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AGE: 14 - 16


LOOKS: Pale skin, almost a milky tone. Long, straight, black hair that reaches her lower back, she has bangs across her forehead. Black eyes. Slender, yet a curved body. Toned, has slight muscle mass on her arms and legs. Mostly always has a blank look on her face.

FAMILY: I'll write that in later.

OUTFITS: SCHOOL - Classic female uniform. The jacket is left open, the tie is loosened. Instead of wearing black knee length socks, she has black thigh length socks, reaching her mid thigh with halters. She wears brown, slip on, dress shoes like most of the girls.
SCHOOL - Classic blue fitness uniform. She also leaves the top open, exposing her black undershirt. She also wears the additional black and white sneakers, converse.

QUIRK: Absolute Slicing - She has the ability to slice through absolutely everything with whatever she's holding. She prefers to wield swords and knives, and whenever she does, the item can cut through anything. The strongest materials become as easy as butter to her, and her weapon.

DRAWBACKS/WEAKNESS: It only works if she's wielding, or holding, a blade or metal of some sort. She has a preferred range of close combat, far distance is a big no. She can't throw blades, her quirk won't work. She's basically 'quirkless' if she's not wielding a blade, or something to slice with.

ALIAS: - The Swordsman Hero: Knight Blade

PERSONALITY: Reserved. Unemotional, doesn't know how to express feelings. Psychopathic, shallow emotions-despite not feeling them, she can fake them. Lack of remorse-guilt-shame, secretive, pathological lying - can lie very easily and will find no problem with it. Calm, and collected. Unsympathetic, doesn't care who gets hurt, or who she hurts. Needs stimulation, lives on the edge, goes out of her way to find 'fun'. Poor work ethic, if it doesn't interest her, she won't do it. Irresponsible, not concerned about others, what she causes, or accepts any blame. She's highly intelligent, she's aware of everything around her, can make several strategies to plan ahead. Hardcore tsundere, she doesn't really do it but she can still show affection - rarely.

LIKES: Swords. Knives. Any kind of blade. Exercising. Martial arts. Watching others and plotting. Writing. Art. Studying topics that interest her. Dark chocolate. Tea, rather than coffee. Cats. Sweets, they compensate for her lack of feelings.

DISLIKES: When people look at her different. Being around too many people. Being touched. Affection, receiving or giving. Coffee. Dogs. Annoying people. Happy people. People in general. Being questioned to why she hardly shows emotion. A lot of things.

HOBBIES: Collecting swords, knives, any kind of blade. Sharpening her weapons. Studying the human psychology and anatomy. Painting. Writing in her journals. Exercising, in martial arts, running, and her flexibility. Strategizing. Watching people.

SKILLS: Swordsmanship
Hand to Hand Combat/Martial Arts
Strategic Planning/Intelligence
Hiding Evidence

Executioner Sword
Finger Claw Blades
Bladed Chain Whip(normal metal chain, with small blades weaved into it)
(And more that I'll mention later, she has a huge collection)

BROTP'S(friends): None

OTP(love interest): Most likely... Himiko Toga

COSTUME: Dark red, leather latex, jumpsuit - the sleeves are barely past her elbows, it has a high collar with a front zipper. Her forearms are covered in thick red colored bandages. She wears black zippered, above shin length, boots with red bottoms. Her utility belt and other weapon holsters are black. She wears a high quality black and red leather hooded trench coat. Her facial eye mask is red - it covers her forehead under her bangs and surrounds her eyes. She wears a black and red chest holster to carry her dual katanas and executioners blade. Her claws are always worn on her left hand. Her spiked chained is attached to the back of her belt, covered by the coat.



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