🐰7 [M]

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Title: [Cake Sex]

a little surprise gift for 1k



December 30 20xx

Jeongguk was excitedly baking a strawberry vanilla cake for Taehyung's birthday.

It was a double deck cake with vanilla frosting, poured with a lot of melted strawberry chocolate to give a little drip effect.

Topped with strawberries and strawberry flavored oreos, a message on the cake saying "Happy Birthday Taehyungie- baby jgk <3"

After he finished decorating the cake, he felt like something was missing, so he thought about it with a finger on his lips.

An idea finally snapped through his mind making him excitedly exclaim a little "aha!" then he reached for the heart sprinkles with his tippy toes.

Soon he sprinkled the pink and white hearts over the cake and clapped in excitement after he put the jar of them down.

"Taehyungie's going to love this" He excitedly giggles to himself as he carefully puts the two layered cake in the refrigerator.

After that he put all of the kitchen materials in the sink and hand-washed them, put them in the drying rack and hanging his  apron on the little knobs attached on the wall.

He jumps on the couch, putting his earphones on, playing without me by Halsey as he clicked on the message app.

Taehyung was in soccer practice, but Jeongguk thought he's probably changing clothes then heading himself home, weirdly their coach makes them practice even if it's heavily snowing.

Jeongguk was in Taehyung's house by the way, Mr and Mrs. Kim were at work, but he still took responsibility to inform them he was staying over to whip  something up for Taehyung's birthday.


taeeee where r u?

tae bb 💞💓💖💗💕

in a cab babe, heading home, u?


ur place, got a little surprise 🙈

tae bb 💞💓💖💗💕

ooooh 😏👅

is it so special today that u made something for me?


Taetae 😠😠😠

tae bb 💞💓💖💗💕

oh no why is my little baby upset???


it's ur bday today omg

tae bb 💞💓💖💗💕

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