V. Part V.

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  • Dedicated to My beloved Third year section! Bl. Amapro Carbonell!

Same note as before. Highly, purely coincidental :) XXOO.  

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Start of school. I am strangely... nervous. I don't why, but I am. Maybe because I'm going to school with a new little sister. Deep inside, though, I knew that wasn't it. And I don't want to think about the other alternative. Something that includes a Mary and a Dawson.  

I waited outside for the bus and for Clary. I tapped my foot impatiently. Finally, Clary went outside, her new yellow dress flowing with the slight breeze. She didn't look like she was going to school, more like in a picnic. Well, the beautiful picture of school in her mind would be shattered momentarily. Dad came out, dangling his car keys. It would've been nice if he could just drive us to school, but nooo... Because apparently that would 'ruin our chance for a great sociable trip'. How ironic. Maybe all these days, he missed out the fact that none of his children are 'sociable'. And by that, I mean, seriously not sociable. He greeted us with the customary parent greeting during the first day of classes. Then he left.  

I looked at Clary. She was too busy fidgeting with her backpack strap. The bus honked its way towards us.  

Welcome to Dullsville.  

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The eyebrow telegraph is very prominent inside the yellow bus. As people filed in and saw me sitting with a little girl, eyebrows flew way up high. Weirdo Johnson's sitting with a little yellow girl. Whatever. Clary pulled on my sleeve. I looked down at her. "Why are all they staring?" she whispered. "Don't mind them. They're i-" I broke down. Dad reminded me never to use the words idiot, stupid, moron and words along those lines in front of Clary. "Just don't mind them."  

She nodded. Smart girl. "What's a school like?" she asked, whispering still. I pondered on this for a moment. "It's a place of challenge. A place where life is prominent. A place where everything happens," someone said. I looked around. My heart stopped. "That's what's school is like," Mary Jane said, smiling at Clary. Then she looked at me. "Right?" I nodded, like the idiot that I was. Clary looked at her, then at me. "You know her?" she whispered at me. I nodded, "Yeah."  

Mary Jane smiled at Clary. "What's your name?" she asked with her with the same feather-light voice she uses during recitations and pop quizzes.  

"Clary. Clary Johnson."  

"And you are David's...?"  

I spoke up. "She's my little sister."  

She looked at me as did everybody else. Eyebrow telegraph again. Johnson spoke, there is no scientific explanation for this.  

Mary Jane nodded and sat down behind us. "I really hope this is going to be a new kind of year," she whispered enough for me to hear and for others to not.  

Yeah, right. Like that's gonna happen.  

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Stradmore High is just a few feet away from Stradmore Elementary School. So I dropped Clary there first. She looked around, swallowing nervously. I patted her neatly brushed hair. "Don't worry 'bout it. The first day of school is the best," I assured her. "Unless you want to talk about the last day," I teased her. It worked. She smiled hugely, her green eyes shining brightly. "Go there now," I prodded her on the back with my hand. She nodded and walked away. Watching her walk inside that familiar building, the building where I have studied, formed some sort of nervousness in me.I turned to leave.  

Time to face my own battlefield.  

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