Chapter 2- Improvement

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"Oh, how wonderful!" Tabatha cheered clapping her hands together. She smiled broadly and said," You finally wore one of the outfits I laid out for you! Doesn't she look lovely?"
"What? That dress is one that you picked out? Why are you having her wear such things!?" Junta shouted gesturing to Toril's dress. The dress brought attention to all the curves that she had. "She's nearly falling out at the top and it's much to tight around the waist!"
" It's fine Junta," Toril said calmly as she took another bite of food. "This is how ladies dress, however." She took off the choker and set it on the table in front of Tabatha." This must go, It is immensely uncomfortable."
"Oh come now, you must wear this since you refuse to wear any make-up," Tabatha complained as she took the choker in her hands.
" Make-up is heavy and itchy on my skin, I'd rather not wear it," Toril said plainly between bites. " I would not mind wearing bracelets though."
Adrian sat in his seat still staring at the woman across from him. It was difficult to believe that this woman was the same as the one he had met the day before. She looked completely different. She even sounded different with her voice more complementary for a lady.
" My lady, I'm sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but the animals have arrived." A maid stood in the doorway waiting for Toril saying this with a low tone, afraid to be scolded.
"Wonderful, please show me," Toril said wiping her mouth with a napkin and rising from her chair. " If you will excuse me..." Smiling, Toril went with the maid and disappeared out the door.
"Oh, how cute!" Toril exclaimed the moment she saw the black Labrador retriever; her ladylike vibe squashed. Toril gave some coins to the man that delivered the dog and two cats that the maids were now holding. Once the man was paid he tipped his hat and left. The dog was leashed with a thick corded rope held by one of the maids, but the moment Toril said that he was cute the maid lost hold of said rope. Kneeling down she put out her hand, palm up before calling over the dog. In response, the dog ran to her and jumped into her lap, his tail wagging wildly. She hugged him and scratched behind his ears.
"My lady!" one of the maids yelled clearly afraid the dog would hurt Toril.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." She reassured her." Now then, what should I name you?" Toril wondered aloud" What do you think? Onyx a good name for ya?" The dog barked once happily as if saying yes to her question.
"Onyx?" One of the maids asked.
"For his fur color. I think it suits him well." The dog wagged its tail faster." What do you think? Onyx okay for you?" Toril asked him again. Onyx barked and licked Toril's cheek. She laughed then said, "Okay but now I need to see to the cats, so come on get down." Onyx got off her lap but stayed glued to her side happily wagging his tail. When she went towards the cats in the maid's arms they hissed angerly. " Onyx, why don't you go find someone to pet you while I deal with the cats. They will surely scratch you if you get too close." Onyx tilted his head as if thinking it over.
"My lady, dogs do not-" One of the maids with the cats started to say but stopped when Onyx left, disappearing into the castle completely baffling the maids.
"Now," Toril said as she put her hands on her hips and looked at the two cats. Taking her hand and lifting it up barely to the cat's nose so that they could smell her. When the cats began licking her fingers she lifted one and held it close to her chest. One hand under the back feet and the other by its chest. This cat was a tabby, with orange stripes and a fat face. " Your name will be Tiger okay?" with that she set Tiger down and he scampered away. She took the other cat into her arms and held it the same way as she did the other. The cat began meowing while she held her and laughing, Toril said," Oh really? your name shall be Gabby since you love to gab okay?" The cat meowed again. As she set Gabby down and watched her race away in the direction of Tiger, Adrian came outside with Onyx walking next to him. Happy as can be, Onyx wagged his tail and held his mouth open as if he was smiling.
" Excuse me, but is he yours?" Adrian asked gesturing to Onyx. The maids went inside when Toril nodded to them to thank them for their time. Then turning to Adrian and Onyx with a smile.
"Onyx, did you find someone to pet you?" The moment she knelt down, Onyx bolted from Adrian to Toril and climbed in her lap. She hugged him and said good boy over and over again.
"You name him yet?" Junta asked coming out after the maids disappeared inside.
Adrian jumped back startled and moved closer to Toril and Onyx.
"His name's Onyx, right?" She asked the dog and he happily replied with a few barks.
"For his fur huh? I like it. Great breed to get rats and intruders too." Junta smiled as he watched the dog wag his tail.
" I got two cats too, Tiger and Gabby, they ran off."
"Looks like he's taken to you," Junta said as he patted the dog's head.
"Did you just get them?" Adrian asked while wondering how she was able to get such a healthy dog along with two cats when she had only been there a week or so.
"I sent for them the first day I came here," Toril explained ruffling the fur around Onyx's ears. "The castle looked terrible and was crumbling... so rats were not far from my mind. Then again many castles have mice and rats." She shrugged," With the two cats chasing off the mice and Onyx here to get rid of the rats the castle will be in better care. That and, " She looked up at Junta and said," He's also the type of breed to protect his home and inhabitants. Right Junta?"
When Junta nodded to agree, Toril got up and wiped off her dress, making sure her assets were still covered and turned toward the castle mumbling something about checking on the arrows, Onyx strode beside her.
" Arrows?" Adrian asked, looking at Junta confused. Junta just shrugged and went after her, Adrian followed.
They found her sitting with maids that were weaving string and feathers to arrows. Toril was explaining how the string had to be tighter for the arrow to go where it was intended.
" If it is not done right, then the arrow will miss its target. " Toril said as she pushed the feathers into place and tied the string.
"What's the intended target?" Junta asked picking up an arrow that was finished.
" Fowl, deer, rabbits...just food for the castle," Toril answered without looking up from her task. Once she finished she looked up and added, " But don't worry I plan to train them well, so that I won't have to hunt."
" Wait," Junta said holding up his hand as if to stop her from speaking, " The men don't know how to hunt? What men don't know how to hunt?" He became agitated putting down the arrow.
" Junta calm down, they know how to hunt but they are not very good. I was merely going to show them how to hunt, better." Toril tried to say as she looked at Junta worried.
" Then I'll train 'em. Where are they?" Junta asked quickly puffing out his chest.
" The men are outside chopping wood and making more stone mud for repairs."
Before Toril had finished her sentence, Junta had left to find the men outside. She couldn't help but laugh inside, her dear friend was so predictable at times.
" Mrs. Toril?" One of the younger maids asked. " How is it that you know so much about hunting...and men?" her voice lowered by the time she finished her question.
" Tara! It is not our place to ask such things!" An older maid exclaimed.
Toril tried not to laugh at how timid the maid was, " It's alright, I know about hunting because I was taught at a young age. As for the men, there are far more men than women where I come from. The men are also vastly larger than those around here but that may be because of all the fighting they do in the random wars." Both maids and Adrian looked at her confused. " For example," She gestured at Adrian, " Men of Adrian's size and build are few. Whereas men like my good friend Junta, are common and regular."
" You mean to say that there are no smaller men than Mr. Junta where you come from?" The older maid asked surprised; the task forgotten in their hands.
Toril shrugged then replied," Men any smaller would find it difficult to fight in battle."
"What about merchants?" Adrian asked. He was just as surprised, but he tried hard to hide it. Junta was the largest man he'd ever seen and he is supposed to be only one of her 'regular' people? Had she lived in a sea of barbarians? Was that why she did not act like a normal lady?
"The merchants that come by are few because, like you, they fear us and are untrusting. Though it's probably because of all the weaponry that lies around." Toril replied fixing a feather. When they all looked at her with gaping mouths she tried to explain, " We have them scattered in different places in case of an attack."
"Why would they attack you?" Adrian asked. Who would want to attack men the size of Junta?
"To get a name for themselves for one," Toril stated as she stood up. " Okay, let's check and see how well these arrows have been made." She headed outside with the three of them following on her heels along with Onyx who had been quietly sitting by her.
There, they saw the men getting yelled at by Junta as he showed them that chopping wood should only take one swing each. By the time Toril found a bow and a target she had the men's attention as well as Junta who had crossed his arms waiting to see her shoot.
Everyone was quiet as she took her stance and pulled back on the bow, taking aim at a knothole in a distant tree. Letting out a breath, she released the arrow and sent it flying toward the tree.
"Great shot milady," one of the men said with a smile.
" Yes, but the arrows' off." Toril sighed.
"Off?" Adrian asked confused. They both walked over to the tree.
" Yes I did not hit my intended target," Toril said as she pointed to the spot that the arrow hit.
" You sure it wasn't just that your aims off?" Adrian said looking at where she pointed.
Pulling out the arrow Toril explained, " My target was the black mold in the knothole, the arrow hit above it by several inches." She walked away from the tree and grabbed a different arrow.
Junta glared at Adrian when he said that her aim was off, obviously upset with his words.
Toril took her position with a different arrow and pulled back on the bow, taking aim. "This arrow was made by me." She released the arrow and sent it directly into the black spot in the knothole. "See? The last one was off."
Adrian shrugged and said okay, fine your aims' good."
Junta nodded with a smile creeping across his face, his pride showing through. The crowd that had gathered began to applaud her for her marksmanship. Toril looked over at them and smiled saying,
"Thank you but shouldn't you be busy working on several things in and out of the castle? If you don't finish soon the rainy season will come making it that much harder to finish..."
Everyone stopped clapping and quickly got back to their jobs understanding the light but clear order given to them. After collecting the arrows and the bow, Toril handed them to a maid that waited saying,
" Make sure the feathers are all the same length and width okay?" The maid nodded and scurried off into the castle. Adrian and Junta were now the only ones outside with her.
" Very nice Toril, you may be a lady yet." Junta teased as he went over to a log and sat down. Toril did the same feeling a bit tired after having so much happen in such a short time. Adrian decided to head inside and ask Tabatha if all the trading was done. So the two sat in silence until Junta spoke up.
" Toril, I am so sorry..."
" You have nothing to be sorry for Junta, Kezule died by another's hand."
" But if I had ventured out with him and the men-"
" Junta, it's not your fault. Do not blame yourself." Toril looked at him seriously and put a hand on his. " Had you gone, there is a chance that you also would have died. If I had lost you as well..." She took a moment to look down and shake her head before continuing. " I am not that strong. " Junta wrapped her in a hug, silently understanding the storm that raged inside, trying to give her his strength.

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