shes different

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[a/n] i know i never finish stories but im actually kinda inspired so yee yee 🤠

(You POV)
i woke up to my best friend ally shaking me, violently may i add. "wake up wake up!" she screamed "ugh do you know what time it is?" i groaned "i got tickets to a queen conert!" she screamed "how the fuck did you manage to get queen tickets?" i said in shock, she just shrugged like it was no big deal. it was a HUGE deal, i loved queen and had never been to one of their concerts before! "it's actually 5pm, you were sleeping all day. and the show starts at 6:30." she sighed "oh.. sorry" i apologetically smiled "it's fine." she smiled widely. we sat in silence for a good 5 seconds before "well we won't get there if you sit in bed all day now will we?!" ally screamed "right right!" i jumped out of bed and grabbed a black sweater, white ripped jeans and some black boots. i ran into the bathroom to shower. i finished showering, brushed my teeth and put on some casual makeup. "getting dolled up for rog now are we?" ally said from the door of the bathroom, "oh shut up!" i giggled she knew i had a slight crush on him but it was just a crush and he was a celebrity so nothing would ever happen.


(narrators POV or whatever)
"shit!" roger screamed, the rest of the band rushed into where he was "what, what happened?!" brian said nervously "nothing, just wanted to scare you" he winked. the whole band rolled their eyes "you're such a child." freddie exclaimed "the show starts in 30 minutes, talking about roger's immaturity can be done later." deacy reminded the band "right" they all agreed

(you POV)
"im so excited!!" ally practically screamed "i know i know i am too but this place isn't that big so shush" i said as i our my hand over her mouth.

after the show

(you POV)
"that was great!" you say to ally "i know!" ally replied, me and ally were talking as 3 of the members walk backstage, freddie, john and brian. "where's r-" then i was interrupted, i looked over to my right and saw roger walking down to the front of the stage. i was looking at him and smiling, he looked back at me and winked. i didn't think much of it. after all, he's just a celebrity crush. i was caught off guard as ally shouted "ROGER TAYLOR JUST WINKED AT YOU" i covered her mouth right away, a couple girls gave me some dirty looks. fangirls, am i right?


(rogers POV)
i winked at a girl standing in the crowd, probably not the best idea but a lot of those girls would have died if i winked at them. i ran backstage and "what the hell was that." brian scolds me "what?" i asked genuinely confused "you winked at a fan! that's what!" he screamed "it was a harmless gesture bri, relax." i reassure him "USUALLY THE GIRLS YOU WINK AT END UP FUCKING YO-" he was interrupted by freddie "children please, be calm. it's not like she took in seriously anyways." "we don't know that" brian replied "so what if she took it seriously?! wouldn't be the worst thing in the world!" i snapped, the band's jaws dropped. i didn't realize what i said at first "she's a fan that's "so what" roger! you can't hookup with fans!" brian scoffed, deacy shot me a look i could tell he wanted to say something but he didn't. brian caught that "do you have an opinion in this john?" brian asked "i mean, it's not that BAD to hookup with fans. that's saying if she was even old enough but.. im with brian on this one." john said "well i wasn't planning on anything anyways." i exclaimed


(you POV)
me and ally walked outside, it was getting too crowded in there. "usually the band is behind the building, probably a rumor" i heard a girl say to her friends. i took ally's hand and started walked to the back "woah! where we going?" she jumped "i overheard someone say the band is in the ba-" i was interrupted by the time we got to the back the band was already arguing about something. "IT DOESNT MATTER IF SHE WAS HOT OR NO SHE WAS A FAN" brian screamed "WELL I DID IT AND ITS OVER WITH BRIAN." roger yelled "girls, girls calm down, we wouldn't want either of you bleeding during our next show." john said "brian can't hit for shit anyways, he'd be the only one bleeding" roger teased "THATS IT" brian was pushed over the edge, freddie took a drag of his cigarette and stopped them just in time. "ladies, you have an audience" freddie exclaimed, right before brian was gonna rip roger to shreds they looked over to me and ally "oh uhm.. hello ladies!" brian said trying to calm himself down "sorry to interrupt.." ally apologized "no worries brian was just about to get his ASS KICKED-" roger said in rage "guys come on! behave around the fans at least" john said. i caught roger looking at me and he turned as pale as ever, freddie looked over to roger "you okay darling?" roger nodded "i'll be back... i forgot my drumsticks inside.." he said walking back into the building. what was that about? i thought to myself "don't worry about him loves, he's all over the place today." freddie walked over and shook our hands, john and brian followed. "we were just discussing rogers little accident." brian said still full of anger, john and brian introduces them selves "well we should get going" ally exclaimed "oh darling please! you haven't met rog yet! he's the best you'll love him, wait just a little longer!" freddie smiles. me and ally decided to stay a little longer just to meet roger..


(rogers POV)
"holy shit what have i done" i scolded myself "stupid stupid stupid!" i said while face-palming myself, suddenly john walked in "hey those girls are wai-" i interrupted him "i can't talk to them!" i yelled "why not?" john asked "i winked at the (y/h/c) one!" i explained, john's expression went from happy to utter worry "well.. it's not like she's a crush, you did what any normal rockstar would." john reassured me, i nodded and walked back outside "sorry about that he just.. lost something" john apologized for me.
i walked up to the girls and i shook one of their hand's, she had bright orange hair "what's your name darling?" i asked "ally!" she said full of excitement. i looked at the other one and gently grabbed her hand, she had the prettiest (y/h/c) hair and the most gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes "what about you?" she was.. beautiful "im y/n" she smiled and had the cutest name.


(your POV)
rogers hand was so soft, sometimes i wish he wasn't a celebrity.. "how old are you? if you don't mind me asking" he smiled "im 22 actually." i said "oh really? interesting.." he smirked, i didn't catch the smirk but brian gave him a look that said "stop" he let go of my hand after that look, it got quiet after that. after about 2 minutes of silence "since you two found our special hiding spot, why don't you come over to our tour bus?" deacy exclaimed. me and ally looked at each other in shock, we didn't talk but we gave each other a look that said; is this really happening? "sure! but uh if it's okay with the rest of the band.." i asked, the rest of the band nodded in agreement. "right this way" deacy said as he led us to the bus.

we walked in and it was actually pretty decent for a tour bus, brian's guitar was lying around in the front of the bus "it's beautiful" i said referring to the guitar "thank you" he slightly blushed "get a room!" roger teased "shut up!" brian mumbled under his breath.

we were all sitting on the couch talking about how great the tour had been, freddie starting teasing on and on about how he was the best out of the band i was listening to everything until i looked over at roger and we locked eye contact. his eyes were the prettiest baby blue, his hair a dreamy blonde and it fell perfectly over his face, his lips were a light pink tha- "y/n!" ally snapped me out of my thoughts "s-sorry.. what were you saying?" i smiled "nothing just how roger winked at a fan today!" freddie smirked "which is very unacceptable." brian reminded freddie. as we were talking john looked over at the clock "wow, we've been talking so long i lost track of time! girls it's really late, why don't you stay over in the tour bus?" john giggled, me and ally nodded as it was pretty late. "we'll sleep on the couch" i suggested, the band agreed and walked over to their "rooms" but brian pulled roger to the side "was y/n the fan?" brian asked "what?! god no!" roger hesitated "yeah sure, i saw the way you two locked eyes." brian insisted "okay, she's hot! and i winked! i lost self control!" roger practically yelled "you're not gonna take another girl let alone a fan, fuck her then DITCH HER." brian shouted "im not that bad! and besides... she's... different..." roger looked away

everyone was asleep, the couch was surprisingly comfortable. but i cant shake the feeling that roger was staring at me for a certain reason..

[a/n] holy shit that was longer than i expected! i just had a lot of inspiration and yes this story sucks ALREADY- and there's not really a storyline just a cliché love story 😌🤟 (also i spell deacy with a c because his last name is "deacon" not "deakon" okay bye)

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