15. 10th January 2014 - Hair

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I woke up the next morning with sore eyes, a headache and a heavy feeling in my heart. Also a heavy feeling across my stomach, I looked to my right and saw a snoring Luke, his hair had fell over his eyes and I started to reminisce over the time he had long hair that covered his eyes, he was adorable even when he thought he wasn't. I reached over and pushed his hair out of his eyes and styling it into his quiff, it wasn't staying very well because he didn't have hair product in,

"What are you doing?" He mumbled tiredly,

"Playing with your hair,"

"You sound so innocent," He laughed, I shook my head and continued to play with his hair,

"That feels nice," He told me, his eyes were still closed,

"Your hair is really soft,"

"It's because I wash it," He joked, I laughed and moved my hand down to his face to play with his stubble,

"I never thought I'd see the day that you'd grow facial hair," I joked, he opened his eyes to specifically roll them and then shut them,

"Get used to it,"

"It feels nice,"

"That's really weird, are you okay?" He asked opening one eye,

"Yeah I'm good,"

"Still cut up about Michael?" He asked opening both of them and staring his blue orbs into my boring hazel ones, I nodded my head and held my breath to stop the tears,

"He and Gabby will make a great couple," I told him,


"Come on, of course they will,"

"Only time will tell," Luke said laughing, I groaned and rolled my eyes,

"God you annoy the living daylight out of me," I said sitting up, he followed my actions and pulled me into a hug,

"You and I will do something today, get your mind of Michael and Gabby and your mum,"

"Thanks Hemmings,"

"You're welcome Hathway,"

"You can tell me about London," I said getting out of the bed,

"You don't want to hear about that,"

"Yes I do, I'm jealous," I said smiling at him as I picked out an outfit,

"Tonight my family is taking me out for a meal but I could come here afterwards if you want me to stay again,"

"No don't be silly, spend time with your family. I'll be fine,"

"You sure? I don't mind," He asked,

"I'll be fine Luke, I promise you,"

"Okay, hurry up and get dressed. We're going to get breakfast and then we're going to get ice cream and sit on the beach talking about London and everything under the sun," He said,

"Under the sun, get it?" I asked, he laughed and shook his head,

"I got it, hurry up,"

"Yes master," I said jumping up and getting changed in the bathroom.

4 hours, 3 breakfast waffles and 2 scoops of ice cream later I was standing outside my door again, alone. Luke had to go home and get ready for his family dinner, Jay was meeting Calum's family, Mia was with Ashton and I hadn't built up the courage to call Michael or Gabby. They hadn't called me anyway so I suppose they're together. Mia said she was going to call around later with Ashton to make sure I was okay but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

Everyone had someone apart for me.

And that sucked.

-Luke's Point of View-

"So how was London Luke?" My auntie asked,

"It was good, we did a lot of recording and stuff," I answered pushing a carrot around my plate,

"That sounds amazing! Are you finishing school?"

"I think so,"

"You are," My mum said looking at me with stern eyes, my brothers laughed and patted my back,

"Nice try," Jack said, I shrugged my shoulders and dropped my fork on the nearly empty plate, the only thing left was the stupid carrots I didn't ask for. The table turned their attention away from me and started to talk about something I wasn't bothered about so I passed the time by playing a game on my phone, I was halfway through level 9 (it was a hard game where I had to connect dots and it was annoying me a lot) when I got a text from Isabella,

I love you Luke.

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