just the drunk talking

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you woke up to the tour bus's phone ringing, you were happy you were in the bus still but why was no one answering the phone? you got up and heard a slightly deep voice

"hey y/n?" he said

"oh hey brian" you said wiping your eyes

"c-can you uh.. come help me take drunk rog and fred back to the bus?" he awkwardly smiled, even though you couldn't see it you felt it.

"ughhh it's 3am!" you complained

"i know.. i'll buy you a drink." he offered

"fine i'll help but i don't need a drink." you hung up the phone.

you were driving to the location and it took 30 minutes to get there, when you arrived brian was already outside yelling at roger and freddie.
"I TOLD YOU ONE DRINK-" brian snapped "yeah.. and i had 8!" roger smiled, right as brian was about to slap the living shit out of roger "im here-" you said getting out of your car "oh thank god. i'll drive with fred in the front since he's less drunk and roger will sit in the back with you. is that okay?" you nodded. it took you around 2 minutes to get freddie in and 10 to get roger in. as you were driving back home, freddie was passed out in the front and roger was still awake. you turn your head to look at roger and he was dreamily looking into your eyes "what" you chuckled "you're beautiful" he smiled "haha thanks roger." you laughed "how can a human be so gorgeous?" he pushed your hair behind your ear "rog leave her alone." brian scolded "fine" he looked away, you turned cherry red as he looked away. you finally got back to the bus and stepped out of the car, you grabbed roger and you wrapped his arm around your neck "this is a position i could get used to" he drunkly giggled, you rolled your eyes thinking it was just the drunk talking... but was it?

you threw roger onto his bed and since brian didn't want to drag freddie all the way into his own room he just plopped fred on the couch. roger patted the open space on his bed next to him "join me" he smirked, you giggled "night roger." you closed the door. freddie rolled off the couch still passed out "UGH-" brian groaned "just leave him" you insisted, you and brian lazily sat on the couch and passed out 7 minutes later.


you woke up with the sun beaming in your face, brian was already awake in the kitchen making tea and roger and freddie were next to you. "that's not how you make tea!" freddie yelled "shut up! she's still asleep fred!" roger yelled back, obviously you weren't. you woke up and greeted them "morning darling" freddie said exhausted, you look at roger and grinned remembering what happened last night "what..? is there something on my face?" he asked "no but you did tell her to join you in bed last night" brian chuckled, after brian said roger turned bright red "im sure it was just drunk talk darling, plus you've slept with many women and you're drunk half the time" freddie reassured him "y-yeah probably." he turned more red by the second "also i haven't seen with a girl in 3 days! shocker. why's that?" john wondered "u-uh i don't know.. waiting uh.." roger looked at you "waiting for the right one. im done with hookups, that's a bad image. i mean i don't care that much but i don't want people to think that im just some guy who sleeps with a bunch of random women. i want one and that one will be the luckiest woman in the world." he smirked, the whole band and your mouths were wide open "im- shocked" brian stated,  everyone nodded in agreement with brian. roger smiled considering he made everyone shocked as hell, especially you.


"FUCK" you yelled as you were on the couch, the whole band looked at you in worry "what?!" john shouted "i don't know" you grinned "i like her" roger chuckled, brian pulled roger aside again "john told me that she was on your lap in the studio yesterday" brian said, roger started getting kinda nervous "b-before you anything-" roger started "calm down. im just wondering. do you like her?" brian asked, roger just shrugged "she's cute and smart and funny and.. like me.. but that doesn't mean i like her!" roger blushed "mmm" brian smirked "okay fine maybe a little." roger looked down "i'll give you permission to TRY and date a fan but only if it's y/n." brian smiled "r-really?" roger tilted his head and brian nodded, roger practically jumped for joy "girls please, you can talk about boys later! come over here." john said waving his hand over. everyone was sitting on the couch and slowly fell asleep together, you hoped it would be like this forever. but you knew it wouldn't.

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