Chapter 22 - At Last

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I woke up feeling sore but rested. My muscles were aching a bit and that had me recall all the running and climbing up and down the stairs I had done the day before. Gasping, I remembered where I was. I was back at the castle. With Emmeric. In his bed.

Daring to sneakily open one eye, I frowned when I saw nothing but an empty bed. Sitting up, I looked around the big room and found it was void of anyone else other than me. Emmeric must have gotten up before I did.

Getting out from beneath the covers, I blushed a bit realizing I was naked beneath. I started to pick up my underwear and pajama from the day before, but when I opened the wardrobe to look at my reflection, I noticed how half of it was now filled with female clothes. Skimming through them, I smiled seeing they were all my size. Dresses and tops with pants.

Feeling very giddy all of a sudden, I decided to go and take a bath before leaving. There was something very intimate, knowing I was bathing where Emmeric bathed too. That he allowed me to, wanted me to.

Missing the dresses I used to wear, I gravitated towards a white light-weight one with almost transparent long bishop sleeves, a corset with tiny mirrored embroidery, square neckline, a ribbon pulling at the waist and a flowy long skirt almost reaching the ground. Pulling my hair into a low tight bun, some locks escaping and framing my round face, I just added a pearl necklace and some flat shoes. I got out of the room and made my way down the stairs.

I tensed up when I reached the last floor, seeing how the Shadows were moving quickly around, some even in their Shadow form. Afraid something serious or dangerous was happening, I called for Coal and Scarlett immediately. Only Coal materialized in front of me.

- Coal! What is going on? What is happening? – I asked with concern, wide eyes looking desperately around. – Where is Emmeric?

- Calm down, Miss. It's nothing bad – Coal assured, a smile under his fur pulling the bottom of his oval grey eyes up. – Everyone is on guard, but there is no immediate danger. For the first time ever, Master is holding a meeting with the rulers of other Realms.

- A meeting? – I repeated, jumbled.

- Yes. Everyone is in the throne room, discussing what happened and what will happen going forward – Coal explained.

Making my way down the corridors, I walked towards the throne room, slowing my pace as I got close enough to see everyone and hear them, although they were all too focused to see me at the entrance of the hallway.

Emmeric was wearing a white flowy shirt with bell long sleeves, a ruffled collar peeking out from underneath the dark blue vest, with a dark grey leafy pattern all around and belt buckles for buttons all the way down the torso. With dark grey trousers and ankle high black boots, dark hair pulled back showing off his striking face, he stood out from everyone around.

I recognized all of the guests, each with their own thrones surrounding the stairs leading to Emmeric's throne, occupying almost all the space on the usually empty room. Standing out, wearing the most ostentatious clothes, was King Albericus. He seemed particularly frustrated. Next to him was Queen Nerissa, her rainbow sparkling tail replaced by a mermaid style long dress, two feet sticking out the bottom of the ocean blue fabric. On her green long hair, like the last time I saw her, was the intricate shell crown. King and Queen Frazior and Tianna from the Fairy Realm were there as well, looking a bit more preoccupied than anyone else. Large wings pulled down, they were the same size as everyone else, not the small stature I recalled fairies being. At last, I was surprised to see the old Dryad again, in a state of more peacefulness and calmness than everyone else.

At the center of them all, sited confidently at his throne, was Emmeric. He had a determined look on his face.

- This is my preposition. Take it or leave it – his voice sounded commanding.

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