Chapter 17 - Up To Me

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Looking around the room I could see the concern on every of the Shadows faces, so it confused me to no end why no one was doing anything. I was feeling completely panicked.

- Yes, fairies captured Master and must have him at their Realm – Coal continued.

- Well, let's rescue him! – I pleaded, desperate.

- It's not that simple, Tina. We can't just bombard the Realm of Fairies, it will be seen as an affront – Scarlett grunted, from behind closed teeth, obviously frustrated with the situation.

- They took Emmeric! What are we supposed to do? – I stress, gesturing heavily with my hands to emphasize how absurd all this seemed to me.

- Master is smart, he'll know what to do – Coal assured me.

- And if he doesn't? Are we just supposed to stay still and do nothing? I can't do that!

- What else can we do? – an unusually anxious Skip asked, worry in his restless eyes.

- Trying to go and save Master will cause more problems than good. Shadows aren't welcomed in other Realms – the shadow Raven declared.

Breathing heavily, trying to calm my racing heart and think of what to do, I started walking up and down in the throne room, biting my bottom lip as I came to a conclusion.

- If you guys can't go, then I'll go – I decided.

- What?! Don't be foolish, Miss – Coal immediately refuted.

- It's our only option. I refuse to just sit still and hope for Emmeric to come back on his own. If you guys can't go, I can. Thinking about it, wouldn't they want to see the new human? Maybe I can take that to my advantage – I realized, holding on to that hope so as to not feel so afraid.

- We don't know that for sure, what if they try to keep you there as well? – Dusk wonders.

- We know nothing for sure, but at least we would be trying something.

- It's too risky, Miss – Dusky frets.

- But it's our best shot... right?

Subconsciously, I was really hoping something better would come up, but as I looked around I accepted nothing would. It really was up to me to go by myself and try to find Emmeric. Straightening up and lifting my chin up, in hopes to infuse confidence in myself, I moved towards the door.

- The Forest... will it take me to their Realm if I ask it to? – I questioned, eyes set on the big door in front of me.

- I will go with you for as far as I can, Miss – Coal stood beside me, a wave of relief calming me down enough to smile thankful at him.

- As will I – Scarlett volunteered as well. – But we're not allowed inside the Kingdom, that you'll have to do on your own.

- If you and Master don't return before dawn... To hell with boundaries, we'll invade them to get you out – Grumpy determined, obviously fueled by concern and frustration. It was really sweet of him.

- I'll try and make sure it doesn't come to that – was only what I could promise.

The doors opened and we stepped out, with the rest of the shadows wishing me well and to be safe. I waved them goodbye trying to look assertive, but I was honestly terrified with the thought of if I would ever see them again.

Stepping inside the Forest, Coal held my hand in his small furry one, as Scarlett lead the way. We were walking in silence, me begging that the Forest would hear my silent pleas and guide us. No matter how scared I was with what I was about to do, I was more frightened of never seeing Emmeric again, that he might be hurting wherever he was.

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