gripping my glass, I stepped up and tried to carry the conversation. In my head, I was screaming for Emmeric to come and get me out of here.

- I thoughts the humans were gone after the War. Wasn't that years and years ago? – I asked, a bit confused.

The King laughed, making a few heads turn our way. I saw the way the females, in specific, looked at me with disgust. Across the room, Alwin was busy ordering the staff around, but still looked my way with a worried expression. I told myself to ignore them for now and to remain calm.

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