the big question

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"shit, shit, shit!" roger paced around the living room "roger, what are you yelling about?" brian got up from the couch and stretched his arms, you and the boys decided to stay the night at freddie's flat. "sorry bri. im just nervous." he ran his fingers through his blonde hair "about...?" brian wiped his eyes "um.. i'd rather tell you and the boys" roger sighed, sitting down on the open spot next to brian "but not y/n?" brian raised an eyebrow, roger simply shook his head.

"alright, love. i get it." roger giggled making himself a cup of tea "if you forget to do it, i'll kill you!" you grabbed your purse "i won't, it's not a crazy task" he smiled to himself "ok. i love you." you left before he could answer "love ya too" roger sighed, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. "should i get them?" brian pointed upstairs, "please do" roger's eyes full of worry, brian ran upstairs eager to know what roger was freaking out about. "fred" brian knocked on freddie's door frame "yes darling?" freddie was looking at himself in the mirror, "roger is nervous about something and he wants to tell us all" brian looked at his watch "roger's nervous?" john peeked his head through his door, grinning. "crazy, i know." brian laughed "ALL RIGHT DIPSHIT I SENT YOU UP THERE TO GET THE BAND, NOT TO LAUGH ABOUT ME." roger shouted from downstairs causing the band to laugh "all right blondie, calm your tits" freddie walked downstairs, john and brian following.

roger was fiddling with his fingers "cmon rog, what is it?" deaky laid his head on the table "im gonna.." he hesitated "im gonna ask y/n to marry me" roger placed a ring on the table "holy shit" brian smiled widely "blondie!" freddie got up and hugged roger "and im scared she'll say no." roger sighed "she won't. i promise you!" deaky giggled "okay.." roger pat john on the head "hi guys" you closed the front door, walking into the kitchen "you'll be fine" brian mouthed to roger "dear let me get your coat" freddie smiled taking your coat "oh.. thanks" you giggled "are you hungry? i can make you something?" john sat on the barstool "no deaky, im okay" you smiled putting a bag on the counter "i'll make some coffee. it's freezing outside, im sure you need it." brian got the coffee machine ready "why are you guys being so nice?" you titled your head "just uh.." brian looked at freddie, he shrugged "you're our friend. can't we be nice?" john smiled bashfully "ok but don't be too nice please" you grinned, walking to the restroom. roger let out a large breath "i couldn't even talk to her." roger held his chest "i say you do it now" freddie looked at the ring "hell, why not?" roger sighed putting the ring in his pocket "y/n!" roger yelled to you "meet me outside please!" he sounded anxious "ok.." you yelled back confused

"what is it?" you shivered, considering it was winter. "i wanted to ask you something" he blushed, you put a hand on his cheek "what is it?" you cooed softly "i.. uh.." roger got down on one knee, pulling the box out of his pocket "will you marry me?" roger awkwardly smiled, you giggled at his awkwardness. "roger meddows taylor. yes. i will marry you" you grabbed his shoulders pulling him up, kissing him. you grabbed the ring out of the velvet box and slid it on your finger, kissing roger once more. "good job blondie!" brian giggled from the door, john was clapping excitedly and freddie was holding his hand over his heart "my babies" freddie smiled "i love you roger meddows taylor" you laid your head on his chest "i love you too, y/n y/m/n y/l/n" roger wrapped his arms around you.


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