Chapter 4 - Both Want The Same

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After walking through a few more corridors and ascending a set of stairs, we finally came across a long hallway with about three doors, two on the left and one to the right. The female creature opened the second door on the right and I was led inside.

Subconsciously, my mouth opened when I entered. The guest room had exposed grey stone walls, with a canopy styled double bed at the center of the left wall, with see-through drapes surrounding it on the sides. The marble floor was warmed up with a big colorful carpet covering most of it. A two-person dark wooden table was leaning against the right wall opposite of the bed, with two chairs on either side. A small window was right in front of the door, with a small stone bench sticking out of the wall where I could sit. A tall wardrobe, of the same dark wood as of the bed, table and chairs, was at the right of the window.

At the left of the entrance door was another door that led to a small bathroom, where a white small porcelain bathtub was to my right, a sink on the left and a marble toilet with a wooden cover. I noted there didn't seem to be an option for a quick shower.

- You'll stay here for now. We will be right outside, keeping an eye on you at all times. Feel free to take a bath and change clothes, you smell like you need it.

I gasped at the female's rudeness, but looking down at myself, I couldn't disagree. I was wearing those clothes since early the day before, had been running through the forest and been dragged across the dirty floor. My clothes were dirty and so was I.

- But I have nothing to wear if I change out of this clothes – I remarked, getting back to the room.

- Don't be silly. There's plenty of clothes in the wardrobe – Coal assured.

- Well, somehow I doubt they will fit me... - I retorted, crossing the room to open said apparel.

As I did, I saw that both doors of the wardrobe were mirrors on the inside, allowing me to see my full body if I needed to. There was, in fact, a bunch of clothes inside the wardrobe, and they seemed brand new instead of old, like I assumed they were. It was, however, all dresses. I didn't really wear dresses very often, but I couldn't deny how pretty they all seemed. I took one out and leaned it against my body, ready to be disappointed that it wouldn't fit, but was pleasantly surprised.

- Oh, my! This seems to be my size! – I was astonished, as I grabbed another dress and it too was my size.

- Of course it's your size. The wardrobe only provides clothes that fit the room's guest – the sultry voice informed from somewhere behind me as I looked through all the available dresses.

- That's... amazing! If only all wardrobes back home were like that – I wished.

- No such magic exists in the human's world, I'm afraid – Coal educated.

- Magic... That's really what it is, isn't it? – my voice trembled as I had to sit on the bed, clutching a dress I had decided to wear. It was a realization that should have hit me before, but only now seemed real. – I am in a whole different magical world, aren't I?

Both of them shared confused looks and remained silent, not sure of what they could tell me. Deciding to not let it get to me too much, I jumped out of bed with a new found smile.

- Never mind that! When I get back home, this will be the most incredible story ever. Although... no one will probably believe me. But I will know it's true! And I'll remember both of you.

I smiled at them and the female rolled her eyes and made to leave, but I stopped her.

- Wait! Are you going to be around, helping Coal to keep an eye on me?

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