"Must you truly go? There are plenty of other men that can fight in your stead." Toril asked her newlywed husband Kezule. He was dressed in fine leather armor with a shoulder-padded crest of her family, a sword of steel made by her people hung by his belt and lightweight boots on his feet. Toril laced up the sides of his armor continuing to try and talk him out of leaving. " We've not been married for more than half a day, and already I dress you to leave." Kezule placed his hand on hers while it lingered on his shoulder.
"I give you my word that I will be quick and safe. Now that our people and lands are one, we can eliminate the threatening poachers and thieves. When I return, I will be all yours." His hand cupped her face gently and looked at her with a smile before turning and mounting his horse. "Let's go!" With that Kezule and a group of her father's men rode off, out of sight.
After they had left, Toril smoothed out her white wedding gown. The dress was plain with a single strip of lace around the hem and the neckline fell just below her neck in a curve. The bottom of the dress had begun to get dirty, so she decided to head home and change. Walking through the poor looking village, she could not help but smile. Everyone had so much fun at the party the night before, Kezule had even stolen her first kiss. It was like a dream, one she did not want to wake from. Only a month had passed since Kezule had come to this village asking for her hand in marriage. And at first, she hated him for it. But after a while, he won her over with a silver tongue and skills to fight and protect. both her mother and father thought it was a great thing for her to get married to a rich skilled and sturdy man. She had thought otherwise, blatantly refusing the proposal. After a month of charm and skilled sword fights, and constant nagging she'd agreed to marry him. His strength was the biggest part of the marriage though, coming from a family of warriors, Toril expected the same type of man to marry, if he could not hold his own in a sword fight she would not marry. Kezule was skilled enough to best many in the village of warriors but like all the other men, he could not defeat her father, the head of the village. She herself was skilled as well, though she never trained out in the open as women are not meant to fight. Ever since she was young she was drawn to it. Thus, her father trained her in the woods with his good friend Junta. Now, she was just as good as her father and she did her best to keep it that way.
"Well would you look at that," Her father said as he motioned for her to sit beside him in front of her home, waking her from her thoughts. "My once beautiful daughter is now a beautiful wife." The boom of happiness echoed around them.
"Hello Father," Toril said as she sat down on the wooden step.
"What's wrong? It's your wedding day, yet you look like someone has stolen your favorite blade." He turned toward her slightly. Her father was a large man full of muscle and scars from constant battles. with a shaggy head of brown hair and a beard to match his strength could be seen just from a glance. "Tell me what ails you?"
"Kezule left so soon..."Toril said in a low tone as her gaze shifted downward.
Her father smiled at this, "Daughter, was it not long ago that you wished upon the gods that he had gone? Now here you sit wishing he had not left." He began laughing, "The gods can only do so much."
"I should have gone with him, I'm just as skilled with the sword as he is. He even admitted that I was when we sparred."Toril said defensively.
Her father laughed harder, "Spar with him, did you? And who was it that won?" Toril's satisfied expression had him slapping his knee laughing even harder.
"I'm sorry to interrupt this joyous conversation that you two are having, but I need some help with packing our daughter's belongings." Toril's mother said poking her head out of the door then disappearing once more. with long brown hair braided into a crown upon her head and soft green eyes, her mother was as beautiful as could be, even with the lines from smiles and worry framed her face and grey strands spotted her hair.
"Why is it I must lose my daughter just because she has wed? What shall I do when I wish to practice with someone worthy enough to face?" Her father said somberly before standing with Toril and putting his hands on her shoulders. Taking a moment to look at her, Toril's father kissed her forehead and went inside.
Looking at the village now, Toril couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. By marrying Kezule, she now had to leave the place she grew up; to stay with him at his estate. She hoped that Kezule would be kind and allow her to visit home a few times a year. She loved it here, even with the harsh summers and little vegetation, it was home.
Hours later, Toril was on her way by carriage to her new home. She had said her goodbyes to the townspeople and her parents and was now traveling through the forest on a beaten up trail with a small group of her father's most trusted men. the forest soon gave way to acres and acres of open land.
"I'd love to ride out here, it's so open," Toril sighed as she gazed out the window of the carriage.
"You will have plenty of time for that once you arrive at Kezule's estate," Junta said putting a hand on top of hers then taking it off. Junta was one of her fathers best men and most trusted friend. Toril grew up with him teaching her the things that her mother could not, like riddles and how to know where to strike and how to anticipate the movements of others. But now she was leaving behind any chance of sword fighting and riddles to keep her mind sharp. She sighed, this was the part of the marriage she feared the most. Kezule had promised her that he would be there every step of the way, but her she was already halfway to the estate and he was off killing bandits and poachers. Letting her restlessness get the better of her, Toril turned to her friend.
"Junta, tell me a riddle."
He smiled at her, thought a moment and said, "The people that make them sell them. The people that sell them buy them, The people that buy them use them. But the people that use them do not know that they use them. What are they?" he watched as she mulled it over in her head, repeating it out loud. She and her father were the only ones that enjoyed the riddles he came up with, but she was the only one that could figure them out. Junta thought sadly, he would miss it dearly.
"A coffin!" Toril exclaimed as she looked to Junta for approval. He nodded with another smile on his face before thinking of a new one.
"Okay, I am swift but also slow. I can turn you into dust that the wind can blow. Without me, life would cease to be just as no one could ever beat me, what am I?"
It took Toril a bit longer to think about it, she loved riddles and each time she figured one out made her really happy. "Is it time?" She finally asked, her eyes bright with victory in her sight. When he nodded yes, she punched the air in a cheer. "Okay, one more, make it tough," Toril said, ready and listening carefully.
Junta chuckled at her excitement over the riddles, trying to take in these last moments of her being around. He thought hard and finally said," There are four brothers, one can run without tiring. Another can eat and eat but never gets full. One can drink and drink but is never able to quench its thirst. The last can sing any type of tune, who are they?"
Toril rolled her eyes and smiled as she said," You've already told me that one. The four brothers are river, fire, earth, and wind."
The carriage turned to cause both of them to lean to one side, then suddenly it stopped. Toril stuck her head out of the window to see why they had stopped and found a group of men in front of the carriage. They held what seemed to be daggers and short swords all of which were drawn. Her father's men surrounded the carriage defensively and told the men to move off the road. Toril was about to get out and help drive them away when Junta put a hand in front of her while placing the other hand on his sword which was clipped to his side.
"No Toril, stay inside." He got her to sit back in her seat, but she kept her ears and eyes focused on the people outside the carriage, who now were closing in.
"Back off!" One of her father's men shouted drawing his own sword, the others did the same. One of the bandits came forward wearing burgundy clothing, holding a curved blade the size of his forearm. "Please do as we say or the woman inside the carriage will be most uncomfortable." As he spoke, more bandits came out of the treeline from behind the carriage.
"Back off!" the same man from her father's team repeated. The leader sighed shaking his head then lifted his hand to motion for an attack.
All at once the men began to charge at the carriage but were stopped and held in combat with her father's men. Twenty bandits fought with the eight men that accompanied her.
Watching the battle, Toril wanted to join more than anything. Her family and village were warriors always going to battle for kings and queens, it was in their blood. All that held her back was the fact that she was a woman, who was not meant to fight, and because Junta told her to stay. He had experience from many battles and knew how to pick which to fight and which to ignore.
Her father's men were skilled and strong against the agile and quick bandits. The bandits dodged the attacks well but they had little strength and endurance against the mighty attacks that her father's men threw. The battle went on for a few minutes before one of the bandits came close to the carriage. He tried to open the door but before he could Junta lunged, pulling a small dagger from his side and plunged it into the man's chest. Drawing back his blade, Junta sheathed the dagger and the man slid to the ground. Toril, who had anticipated his attack, had simply watched. A man's yell drew her attention, and her gaze followed the sound. Once she saw the man, her eyes grew wide and without a second thought, she got out of the carriage and ran to him. That man was held down by her father's men by the time she had reached him, maneuvering easily through the fight. Stopping in front of him Toril looked at his armor, there, the crest of her family was in clear view. She stared at it in disbelief for a moment then demanded,
"Tell me where you got this!" She tore the crest off the man, who now had his full attention. The man grinned at her, and she knew why. Women this day and age could do very little and he did not know that she was skilled in battle. Also, she was not wearing her usual battle attire, instead she was clothed as a lady, in a blue dress with a design at the hem. One of her father's men placed a sword by the bandit's neck,
"You heard her answer!"
The man chuckled at her and said, "What? You one of those men's Woman? Hate to break it to ya', but they're all dead."
Toril angrily grabbed him by the collar and shoved the crest in his face clenching her teeth she ground out her repeated question, "Tell me where you got this."
"I just did," The bandit said aggravated."I got it from a corpse. Some men were getting ready to burn a pile of bodies. The thing caught my eye so I grabbed it."
"You lie!" Toril shouted at him.
"No, I ain't! I'm telling the truth crazy wench!" He shouted back." I'll show you damned spot if ya want."
"Toril, "Junta's voice came from behind her as his hand laid on her shoulder. She nodded and released the bandit.
"Fine, bind him, we shall see if he speaks the truth." Toril then turned and began walking away. The fight had all but ended and the bandits that were able ran away. When she got to the carriage she turned back to the bandit and said," And if you are lying thief, I swear on my honor, I will slit your throat myself." Then she got into the carriage and let out a pent up breath. Junta climbed in as well and turned to Toril saying,
"I Know you're angry, but It would be better to send some men instead of-" He was cut off by her gaze toward him. It was far off and glazed as if she did not see him at all.
"Junta..." Toril spoke in a low tone.
He did what he thought would be the best at the time, he hugged her. What was there to say? The man wore her family's crest which only her family had. Junta was the only one that the man could have taken it from. "Perhaps, he stole it from Kezule." She did not respond and simply buried her face in his chest. Her actions earlier would have made her mother proud, especially with all the restraint she'd demonstrated. Had it been any day before, Toril would have thrown him around like a rag doll. This, however, had a price, Which was her now in his arms. She knew that her days of fighting had to stop and it took all she had not to harm the bandit. Now she clung to him just as she had as a child of ten, the only difference was that no tears fell from her eyes. By the time she backed away from him, he saw that anger now filled the depths of her eyes. The wagon began to move forward and Toril took a deep breath before speaking,
"Kezule's a proud fighter, there is no way he would allow a mere bandit to steal from him. He's also skilled in swordplay, almost as well as father and I, there is no way he'd be beaten by such a scrawny man."
He watched her a moment searching for the right words before taking a stern approach," Toril, if we take a detour from the current route, we will not make it in time for your arrival."
"And if Kezule is in danger!? What then? Do you expect me to just sit by while he may need me? what use am I to his home if he never returns?! I should be out there-" Toril exclaimed.
"That is no longer your way!" Junta yelled, stopping her instantly. She felt deflated instantly knowing he was right. She was no longer the young woman that swung a sword or hunted for fun. She was now to be a young lady that had servants do everything for her. Quietly, Toril nodded and said,
"We shall stay on the course to my new home and send a small handful of men with the bandit."
"After speaking to one of the men walking beside the carriage, Junta sent the men off and said," Toril, I'm-"
"Junta," She cut him off, "I'm suddenly very tired, mind if I rest my eyes in silence?" Her voice was low echoing how defeated she felt.
"Of course, "Junta answered feeling a pang of guilt. He meant to simply advise her to do her duty as a lady. Now it seemed this trip as well as their goodbye, shall be a bitter one.
Hours slipped by in silence. Junta tried to converse with Toril a few times to no avail. His hopes of a happy goodbye to her seemed to be slipping from his grasp. Memories began to flood his mind of a younger Toril. He used to babysit her and she would talk to her father about her love of swordplay. She grew to love swords instead of sewing needles and rather wore plain dresses then the pretty embroidered ones. Looking at her now, Junta thought, perhaps he should have helped her parents raise her to be more ladylike.
"Castle's insight my lady!" One of the men hollered. Instantaneously, Toril's posture became one of a high ranking lady. Her back straightened, her hands placed in her lap and she looked straight ahead regally. Junta stared in amazement, perhaps, he thought, they raised her well. Despite her love of weapons and skilled ability with them. She may turn out to be quite the lady after all.
The residence was a rundown castle, barely holding itself together. The walls were full of cracks and holes, most of which showed in the front. That is where a line of people waited to greet her. As she got out of the carriage, she placed a hand on Junta's and said, "Goodbye Junta, Take care of father and mother alright?" With that, she turned toward her new home and introduced herself with a small curtsy.
The carriage pulled away and Junta thought, she's really gone...then the bandit flew into his mind.
"My lady, my name is Tabatha" A woman greeted her. She was aged but strong looking and seemed to be the head maid by the way she carried herself. "These are the occupants of the castle each one has certain jobs to do."
Before she could say their names, a piece of the wall collapsed.
"Tabatha," Toril said orderly, "That is unacceptable." She pointed at the wall that had just lost more rocks. "Sturdy walls for a sturdy home. These walls are the farthest I have ever seen from sturdy."
Tabatha watched with a gaped mouth and wide eyes as Toril pulled back her long brown hair and tied back her hair with a string she took from her pocket.
"Let's get to work, shall we?" Toril said then turned to Tabatha." Tabatha, I would like you to collect as much mud as possible, and make sure it's the kind with rocks mixed inside. Otherwise, the mud will chip excessively after drying."
"My lady?" Tabatha asked stunned that the new lady of the household would act in such a way.
"I'll need some men to build a ladder to get to the high parts on the walls unless of course you already have one. These front walls will need massive repair before anything. The litter of excess rocks and dirt will need to be moved as well, so some servants can do that." Toril put her hands on her hips saying this while looking over the walls trying to figure out what needed to be repaired. When she noticed that everyone was staring at her in shock she used a sturdy tone saying, "Well, Don't just stand there. This place won't fix itself."
With that last comment, everyone ran to do what they were told. Toril watched happily as everyone ran off, that is except Tabatha. She then decided to help move the rubble into a nearby wheel barrel.
"My lady, you mustn't!" Tabatha exclaimed."That is for the servants to do."
Toril's icy gaze stopped Tabatha from speaking another word. "I am the lady of this home is that not right?" Toril asked sternly. " And a lady must run the household while the husband is away. That includes making sure that the place is in order, which at the moment, it's not. So I am going to help with whatever I can, besides, the staff here is tiny for this estate so my helping is mandatory. I have no intention of idling by while everyone else is working hard." Toril let her words soak in before adding, "Oh and Tabatha, could you also make sure that everyone stays hydrated and fed while they work. There's a good chance we will be working day and night." Tabatha nodded and walked away thinking how strange her new lady was.
Adrian pulled the horse to a stop outside the Caston's castle. The goods he carted ranged from season salts to cloth of different varieties. Most of the items were usually bought by Kezule if he was home but as of late, only Tabatha the head maid was able to buy certain items in his absence. Today, however not one person in the estate came out to greet him. He also noticed that the front walls were repaired and looked far better than the last time he visited. Leading the horse to the side stables he found a maid racing to the well with a bucket. Just as she was turning back to the castle with a full bucket of water, Adrian was able to greet her.
"Hey there, where is everyone?"
The maid jumped not noticing that he was nearby, and after seeing who it was, smiled and said,
" Mr. Adrian, Good to see you. Everyone's inside, would you like me to see you to Mrs. Tabatha?" She started to head inside saying," Sorry for the mess, this way."
As they entered the doorway, into the great hall, Adrian could not believe what he saw. There were people running about and people sitting on the floors fixing the walls. There were buckets and rags everywhere.
"Mrs. Tabatha is this way," The maid said heading toward a room down a hallway. Adrian followed her careful not to step on anyone. They ended up in the kitchen which was also a mess with people busy with food.
"Allister! Is that soup done yet!? Lynn cut the pieces smaller or they won't cook fully. Where's that onion I asked for!?" Tabatha was roaming around in the kitchen supervising the cooks not noticing Adrian in the doorway.
"Mrs. Tabatha!" the maid yelled over the loud noise, catching her interest before the maid left.
"Mr. Adrian, welcome I am sorry for the chaos here. This way," Tabatha said as she told one of the cooks to supervise then ushered Adrian out of the kitchen and down another hall.
"Busy as bees today?" Adrian asked with a smile on his face, it was nice to the place look so lively.
"There's a New lady of the house," Tabatha said sounding weary.
"New lady? The fool's finally decided to settle down and marry?" He asked moving to the side of the hall so a maid could pass.
"Yes but he has yet to return from chasing away bandits, that was a week and a half ago," Tabatha said turning around a corner.
"You know how he is, it would be a miracle if he stayed home for good." Adrian laughed."This new lady might help him though where is she?"
"It's not that she's not helping..."Tabatha began sounding even more tired, "It's that she's helping too much."
Before Adrian could ask what she meant, a scream came from down the hall that they were walking to. Both Tabatha and Adrian ran to the room it came from and found a maid on a chair. Toril stood nearby with a rat in one hand and a hammer in the other.
"My lady, please put that thing down," Tabatha said, realizing instantly why the maid screamed. The maid got down off the chair apologized for screaming and left the room.
"All that I did was catch it and snap its neck. I don't know what the fuss is about, besides its not that big of a rat to start with." Toril explained as she put down the rat and hammer on a side table. She was dressed in a light blue dress full of stains, her hair was pulled back in a loose bun and she was covered in dust and dirt. " Catching them myself will have to do for now until another way to drive them out of the castles comes."
" Are you really the new lady of the house?" Adrian asked a bit off kilter from seeing such a lady as the new head.
Toril turned to him, just now noticing his presence then asked, "New lady? Was there an old one?"
"My lady Toril, this is Mr. Adrian. He is a traveling merchant and a long time friend of this household." Tabatha gestured toward him as she introduced them. " And, as for the term new lady, he means that you are new to this household."
" Is that so? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Adrian right? Have you come to sell your wares?" Toril asked wiping off her hands on her dress. "I am sorry for the mess, The renovating should not take much longer."
Adrian nodded in acknowledgment noting that her eyes had a sort of spark to them. Those same eyes that held the color bronze in their depths.
" So Adrian what goods have you brought us today?" Tabatha asked as she tried to control this nightmare of a new lady.
"Right, I'll take you to the cart now," Adrian said then turned to leave the room and head for the door.
"I'll go too," Toril said, "but I must first dispose of the rat."
All three of them left the room and ventured outside to where the cart was stationed. On the way, Toril threw the rat into a pile of debris sitting a few feet from the castle. Outside, the clouds momentarily blocked out the sun causing a shadow to fall upon them.
"There is an abundance of cloth and medicine this month." Adrian opened his cart showing his wares. He pulled out a bolt of navy blue fabric saying," This one here is especially nice but not as cheap."
"That's alright," Toril said in confidence."Price is of little concern. My family is well in gold and silver, how much?"
Tabatha looked at Toril questioningly then asked, "Kezule Wrote that you lived in a poor and unkept town. So how are you well in coin?"
Toril smiled taking the bolt of fabric from Adrian and handing him a few gold coins.
"Kezule was right about my town being poor but not in the way that you might think." She put the bolt down vertically and explained." My town is rich in gold and silver given as gifts from kings and queens for the victories in battle. There are little vegetation and water, but my people are strong enough to live there happily."
Tabatha was about to apologize but was distracted by an incoming rider. The rider raced toward them catching everyone's attention. As he approached, Toril smiled recognizing her friend. Adrian, however, was again in shock. The rider, twice his size dismounted and hugged Toril, nearly covering her completely. The man stood at seven foot three and was wearing a short-sleeved tunic with brown colored pants. Every inch of him signified that he was a fighter due to the build of the main muscle. Adrian looked at the man thinking about what Toril had said about her town of warriors, and she had hugged him, which meant that she knew him somehow. Was he her father? Brother?
"Junta, How are you? What's with the sudden visit? Did you miss me that much?" Toril asked as she smiled happily.
"I did miss you, very much. Your presence is missed by everyone at home. But this visit is not for pleasure..."Junta said frowning as his smile waned. Toril's smile vanished and a serious look took its place.
Understanding completely, Toril ushered him inside saying," Let's get you some food and drink, then we'll talk." Before she went in herself, she turned towards Tabatha and threw a small drawstring pouch full of gold coins to her."Here buy whatever we need, or want. You can buy the whole contents of the cart if you want." She then turned to Adrian, smiled and said, " You are welcome to stay the night if you so wish." With that, she turned toward the door to enter.
"My lady! This is far too much are you sure you want me to handle this much coin?" Tabatha asked baffled by the amount she now held in her hands. The clouds parted letting the sun break through, just as Toril turned to say,
" I trust you." Smiling at Tabatha, Toril was bathed in sunlight for a moment before she went inside. Adrian watched her go in amazement. She was actually quite beautiful under all the dirt and stained clothes. Kezule picked a fine woman to marry.
"So, What is it?"Toril asked after finding a seat at the table with bread and ale.
"It's about Kezule," he waited a moment before continuing. "That bandit was telling the truth." Again he waited before continuing. "He led the men to a pile of burned bodies that matched the men that left with him." He looked up at her, but she kept a blank stare, not revealing anything. "Toril, Do you understand? Kezule's-"
Toril cut him off by standing suddenly.
"Junta..."Toril whispered, "I know I said that I would act more like a lady and not do this... but, would you please spare with me?" Her voice held the pain and anger she felt but her face was still as blank as a moment ago. When he nodded in compliance, they both headed outside where Tabatha and Adrian were finishing up. Walking past them, Toril and Junta moved to a safe distance away from everything. Junta pulled out his sword and pulled another from his horse's saddle to hand to Toril.
Before either Adrian or Tabatha could ask what they were doing, Toril lunged at Junta. Using such speed and force that Junta just barely diverted the attack. Right after that strike, she swung up at him having him block with his own blade. Junta pushed her back and struck down, forcing her to evade or block. She chose to block and both pushed the other away, leaving them a few feet apart. Simultaneously, they swung their swords to the side meeting in a loud crashing of metal. Both of them backed off and used the same backswing attack and once again met in the middle.
Adrian and Tabatha watched flabbergasted with the scene that played before them. A Lady as small as she was sword fighting, quite well, with a tower of a man that, just minutes ago were hugging.
"My Lady!" Tabatha yelled, finally finding her voice, fearing an impending death.
"Don't interfere!"Junta shouted back while blocking an attack to his shoulder.
The clashing of swords drew out some maids and workmen from the castle, soon a crowd watched the sparring. Junta swung his blade just as Toril had, gaining speed in the swordfight. If not for his strength, Junta would not have been able to last this long, but he was getting winded. raising his sword high with both hands on either side to show that he was done. Toril stopped midway in an attack, then let her arms fall to her sides. Her hair had gotten loose from the fight and now it hung messily around her face. Junta, catching his breath and Toril standing motionless stood silently for a moment before Tabatha stammered,
" A-are you two finished?"
Junta sheathed his sword saying,
" I am, but she's not." looking at her now he felt terrible that he could not keep up with her. "Toril, these people need their lady. Mourning too long will not help any.
"Mourn? For what? Has someone died?" Adrian asked looking back and forth from Toril to Junta. Toril turned and walked to the stables without a word. "Who died?' Adrian asked again.
"Her husband, Kezule," Junta answered looking at the stables. Tabatha put a hand on her chest in shock and sadness. Adrian walked over to Junta and asked how. " Murder was all he could say since his mind was preoccupied with worry for Toril.
She rode as fast as the horse would allow, over hills through valleys. Her mind flew to the time that she met Kezule, then all that happened since then. All the way to the moment that he told her that he would return. Anger was all she felt as she rode. She stayed out riding until the horse refused to run anymore and the sun had begun to set. When the castle was within sight, Toril stopped and looked at it thinking. This was her home, and from now on, she would run it alone, without her husband Kezule. Letting out a Gusty breath, she got off the horse and walked it the rest of the way.
" Are you certain the lady will be alright?" Tabatha asked worried, for what seemed like the hundredth time.
" Yes, she will be fine. Toril is very good at handling different situations, this will be no different." Junta explained. He had been trying to ease the woman's worries but was not successful. He also worried but did not want them to know so he sat and listened to Tabatha worry out loud as she paced the dining room floor. Tabatha, Adrian had followed him into the dining room after Toril had bolted out of the stables on a horse. At first, he was fine with her worrying but in the last hour, Tabatha had begun to complain about how Toril was acting in the castle. How she does not dress appropriately and does some of the servants work denying any type of help.
"How do you know?" Adrian asked leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. He did not trust Junta at all. His whole appearance gave the impression of a thug. He still did not know who he was exactly and why he and lady Toril found it necessary to hug and then swordfight.
" I don't!" Junta yelled tired of Tabatha's whining and Adrian's accusing questions. " She just lost her husband, must live as a widow and take care of this miserable excuse for a castle!"
Just then, the door opened and Toril walked in.
"Junta, do not shout at them. They simply wish to know what is going on." Toril walked over to the table and took a seat. Her hair was a mess and pulled to the side over her shoulder. Her dress had mud on the bottom trim and her eyes were calm with no sign of tears. Everyone watched her as she began to speak again. " Kezule is dead, He was murdered while out hunting down bandits and poachers. I no not who dealt the blow to his life, but it must have been great. He was a strong and prideful man. Junta came bearing this news after following a small-minded bandit that stole my family's crest from his dead body. Kezule's body along with a small fleet of my father's men was killed and burned."
Junta felt a flood of relief seeing Toril back to normal and speaking with a strong voice. She really was going to be alright. Adrian noticed this as well but it did not stop him from questioning her.
" Are you sure it was him? It could have been someone else." Adrian asked trying to grasp the fact that his friend was dead.
Toril turned to him and with a sad smile, she explained," There are only four crests made for my family. One is with my mother, one is with my father, and one is with me. Kezule had the fourth. Only those in my family are made one." she waited for it to sink in before she added, " Kezule wore it when he left and the thief took it from his dead body before it was burned." Tabatha was about to walk over to her and give a comforting hug but stopped when Toril looked into the fireplace that burned brightly on the side of the room. "I know that you are all as upset as I am. Kezule's death, however, will not stop me from taking care of this household and it's inhabitants." She looked over at Junta," I will also try harder to be a lady," She then looked at Tabatha, "But I will also help around the castle with things. I promise to be the kind of lady that everyone here will be proud of."
"My lady, perhaps you should go rest for the night," Tabatha said tearily eyed. She was happy to hear the words Toril spoke but she was also sad for losing her former master of the house. "You look exhausted..." She took her by the arm and lead her upstairs after saying that the men can find their own rooms for the night.
Once the women had gone, Adrian stared at Junta wondering how everything had gotten so messed up since his arrival.
"What!?" Junta asked annoyed that Adrian was staring at him.
" Did the bandit attack when lady Toril was on here way here?"
"Did she fight them too?"
"She wanted to but no, why?"
"Well, i was wondering about the sword fight earlier. Why did you guys fight? Where did she learn to fight like that? Did you teach her? What are you to her?" Adrian asked, letting his curiosity take off.
Junta, surprised by the sudden questions leaned back to put his hands up and said," Woah, slow down." He took a minute to study Adrian to see if he was worth telling the answers, then decided he was okay." Well, the sword fight was to vent out her feelings, unfortunately, I could not keep up with her and that is why she rode off. Secondly, Her father and I taught her the basics and she learned the rest on her own. She quite a natural taking to the sword like a fish to water. Oh, and I am her family's friend."
" She was taught to sword fight? but she is a woman and woman are not supposed to-"
"It's in her blood, her bloodline is filled with fighters and tried as we could. We could not stop her from wanting to fight and spar. Her mother taught her to teach her how to be a lady with sewing, getting dressed up and acting certain ways. She did a great job, but Toril just wanted to swordfight. Yes, she knows how to be a lady, but she rathers to act like a man." Getting himself riled up, Junta slammed on the table with his fist yelling," Damn I need a drink!" Almost instantly, a maid scurried in and served a pint of ale with a cup then ran off. Watching the maid hurry away, Junta felt bad and memorized her face so that he could apologize and thank her. Taking a large gulp from the cup, he looked back at Adrian, who had leaned back in his chair. He had been scared by Junta's bellow for ale and decided to put more distance between them. " She's a good girl...but she's a better man. If she had been a man, she would have been the best fighter in the whole village. But alas she is only the second best..."
"Wait a minute," Adrian interrupted and leaned forward. " She's the second best fighter? In a village of warriors?" He was confused at this point. Yes, she acted a little odd but to be the second best?"
" Yup, the only one that can't best her in fighting is her father. She would have made an excellent man..." Junta said and poured his third cup of ale only to down it in one gulp.
" Are the men going easy on her or something?" Adrian asked, curious to know how she bested them all, except her father.
" No, she is just skilled in the ways of battle. The only thing is, she has little real battle experience. So she can't go to war, that and she's a woman. Otherwise, she would have joined many battles by now." Junta explained proudly. "She's smart like a lady at court and skilled like a man in battle. Best of the two worlds but not fitting in either." He took another drink.
Adrian watched him drink again and wondered how it must be for Toril to be so skilled in battle, only to have to give it up and be a lady of a house where everything is done for you. Well, supposed to be. From the moment he met her, she had been working.
"If that guy had not come and taken her away..." Junta mumbled. "Or at least consulted the damned thing...What a bastard. She told him not to go but now he had to go and leave her. ....Watched her see him off right after the wedding...She didn't even have time to change out of the damned dress. Then he goes and gets himself killed....castle in ruins..." Junta was silent a moment." I Need a bed. Good night chap." Junta suddenly said as he stood up and headed up the stairs wobbly.
Watching him go and after hearing him mumble about how Kezule wronged Toril, he knew that the man held her in high regard.
The next morning Adrian awoke to silence. After getting dressed, he headed to the dining hall. On the way, he noticed that the walls were finished nicely and the debris that cluttered the floor yesterday was gone. The halls looked like new. Tabatha greeted him at the table with a smile. Junta on the other side of her was looking foul as he drank some coffee.
" How was your rest? Did you sleep well?" Tabatha asked, then motioned to the food on the table. There is a plate made for you and lady Toril if she ever decides to leave her room. This whole thing seems to have taken its toll on us all. "
Adrian took a seat and began to eat some eggs from his plate. " I slept well thank you. Oh, I noticed that the halls are cleared, are they finished?"
" Those are but there are many more to be done in the back," Tabatha said taking a sip of her tea. " Lady Toril wanted to revive the entire castle, but there are years of damage that just cannot be fixed..."
Just then Toril came into the dining hall, dressed in a pretty green dress embroidered with a golden design on the hem at the base and around the neck. Her hair was pinned up neatly at the top of her head, but a few strands of hair fell out by her neck and on one side of her face. On her neck,k she wore an emerald choker that seemed to complement the dress.
"Good morning everyone," Toril greeted with a smile before taking a seat and beginning to eat. Everyone stared at her, but in different ways.
"What in god's name are you wearing!?" Junta exclaimed as he accidentally broke the almost empty cup of coffee in his hands.

Fighter in Love
Historical FictionIs love worth the pain if they are lost? Is strength of mind and body worth the time and energy spent? is a journey worth the hours on the road? is revenge worth the price that is always paid? all these questions will be answered as a woman unravels...