Chapter one

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Noodle yawned deeply as she flicked her remote whilst surfing the channels in her bedroom. Nothing amuses her from the screen that she was watching. She wasn't in a mood to watch anything she likes: news; cartoon; dramas; video game reviews;

Today wasn't her day when she feel lightened up to watch her favourite channels and relax from a hard guitar and vocal practice with her bandmates to perform for the biggest show in New York that was a couple of months away, due to her overthinking about her last week night 'activities' with 2D (his real name is Stuart Pot), one of her bandmates who is the blue haired main vocalist in the band, Gorillaz. She decided to switch off the telly and threw away the remote out of her way, which landed on the soft carpet.

She couldn't take the mind out of it, it made her smile, falling down on bed, and tossed around herself for comfort. She found a comfortable position, her whole body facing down and her head tilting on the other side, she imagined the way she had fun with him.

It wasn't too long when she was close for a short nap, but the sound of her name got her up. She chose to ignore it, but it kept disturbing her beauty sleep. "Alright, I'm coming." Noodle responded back with an irritated tone. She got up and stood on her feet, with a messy birds nest hair that she didn't bother to comb.

Noodle left the room quickly and walked in the lift before the door shuts to the next floor. Shaun's voice sang as she waited to the destination where somebody was calling her continuously, even if she exclaimed she's on her way.

"Noodle." 2D called her the last time once she entered the vocalists' bedroom. "Nandesu ka, 2D-San? I'm trying to nap!" (What is it, 2D-San) Noodle huffed in her hot boiling tone. 2D left the question rhetorical. He merely motioned her to his bed, where he took a seat and offered Noodle to join in.

"It's about last week." 2D muttered while Noodle took a seat beside him.

"So? What about it?"

"Remember where we went this and that?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

2D ran to the door frame, stuck his head out of his room and closed the door silently, he sat back where he was and spoke softly, "I've been thinking if the condom was on the whole time." He sighed in despair. "Are you saying we didn't have-" Noodle rose her voice, but 2D cupped her mouth before she said anything that Russel or Murdoc could hear.

"Quiet down!" 2D panicked, with his heart beating rapidly. Nervous that one of the band member would barge in his room and know about between the guitarist and vocalist. "Are you saying we didn't have safe sex?" Noodle lowered her voice, placing down 2D's hands.

"I'm fraid' not, luv." 2D answered honestly and gloomily. Noodle looked down quietly and fidgets. She held her anger inside with mixed emotions and questions. "I'm going to find out." Noodle stood up, reaching for the door.

"About what?"

"If I'm pregnant."

Noodle left and walked away the room. She felt the goosebumps in her, anxiety within the mind that placed an illusion in her head. She had a feeling she'd be kicked out of the band and be a homeless guitarist. Kong Studios is a home to her and her bandmates were like a family, except 2D. Whom she was secretly dating.

She reached to the freedom door in Kong, where she stumbled and meet her father-figure, a bald African American possessed drummer, Russel Hobbs. "Where are you going, baby girl?" He asked, concerned of his little axe princess.

"I'm going shopping." Noodle turned the doorknob, hoping he'll stop asking more questions. She loved when he cared for her, but it was too much. He was so overprotective.

"Alright, be careful." Said Russel in his stern voice, he patted his little girl and watched her left awkwardly, knowing he's watching her just in case something happened.

Noodle finally reached the gate, opened in in a hurry and shuts it close as it made a 'click' sound. She walked away to the drug store in a quickened pace, trying to not make it obvious. When she felt her figure lost sight, she turned back to make sure Russel wasn't following her. She could hear his drums from the distance, knowing he wasn't watching her. It was a relief.

The drugstore wasn't far, she hoped she didn't bumped to any member she knew. Entering inside the drugstore has never made Noodle nervous. A sales assistant walked towards Noodle with her name tag that says 'Hi, I'm Lucy!'.

"Hello there, luv. Anything I could help you with?" Lucy gave a soft smile, not knowing her ginger strands were stuck to her passionate red lipstick. "I-I wanted to get a pregnancy test for my sister." Noodle stammered, her face flushed in red.

The lady guided Noodle to the aisle, where there are different kinds of pregnancy test awaiting. The lady left to help a random customer, leaving Noodle alone to decide on her own. After all, she's a big girl.

Noodle didn't think about which product is the best. She only picked the one that's cheaper and rushed to pay her test and a bottle of soda. Her heart races rapidly as she returned back to Kong finishing the last sip of soda and throwing it to the trash can poorly, bumping into her uncle-like, green skinned, snake-like tongue bass player, Murdoc Niccals, who was going to a different direction.

"What you got there, luv?" Murdoc sneered, pulling the side off the plastic bag with his finger to take a peek. Noodle shrieked and pulled away. Murdoc gave a face, feeling suspicious. "A secret, eh? Fine, be a bitch all you want." Murdoc scoffed off, whilst Noodle stood holding the plastic bag to her chest and walked away quietly to the bathroom.

Noodle went in the bathroom and stayed in the stall for 5 minutes, looking over the box with instructions and waited for her urine to come out. She knew the soda trick would work, after overhearing the conversation of 2D and Russel, with Russel explaining why 2D shouldn't drink his cola before bed or he'll let Russel clean his urine off the bed sheets and blankets, she probably gotten that idea when she was younger and remembered teasing 2D for wetting his bed.

She felt she was coming out, without thinking, she quickly got her absorbent test and urinated under it. She could've gotten a plastic cup but she was so unprepared. She felt warm urine dripping around her shaky fingers as she held her test.

Noodle lifted up and waited. Anxiety took over as her heart pumped hard and her breathless shortened. She closed her eyes, felt it was so slow to watch for the test to appear. Her fingers was still wet, as well as the test. She opened her eyes slowly and everything froze. It has two lines.

"Oh no." She mouthed and tears prickled out her tear ducts. It rolled down and hit on her hand. Her tears gushed, her bawling echoes formed. She heard somebody entering the bathroom, making her quickly pulling her pants up and cleaning the mess around her stall. She suddenly flushed the toilet and zipped her pants.

"Noodle, is that you?" Noodle heard 2D went in the bathroom and watched his shadow footsteps walked. "Yeah." Her voice cracked, she didn't want him to know she was crying. "I heard you crying, come out luv."

Noodle went out and sniffed. 2D lifted the shaky hand of Noodle, staring at the test she was holding for a few seconds before Noodle pulled away. "I'm pregnant." Noodle looked up with red watery eyes. 2D pulled her close and rubbed her back. Then he kneeled down, which was about the same height as Noodle. "We'll keep the baby." 2D smiled goofily with his two no-front-teeth showing, which made his girlfriend a lot better, but a thought in her mind made her frown once more.

"The band-"

"Whatever they say, just keep the baby. If we have no choice then we can give it away for adoption." 2D stood with knees bent and kissed the forehead of Noodle. "Thanks, 2D-San." Noodle dropped the pregnancy test on the ground to hold her lover's head and passionately kissed him. As 2D responded back with the kisses, he took the pregnancy test and placed it in his pocket.

Pregnant Guitarist (Gorillaz fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now