Out of the bag

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We ate the pancakes in silence, disturbed only by Lea's laughs at the dogs trying to steal the meal from her plate. I couldn't stop thinking about the reason Bobby thought serious enough to show up so early in the morning. Normally, he would give me a call and we would discuss the matter on the phone. That made me think that there was a problem way bigger than my schedule or bookings. 
Not even 20 minutes later, there was a knock on the front door and, knowing it was him, I walked to the entryway not caring about my look. He's seen way worse. I opened the door and let him in. He gave me a peck on the cheek and went straight to the living room, getting comfortable on the couch. I followed him and stood in the doorway looking at him, curious.

"Stefi, done!"- we heard Lea from the direction of the kitchen.

"I see you're not alone."- noticed Bobby, "That's actually great. Bring the lover boy over here."

I went to the other room and let Bradley know that my manager wanted to speak with both of us. He looked at me confused but I knew just as much as he did. He took his daughter off the chair and put her on the floor, asking her to take the doggies to my room and try to put them to sleep on my bed, like a good sitter. When she chased the dogs away, excited, I grabbed his hand and led him to the living room where Bobby was waiting for us. I pushed Bradley to sit on the love seat and made myself comfortable in his lap. He put his arms around me and adjusted his t-shirt on my legs, pulling it down. We then looked at the other man, ready to listen to whatever was so important that he decided to show up.

"You're out."- he said simply.

"Out of what?"- I asked, not understanding what me meant.

"This love bubble you've created. You two are now public."- he answered, "Last night a series of tweets surfaced, saying that you were spotted on a date. Typical rumors. There was even a picture of the two of you with some fans. Still, friends hang out. But then, a huge amount of paparazzi pictures appeared of you with your daughter and Stef."- he said to Bradley, "And let me tell you, you make a pretty beautiful little family, hand holding and stuff. So yeah, the public pretty much knows now."

"How bad is it?"- a asked not really sure if I wanted to know the answer.

"None at at. I mean, there are some outlets claiming you've had an affair for a long time, cheating on your partners, but apart from that, everyone seems excited and happy for you."

"So they're calling me a homewrecker? One that destroyed two relationships at once?"- I let a single tear roll out of my eye and felt Bradley's thumb wiping it before he hugged me tighter.

"I'm the one who couldn't resist you."- he whispered into my ear, "You did nothing wrong."

"Look, we don't have to do anything about it if you don't want to. Or we could release a statement, say the truth and let it be."- suggested my manager, "I've already got a few hosts call me asking about your accessibility for an interview."

"No, Bradley's right. We did nothing wrong. And we knew we couldn't stay a secret forever. Let me think about it and deal with it myself. I don't really care about the media and if you say my fans are understanding, that's all that matters to me at this point."

"Ok, I'll give a no to everyone and you take it easy. Should I be prepared for anything else?"- he looked questioningly at Bradley's arms around my waist.

"No, these are just rumors."- clarified my man, "For now, at least."- he added, rubbing my stomach and I smiled to him at this loving gesture, completely understanding his sentiment.

"Yeah, you will hear that from me, I promise."

Bobby didn't want to stay and hang out, so after about half an hour of discussing other, work-related issues, we said our goodbyes and I showed him to the door. Meanwhile, Bradley went upstairs to check on Lea who was too quiet for his liking. I followed him as soon as I was done closing the door and was welcomed by a hilarious scene. He was barely standing, leaning on the closed door laughing and recording a video of his daughter who was having a field day in my walk-in. She was wearing one of my wings that was so long that she kept stepping on it while trying to put on a pair of incredibly high heels to match the quite provocative dress she had on.  

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