2: Correction, How a girl comes to live with four popular boys

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After a week of familiarising herself with the campus and mostly wandering around the school hallways alone, Yue made a new friend - a petite girl with a bright personality in one of her general modules.

Unlike Yue, who was majoring in journalism and comms, Jia Qi was a dance major also in her sophomore year, and she seemed to know a lot about everything and everyone in the university. When she found out exactly where Yue was staying, her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Wait - you're staying in 4F??"

"Yes - why?" Yue asked, suddenly worried that Jia Qi was going to tell her the apartment was haunted or something.

"Uh - your roommates are like four of the most popular boys in school."


"Come on, let's go," Jia Qi grabbed her arm. "I'll explain when we get there."


When they reached the cafeteria and had gotten their food and a table, Jia Qi started to give her the low down.

"Okay, let's start with Connor - Liang Jing Kang," she nodded towards a table at the far end, where Connor was seated with a bunch of students engrossed with their laptops. "Connor is like, the best-looking guy in software engineering, possibly the whole engineering faculty."


"Well, guys in engineering typically don't look like models, or have legs for weeks... Next, we have Darren Chen - Guan Hong."

At the opposite end, Darren was hanging out with a bunch of people dressed in black, who were all talking animatedly while he observed them quietly.

"He's one of the handsomest and most promising students in the drama faculty. They say he's a part-time model back in his home country, Taiwan. And he's been trying to break into acting."

"If he's from Taiwan, how can he not know about F4 and Meteor Garden??"

"Um, maybe cause they were famous when we were like... three?" Jia Qi shrugged. She looked around the cafeteria, until she spotted what she was looking for.

"Okay, then we have Caesar - Wu Xize," she said, blushing.

Oh, looks like someone's got a crush.

"Caesar is one of the most popular guys in my dance faculty - he's a dance and music double major. He's super popular with girls, and he's a cheerleader."

Yue raised an eyebrow. "A cheerleader?"

"Yeah, cheerleading is kind of a big thing in our school," Jia Qi explained. "Because it goes hand in hand with basketball - and basketball is a big thing here."

Yue's eyes clouded over slightly at the mention of basketball, but the other girl didn't notice.

"Basically, all the cheerleaders are super popular and good-looking, and they generally consist of the best dancers."

At the table of genetically-blessed individuals, Caesar sat in the middle and was being fawned over by two females on either side. Opposite him, a girl with long, auburn hair who looked vaguely like a doll was giving instructions while everyone listened.

"The girl talking is Cheng Xiao - she's cheer captain, and she's so flexible she practically has no bones. The guy next to her is Wang Yibo, the vice-captain, who also dances insanely well and whom people think she has something going on with."

The boy sitting next to Cheng Xiao was also good looking in an ice-prince sort of way, and he barely said a word, only occasionally nodding when Cheng Xiao asked him something.

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