Chapter 5

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He hugged me hard and kissed me. I missed him so much. I was almost in tears, I was so scared.

"Luke, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!"

"Luke, do you know what you did to me?"

"What do you mean."

"You cut me, see?" I lifted up my sleeve and showed him the cut from the knife. "You came into my room and cut me. You took blood out and put it in a tube."

"I swear I didn't do that. All I remember was getting captured right after you were captured. I woke up in the room with one single dentist chair which I was sitting in and some cabinets. My arms, chest, and legs were tied up with a rough rope. A lady came in who looked exactly like Angela from our old church.
She took a knife and a shot out of a cabinet. All I remember was her giving me the shot in my wrist and I fell asleep. Now I'm here and I have a bad pain in my stomach."

I looked at him in a worried way and lifted the bottom of his shirt. We were shocked to find his stomach stitched in the shape of an x. He tells me he doesn't remember them doing that. He starts to pant, so I grab his shoulder and tried to calm him down. As scared as I was, I try to stay calm as I lifted my shirt. I had the same stitched x.

When did they do that? I must have been asleep. He doesn't have a cut in his arm, so I guess they didn't get that far with him.

"Luke? If that boy that came into my room wasn't really you, and that girl that came into your room wasn't really Angela, then are they cloning us or something? What's going on?"

"I don't know, but I have no doubt that we'll figure out sooner or later. Now we have to keep moving. We need to find shelter, food, and water."

He sounds shaky. I grab his hand as I struggle to stand up, finally realizing the pain in my stomach. We run and run and run. I feel like throwing up. The pain keeps getting stronger and stronger. I take my last step before me and Luke fall to the hard, dry ground.

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