20: How to tell the difference between UTI and ...

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Disclaimer: Weirdly mature.

"I don't understand," Yue said, for the umpteenth time since they had left the clinic and returned home.

The test results had come back negative for UTI - no white or red blood cells in her urine. The trainee doctor on duty had then suggested that her symptoms were due to "stress" or "Qi imbalance".

Not only had they wasted time and money, but thanks to Dylan's lack of volume control when he frantically announced to the whole waiting room that she needed a urine test, there was a new rumour spreading around the school that Shen Yue was pregnant, likely with Wang He Di's love child.

Ordinarily, she would have been more vexed, but he was being so caring towards her that she couldn't dredge up any annoyance over his loudness. Anyway, the fake news would clear up by itself nine months later when she didn't give birth.

"Do you still feel like peeing?" Dylan asked. He was sitting on her bed, still researching on his phone what could possibly be ailing her. "Is this the first time you've felt this?"

She stopped pacing back and forth momentarily to answer him. "Ummm, the feeling comes and goes." Come to think of it, this wasn't the first time. The other times... she had been too preoccupied to dwell on it, and the sensation had dissipated on its own.

"I've felt this before... when you were drunk."

"You mean when we... when I..." he looked up, his voice trailing off. She blushed.

"So when we uh... almost did stuff, and just now when we were talking about doing stuff," he repeated slowly, "you feel like peeing?"

"It just so happened that the urge appeared at those moments- "

His brows furrowed. "Can you describe the feeling?"

Yue sighed, slightly embarrassed and exasperated that he was making her explain in such detail. "It's just like, a feeling of urgency, or a sort of pressure here." She placed her hand on her lower abdomen. "Don't tell me you've never felt urgent before?"

He stared at her for a long beat, his frown deepening when he seemed to reach a conclusion.

"Shen Yue, I don't think it's cause you need to pee," he said, with a little half laugh.


The right corner of his mouth curved upwards. "It's cause you want me."

Her eyes widened in abject mortification. She started to protest but a strangled noise escaped from her throat instead.

Dylan leaned back on his elbows, casually patting the bed beside him. "Come here," he ordered her softly. His eyes were wicked, teasing.

She plastered herself against the wall in response, shaking her head vigorously.

"It's either you come here, or I'll go there. Against the wall, or on the soft comfortable bed - you choose."

Yue continued to shake her head, but her traitorous body involuntarily moved closer to him. As though possessed by his intoxicating sexuality, or because the wall was indeed very hard. The minute she was within reach, he came forward, tugging on her arm and bringing her to sit down next to him.

Then, like the way they did it in those dramas, Dylan slowly lowered them both onto the mattress...

Their faces were only inches apart, and he leaned in, so close his breath mingled with hers.

"Shen Yue, can I kiss you?"

He'd never asked for permission before, and in some ways it felt like they had already gone beyond kissing. The question made her feel shy all of a sudden.

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