24. 15th January 2014 - Comforting

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I was sat in the kitchen doing my maths homework when there was a loud knock on my door. I jumped at the sudden noise and narrowed my eyes at the door,

"Fuck off," I mumbled getting up to answer the door. I was already in a bad mood because I wasn't fully understanding my maths homework and it was starting to worry me because the exam was so soon.

"What?" I asked rudely swinging open the front door,

"Isabella," Calum cried,


"I'm sorry, I went to Michael's but his mum said he was out with Gabby and Ashton's with Mia and I don't know where Luke is I just assumed he's with you," He said quickly,

"Luke's out with his brothers, come in," I said moving out of the way so he could come in. He nodded his head and hesitantly walked in making his way to the living room. I stared at the back of his head as he shuffled away from me. His head was down and his hands were stuffed in his pockets. He knows. Jay told him. I took a deep breath and tried to remember everything encouraging Mia had ever told me,

"Do you want a beverage?" I asked,

"Who are you? Sheldon Cooper?"

"Sorry," I said sitting down on the end of the couch. It was silent for a while before I heard him start to sob,

"Cal," I said moving further up the couch and attacking him into a hug,

"She cheated on me, Jay cheated on me,"

"I'm so sorry Calum," I whispered,

"Am I not good enough?" He asked looking me directly in the eye,

"Of course you are!"

"Then why did she cheat?" He asked, my heart dropped and my chest tightened,

"She told me she was lonely,"

"You knew?"

"I told her to tell you," I said,


"2 days ago," I said, he looked down and pulled me back into a hug. We sat there for a good while not saying anything just hugging. My phone buzzed in my jacket pocket so I pulled it out while Calum wiped the tears away from under his eyes. It was pretty pointless considering more fell after he had wiped them away,

From: Luke

On my way over :)

"Luke's on his way over," I told Calum,

"I'll leave you two,"

"Like hell you would, sit down," I said pulling him back down. He smiled at me and rested his head on my couch,

"I'm really tired," He murmured,

"Why don't you sleep then? I'll wake you up I promise," I said, he smiled and got comfortable on the couch. I smiled and shut the door behind me as I walked back into the kitchen to do my Maths homework. Hopefully Luke, the maths genius, can help me understand this crap. I looked back down at the worksheet intently trying to get my head around it but the numbers and letters were jumbling around and I was seriously questioning whether I should just get my pen and put a big 'X' through it all.

"Hey," Luke said walking into the kitchen,

"How did you get in?"

"Key," He said,

"I didn't give you a key,"

"I know, I took one just in case anything happens," He said getting a drink for himself, I smiled at the back of him before looking back at the Maths work in front of me,

"You okay?" He asked,

"I need to pick your brain," I answered putting my pen in my mouth,

"Shoot," He said pulling a chair out so he could sit next to me,


"I'm good at this!" He exclaimed grabbing my pen and showing me how to do the first problem. He made a lot more sense than my teacher (but I think that's because Luke's cute and I like looking at him doing something he enjoys),

"Do you understand?" He asked looking at me, I nodded my head and took my pen to start doing the last 2 problems,

"You're left handed?"

"Yeah, I'm awkward," I said concentrating on finishing the last problem and smiling with success,

"It's not awkward, its you," He smiled leaning in to kiss me,

"Calum's here," I told him,


"Jay cheated," I said looking down,

"Is he in the living room?"

"Yeah I think he's asleep though," I told him, Luke nodded his head and quietly got up to walk to the living room to check on him.

I stayed in the kitchen while I heard Luke comfort Calum. Looking at Calum made me think about last year when Michael kissed me and how Luke reacted. Was he this bad when I wasn't around? Was he worse? Was he normal? I was interrupted by my doorbell going off continuously. When I opened the door I froze,

"Hi, can I come in?" She asked,

"Calum's here,"

"Oh," Jay said looking down,

"You fucked up,"

"I know I did but now Alex and I can be together," She said, I looked at her and frowned,

"Sorry what?"

"I used Calum to make Alex jealous and it worked," She said, I looked at her and took a deep breath,

"Don't come near me or Gabby again. We're done,"

"That's Gabby decision," She said,

"Fine, just don't come near me. I am so ashamed of you,"

"I'm your best friend,"

"Was," I corrected shutting the door. Luke and Calum were standing in the hallway smiling at me,

"You didn't have to do that," Calum sniffed,

"I did, I prefer you and what she did was wrong," I told him,

"I love you guys," He said pulling us into a group hug.

I love you guys too, I thought.


Chapter rewritten because I wanted to focus on Calum

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