16: How to disappear

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Disclaimer: Slight angst, that will resolve by the end of this chapter or within the next.

Over the next few weeks, everything seemed to return to normal.

Dylan and Yue continued to bicker. She was still delegated the notoriously difficult task of waking him up on days he overslept. And he still cooked for all of them.

As per his promise, Dylan also tried his best to be circumspect around her and not do anything more-than-friendly. He started to think they had moved past that incident, especially when the occasional sleepovers resumed; it was a sign that she trusted him again.

Things were back to the way they used to be.

Which was a good thing, he supposed.

Being near her and sleeping by her side brought him a certain sort of peace. A calmness that he craved and hadn't been able to find anywhere else.

So at first, when he woke up and she wasn't in his bed, he didn't immediately panic. She often got up before him anyway.

But she wasn't in her room either. Neither was she in the toilet, or the living room, or the kitchen. He would have assumed she just headed to school early, but something was clearly very wrong.

Most of her stuff was gone.

She had taken her clothes, books, and toiletries... only a few stray items were strewn haphazardly across her desk.

Racing back to his room, he snatched his phone from the bedside table and called her. When she didn't pick up, he called her again.

He called her over and over again, like a mad person, but all of his calls went unanswered. That was when he descended into full-fledged panic.

She's gone.

He desperately tried to recall if he had done something to upset her recently, but the only thing he could think of was what he assumed they had already put behind them - she hadn't given him any indication to believe otherwise.

But deep down he knew, this was her style.

Her modus operandi. Running away. Sometimes to a different city or state.

After all, that was how she came to live with them, right? Maybe she was no longer even in Shanghai. What if she had already transferred to Beijing University?!

In a daze, he looked around his empty room, lost without her.

He could imagine her still - sitting cross-legged at his desk with her round-rimmed glasses, lounging on his bed with her silly toy, fussing about his closet. If she was really gone...

... he would never be the same again.


The other three woke up to sounds of Dylan trashing his room.

By the time they rushed in, it looked like a tornado had hit it. Most of the stuff on his desk and shelf had been swept onto the floor. He was still in the midst of angrily hurling clothing and hangers everywhere. Caesar and Connor reached him first, seizing him by the arms and shoving him forcefully down on the bed.

"DIDI - STOP!" Caesar bellowed at him.

Panting, Dylan reached for the nearest thing his fingers came into contact with - a picture frame on his bedside table - and flung it at the wall. It shattered, and he stared at the irrevocably broken pieces.

It was a photo of him and Shen Yue, taken on the day they were pretending to be Dao Ming Si and Dong Shan Cai.

"Didi," Caesar repeated, softer this time. "Enough."

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