my partner for life

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today. today is the day you would be marrying the love of your life, roger meddows taylor.
you have an hour before the ceremony. mary, veronica & chrissy were in your dressing room hyping you up about it even more.

"i can't believe you're getting married before me!" mary smiled making you chuckle "shocking, i know. how much time left?" you looked over at veronica "30 minutes" she smiled cheerfully "oh wow.. is it too early to start drinking?" you sighed while smiling making the girls giggle "oh, sweetie you should put on your dress" chrissy rubbed your thigh "can't i just stay in my sweatpants?" you whined "come on, darling go!" mary pushed you into the bathroom with your dress you sighed and closed the door.

you slowly opened the bathroom door back open, you were all dressed and ready to go.

"oh" veronica smiled and put her hand over her mouth, chrissy smiled as she started to tear up "girls.. say something!" you started to worry "you look gorgeous, love." mary smiled making you blush "wow, roger sure is lucky!" chrissy giggled wiping her eyes with a kleenex

rogers POV
27 minutes. 27 minutes before i get married. that's pretty crazy huh? i checked my watch for what seemed like the 100th time, couldnt this happen any sooner. "you ready for this?" brian patted my shoulder "um.. i think so." i smiled in the mirror making sure my tux was fine and clean. "yeah. im ready." i smiled.

narrator POV
roger was standing under the arch, all the bridesmaids & groomsmen had walked down the aisle, all that was left is you. roger was softly rocking back and forth, he was so nervous yet excited at the same time. all he could think about was the future, but all those thoughts were cut off by the crowd standing up. roger turned to the aisle to see you starting to walk, god you looked beautiful, all roger could focus on was you. it was like no one was in the room except you two.

you walked up to the arch and stood across from roger, smiling. he returned that smile, "ladies & gentleman.." the celebrant started to speak as everyone sat down "we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of y/n and roger, now, let's share the vows. who would like to go first?" he smiled "you" roger mouthed and you nodded "ok uh.." you looked at mary who handed you a small piece of paper, you grabbed it and started reading "roger, when i first met you i knew there was something about you that intrigued me.." you held back your tears "t-to think that all of this happened because my stupid friend dragging me to some concert that i knew barely anything about," you smiled making roger chuckle "uh.." you squinted trying to read through your watery eyes "take your time" roger put his hand on yours comforting you, making you smile "e-everytime you touch me, in any way.. sorry dad" you sighed before hearing your dad chuckle in the crowd "anyways, everytime you touch me i get a rush of butterflies to my stomach. you make me happier than i thought i could ever feel.. and im not so good at sharing my emotions so the moral is.." you put the paper down and looked back up at roger and smiled "i love you." roger returned the smile "ok wow damn, didn't expect these feels today uh.." roger wiped his eyes making you giggle "i didn't write anything but erm," he grabbed your hands and look you in the eyes "after all the shit we've been through, after all the mistakes i've made.. the fact your still with me shocks me to my very core. after cheating on you it made me realize that you're the only one for me. i didn't wanna cheat, i just got drunk and stupid and im so sorry. i'll never forgive myself ever, but im glad you did because that's all i needed." you smiled at him "im so glad i get to spend the rest of my life with you and i love you y/n l/n" you sniffled and chuckled. after the vows and the ring and all the stuff, you two were finally married.

after the ceremony everyone went to a different room where there was drinks, snacks and all that fun party stuff. "congratulations, darlings!" freddie clinked his champagne to yours & rogers "thanks" you chuckled before roger wrapped his arm around you "don't get her too drunk rog!" brian smiled "cant make any promises" roger smirked before taking a drink of his champagne as you elbowed him softly in the stomach making him almost spit out his drink. "you two are gonna have so much fun in the future" freddie giggled "i guess a couple hours does count as the future" roger smiled before winking at you "ew roger!" you slapped his arm making him giggle

about an hour later after everyone ate dinner and stuff it was time for your first dance as a married couple

"i can't dance for the life of me" roger smiled at you "neither can i! let's figure it out together huh?" you reached your hand out "alright" he chuckled before grabbing your hand, you put your other hand on his shoulder, he put his other hand on your waist. "maybe just.." you start moving around leading him as he giggled "you sure seem like you know what you're doing!" he teased you "i watch a lot of movies" you giggled back, you and roger swayed to the beat for a little before looking at him again "i love you, taylor" you smiled "i love you too, l/n" he returned the smile before softly pressing his lips to yours "get a room!" freddie yelled making the crowd giggle "oh believe me, we will be soon!" roger yelled back at freddie making the crowd let out "oohs" and "damns" you sighed and hit roger's chest "shut up!" roger chuckled

after the song ended, roger walked back to his seat and your dad walked over to you on the dance floor "look at my little girl, if your mother was here she would be so proud." your dad sniffled "aw dad.." you wiped your eyes. you continued to have your dad and daughter dance before the song ended. you walked back to your seat before more uplifting music started playing, everyone in the crowd got up and started dancing except you and roger. he grabbed your hand before standing up "what are you-" "come on!" roger interrupted "but.. roger, did you forget this is our wedding? we kinda have to be here." you smiled making him chuckle "come on, no one will notice! i just wanna.. show you something. we'll be back soon i promise." he whined, you looked into his eyes and saw pure lust, you knew exactly what he wanted and you weren't complaining. so you sighed and stood up, he smiled and led you back to your hotel room.

roger quickly slammed the hotel door and pinned you up against it and crashed his lips into yours. he kissed your jaw and then your neck, he bit down on your sweet spot causing you to moan. he grabbed your legs and picked you up, he walked over to the bed and plopped you down. he hovered over you and kissed you again, you wrapped your arms around his neck and straddled his waist. you took his tux, tie & the shirt underneath it off of him and threw it across the room, he slipped your shirt off as well "fuck your beautiful." he smiled before unclasping your bra you chuckled, he starting kissing and suckling your breasts making you moan "come on, no teasing! we have to go back soon" you hit his chest "alright alright fine, take your clothes off" he sighed before standing up and taking everything off "yes sir" you smiled before taking the rest of your stuff off, he hovered back over you "you ready?" he aligned his hard-on to your womanhood "mhm." you smiled, he caught you by surprise when he shoved his dick into you as quick as he could, you moaned so loudly, you were pretty sure the people downstairs could hear you. he started pumping in and out of you, making you moan louder and louder each time "oh fuck-" you groaned "you're so tight" roger moaned into your neck, after a couple more pumps you both came.

you both put all your clothes back on, you walked into your hotel rooms bathroom and grabbed a hairbrush. roger followed you in that and started messing with his own hair with his fingers "the only one who probably noticed we were gone was freddie" you brushed one side of your hair making roger laugh "most likely" he smiled

you were barefoot running back to the building that was holding the wedding, because you couldn't run in heels no matter what. once you arrived back you realized that brian, freddie, john and their wives were back at the table not dancing anymore. you slipped your heels back on and walk over to the table, "welcome back sluts" freddie chuckled making you giggle "hey freddie, missed ya." roger smiled sarcastically before sitting down, you sat next to him and kissed his cheek "what was that for?" he turned to you "oh just admiring the love of my life." you giggled "wow, im really about to spend the rest of my life with you.." roger smiled "love you." "love you too y/n."


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