11: How to prove someone is yours

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Before their upcoming match, the basketballers were wondering why their captain seemed unusually uptight and slightly agitated, when it was almost certain they would win. Not only did they have home ground advantage, but in terms of overall talent and teamwork, their opponents - the varsity team from Hangzhou - were simply no match for them.

Dylan was actually dreading the possible run-in between Yue and him - the Hangzhou basketball captain.

Her former love.

After that night when he had comforted her on the couch, she never spoke of him again. He knew how deeply it had affected her, and he didn't want all her old wounds to be reopened if she encountered him when the Hangzhou team came here. Worse still, what if the guy tried to reconcile with her? Just the thought of it made his insides churn.

On the day of the match, while they were heading to campus, Dylan suddenly told Yue, "you don't have to come watch the match later - just stay at home okay."

But Yue brushed him off. "Of course I'll come see you," she said dismissively, before rushing off to her class.

Dylan stared after her, watching as her small frame disappeared into the daily throng of students; he couldn't help but wonder.

Are you coming to see me... or him?


As the game was about to begin, Dylan gathered his teammates in their usual group huddle before taking their places on the court. His eyes scanned the crowded bleachers one more time; the place was packed with students from both universities who had come to support their respective teams.

Then, he saw her.

The one person he always searched for.

Yue was jumping up and down so she could be seen over the heads of the other spectators, and waving frantically at him.

Even though he had told her not to come, seeing her gave him a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, heart pounding in his ears, he made his way to the half court.

The tallest, best-looking guy of the visiting team entered the circle with him to jump for the ball.

"I'm the Hangzhou captain - Hu Yi Tian," the other guy introduced himself, offering his hand. Dylan shook it firmly, fixing him with his most intense stare.

"Wang He Di," he replied curtly. "I hope you don't take it personally when I wipe the floor extra hard with you today."

Yi Tian only smiled slightly, and nodded. "Bring it."

They crouched in preparation, and when the whistle sounded, Dylan leapt for the ball with all his might.

This one is for Shen Yue.


As expected, the Shanghai University basketball team trashed their Hangzhou counterparts, in no small part due to Dylan's insanely aggressive playing.

Hu Yi Tian took it in his stride. After all, he acknowledged that Dylan was a better basketball player and captain, and had a stronger team. But some of the Hangzhou basketball team members were not as sporting, and could not accept their crushing defeat so graciously. They also could not stomach Dylan's attitude and confident swagger, perceiving it to be arrogance and conceitedness.

As both teams were heading to the locker rooms, one of Hangzhou team members passed a snide remark. "You think you're all that, but no matter what, you'll always be having our Yi Tian's leftovers..."

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