Chapter 4

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''Fine.'' The Sheriff said, standing up. Mako growled, walking to the farmhouse. The sheriff followed. Mako climbed into the basement, picking up Hayseed. The Sheriff looked bit nervous. Mako pulled him in, shaking hayseed lightly. "Jamie, wake up." The glow started, but it was red. The sheriff looked shocked. ''Witchcraft!'' He shouted. "That's your doing." Mako growled, keeping the sheriff still. "Now where is Jesse?!" ''I-I don't know!'' Sheriff said, as Hayseed fell down. Mako kept Hayseed up. "Tell me." Mako growled, starting to choke him.

The sheriff held Makos hand. ''Let... Go!'' "Not until you tell me where Jesse is." ''I don't know!'' The sheriff said. "Yes you do!" Mako growled. ''N-no!'' Sheriff said. "Then who does?!" ''I-I don't know!'' Sheriff said, as Hayseed attacked Mako. Mako looked at Hayseed in surprise. It's eyes got red. It ripped the bigger man easily off from the sheriff. Mako let go, looking at Hayseed. "Jamie?!''

''Don't... Touch...'' Mako grabbed Hayseed's wrists. "Who's controlling you...?" ''Don't touch him... Don't... Hurt him...'' His voice got very creepy. "I wasn't hurting him." Mako tried. ''Yes... You were...'' Hayseed said. "No." Mako frowned. Then Hayseed attacked Hanzo. ''Mako! Help!'' Hanzo shouted.

Mako grabbed hayseed quickly, pulling him away from Hanzo. It kept it's hold of Hanzo, trying to rip his arm off. Mako bit into Hayseed's wrist. Hayseed let out a screech. Mako pulled Hayseed away from Hanzo. Hayseed tried then to attack Mako. Mako let him. Hayseed started ripping his arm off. Mako groaned, but didn't do anything to stop him. "Jamie..." The Hayseed growled at him, screeching, until the sheriff shot it into the head.

"HEY!" Mako looked at him angrily. Hayseed fell down. ''I will be taking that thing with me.'' "No you will not!" Mako growled, grabbing the sheriff's gun. He pointed it at the man. ''Mako what are you doing?!'' They heard Jack yell. "He killed Jamie!" ''Let go of the man!'' Jack shouted, walking to them. Mako growled. "No." ''Mako!'' Jack shouted. "What!" Mako shouted back ''Let. go. of him!'' Jack said. Gun shot. The sheriff dropped dead onto the ground. ''Mako?! What did you do?!!'' Jack shouted.

Mako growled. "He took. Jamie. And Jesse." Mako growled. ''What...?! McCree is gone missing?!'' "Yes!" Mako yelled. ''What the hell...?!'' Jack asked, looking at the dead sheriff. Mako knelt by Hayseed, picking him up. He stayed still, not moving an inch. Mako shook him lightly. "Jamie wake up..." No answer. Mako rubbed his cheek lightly. "Come on..." No answer. It was silence. He didn't move. Mako held him close to his chest. He didn't move. Mako rubbed his back. "Wake up..." He didn't. Mako teared up, holding him.

Then, impossible happened. The glow came back. Mako hugged him closely. It didn't move. ''Mako... Mako... Mako...'' "I'm here." Mako hugged him. ''Mako... There's more... Coming...'' Hayseed said. "What?" Mako looked at him. Hayseed looked to the side. Mako looked there as well. There was at least four Scarecrows. Mako stood up. "How did they get in here..." Hayseed stood up, running to them. Mako rand after him. The Scarecrows looked at them. Mako looked back at them, grabbing Hayseed. One of the Scarecrows had Jesses hat. Hanzo stared at it. ''Jesse...?!''

Mako growled. "What the hell is wrong with that sheriff?!" ''How many people had gone missing during these years?!'' Hanzo asked. ''Five, if you count Jesse...'' Mako growled, pulling the masks off of the scarecrows. There were all of the missing people. Also Jesse. They all had straws coming from their mouth, some having them coming out from their eyes. Mako pulled the straws out of their mouths.

''Ma... Ko...'' Jesse whispered. "Jesse." Mako frowned, hugging him. Jesse didn't move. Hayseed stayed behind. Mako looked at them both. The three others pulled their hoods back. Mako looked at them. They looked at themselves. Until all of their eyes started to glowing red, and they ran towards Jack, ripping him into pieces. "No!!!!" Mako grabbed them, tearing apart the three scarecrows he didn't recognize. He pulled Jesse and Jamie away from his friend's torn body.

Jack had bled to death. Something else was also controlling them it seemed. Mako held Jamie and Jesse. "Who's controlling you?" ''Don't... Know... It should had been... The Sheriff...'' Jamie said. Mako frowned. "Think." ''We can't...'' Jesse said. "What?" Mako looked at them. ''We don't... Have much... free will...'' Jesse said. Mako sighed. "Just try..." ''We... Can't...'' They said in unison.

Mako frowned. Hanzo ran over, hugging Jesse. Reyes could see Jacks ripped body as he walked outside. Reyes stared at it, eyes wide. "What the hell happened here?!" Jesse and Jamie looked down at him. Reyes growled loudly. "You need to be killed." He frowned. ''It... Wasn't us...!'' Jamie tried.

"What else would have done this?!" Reyes roared. Mako pulled Jamie into him, hugging him. "Nobody's touching Jamie. Hanzo stared at Jesse. ''Jesse...'' He sobbed. Jesse looked at him sadly. "Han... Zo..." ''Jesse... What happened to you? Who did this...?!'' Hanzo trembled. "I... Don't know..." Jesse looked at him. Jamie took Jesses hand. ''We... Have to go...'' He said. Jesse looked at him and nodded, looking at Hanzo sadly.

Jamie looked at Mako, and turned to walk away with Jesse. Hanzo looked at the corpse of Jacks and took a gun. ''No...'' Mako looked at him. "Hanzo?!" Hanzo shot Jesse to the head. "Hanzo!!!" Mako gasped, looking at Jesse and then at Hanzo.

Jesse fell down. Jamie looked at Jesse, and then Hanzo. Mako pulled Jamie behind him. "Why did you do that Hanzo?" ''He is a monster! He killed Jack!'' "The real monster is whoever did this to them!!" Mako roared. Hanzo stared at Jesse. Jesse laid there. Double dead. ''Jesse...'' Jamie whispered, kneeling down to him. Mako looked at him.

Jamie took Jesses arm against his shoulders and walked away. Mako walked after him. He kept walking away. Mako just kept following, grabbing Jamie's hand lightly. Jamie looked at him. Mako looked back at him. "I'm coming with you." ''No... Dangerous...'' Jamie said. "I don't care." He kept walking with Jamie. ''No...'' Jamie said. Mako didn't say anything else. Jamie looked kept walking towards the village. Mako followed. The villagers noticed them. ''The monsters are here again!'' Said one of them.

Mako watched, walking with Jamie. The villagers escaped. Mako pet Jamie, who walked past the village. He walked towards a farmhouse that belongs to... Sheriff and his wife. Mako frowned, following the scarecrow. They walked to the field. There they saw the Sheriffs daughter, looking at the scarecrows, not one bit scared. Mako looked back at her. "What the hell..."

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