Chapter 1

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I'm lying in bed. Staring at the ceiling. Everything on my mind. Luke. Mom and Dad. The whole town. I don't know what to do. Where to go. Who to talk to. But it's all up to me.

Just a week ago Luke and I were standing in the middle of the meadow by Summers creak. His lips glide from my chin to my mouth. Passionately kissing me and pulling me closer. It's a shame how fast a world could change. In just a matter of days.***

I stand in the middle of the forest. It is so humid that I think I'm melting. I want to scream for Luke or Jasmine, but they might hear me. "They" as in "the searics".

The searics are the invaders. The ones who ruined it all. The ones who changed this town in just a matter of three days. I hear a rustling in the bushes by me. My fingers lead to the trigger of my shot gun. Then, the noise jumps out at me.

"Lily!" the voice cries out. It's Luke. I run up to him and give him the biggest hug. I soon feel hot tears running down my cheeks. I missed him.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! I missed you so much!" I manage to say under my choking cry.

"I love you so much, Lily. I was so worried." He ignored my tears and kissed me hard on the lips. He let go after a few seconds. "Lily, we have to get out of here. It's not safe out here. they're watching."

"But, where's Jasmine. I thought she was with you."

"She was but she..."

"She what? Tell me!"

"She... I don't know. The were running after us and I think they... got her."

My heart sinks. I know what they do to their prisoners. And it doesn't end well. More tears rush down my face. Luke raps his arms around me and I burry my face in his chest. She's dead.***

I'm still crying as we begin to run through the forest. My vision is blurry, but I'm careful not to trip. Luke is leading the way and I follow behind. I don't know where he's going. I never went to this part of the forest. When did he?

"Where are we going?" I shout over the rustling of the fallen leaves.

He stops. I stop just before I run into him. He turns around and looks right into my eyes. "There's a shelter. It will keep us safe, but not for long. It's really close. You'll be okay."

I nod and we start sprinting again. We soon stop in front of a flat layer of leaves. He lifts it up. They're glued to a wooden door for disguise. I slide in first and begin to climb down the ladder. I get to the bottom with a dimly lit tunnel before me. I don't wait up for Luke and start walking down the tunnel. Then out of nowhere someone jumps out of the darkness and grabs me. I struggle until a towel pushes over my mouth and nose and in a matter of seconds I faint. My mind goes free. I fall asleep.

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