Chapter 6 - Just A Mistake

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I woke up earlier the next day, probably because of the long nap I had the previous day during the afternoon. I realize with mixed feelings that the guest room's bed was actually pretty comfortable and I was able to sleep like a baby again. Even so, I still would have given everything to sleep back in my own bed.

Getting up, I open the wardrobe and is still full with beautiful dresses. Last night, I opened the drawers on the bottom to find the silk pajamas I was now wearing and that I slept in. It was like everything on this room was made for me. I pulled a dress out, picking the one that seemed more casual out of all the beautiful elegant ones. It fit me, but as soon as I looked in the mirror I decided to take it off. It was an off-the-shoulder checker boxy dress that made me look about double my size.

Instead, I pulled a black dress that was seamed at the waist and that got down to just above my knees, hiding my bulky thighs. It had a semi-sweetheart collar with spaghetti straps and what looked like chiffon beige ruffles at the neckline as well as off the shoulder sleeves that strapped at my elbows, concealing my large upper arms.

Happy with how it looked on me, I decided to pull my hair up in a messy bun before putting on some beautiful brown derby type shoes with lace detail around them. Successfully remembering the way to the kitchen, I got out of the room and rushed to see what I would be eating today.

Expecting to see the usual commotion that seemed to be the kitchen at all times, I was surprised when it was mostly empty, with only about a dozen Shadows hanging around, apart from Coal and the Shadow that seemed to be the main cook around here.

- Good morning, Coal! – I greeted, upon seeing him.

- Morning, Miss – he responded, placing a plate with cut up fruit and what appeared to be eggs on top of the table. – Your breakfast is served.

- Oh, thanks!

I sat down and grabbed the fork he handed me, deciding to safely eat a piece of apple as I examined the eggs.

- You know, - I said, avoiding eye contact with the cook that was just a few feet away – usually, when humans make eggs, we don't use the egg shell.

Unfortunately, the cook heard and didn't seem to like it one bit.

- Oh, the food made exclusively for the human not good enough? Shall I throw all in the trash then, and try again, "princess"?

Coal was about to warn him, but I stopped him before he could talk.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. However, it is dangerous for me to eat egg shells like this, it can be harmful. I can do my own cooking, if you'd like. I understand this is a different type of food than what you're used to prepare.

- A guest shouldn't have to cook – Coal intervened.

- Well, I'm a different type of guest. So, I can cook on my own from now on.

- No, my kitchen! – the cook yelled. – My kitchen, so I cook! No human in my kitchen. – Seeing how I was sitting right in front of him in "his" kitchen, he reformulated. – Hum, no human cooking on my kitchen. I cook. With no egg shells.

Scowling, he turned back and paid attention to whatever was boiling on the cauldron he had in the furnace.

- I'll help you, then! – I shouted back, but he pretended not to hear. I just smiled and shook my head as I tried another piece of fruit. – Where is everyone anyway? This kitchen seems empty now without all the Shadows.

- They are in the throne room. Master is giving orders for the day and most of them will be accompanying him on his trip today.

That sparked my interest.

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