Chapter 4

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I wake up in a panic. My vision is blurry, and it won't get any better. I hear someone start to open the door, so I pretend I'm asleep. The person comes in, unties me, picks me up and carries me out of the room. I act asleep for a second until I roll out of the persons arms, and I fall to the floor. I catch myself on my hands and knees and open my eyes. My vision clears up and I see a male in front of me. He has short, black hair and is tall and and buff. He tries to grab me but I crawl between his legs and start running.

I don't know where I'm going. The man might be strong, but he sure isn't fast, because he's far behind me. I keep running until see the first door on the right. I run in and quietly shut it behind me. When I turn around, I see Luke. He's on a bed like I was just on, and tied up the same way. What scared me was how he was shaking like he was having a seizure. Did I do that when I was asleep?

I start to shake him. "Luke. Luke! Luke wake up! Stop, we need to get out of here!" He still shakes. I guess I have to wait, but how long was I asleep? It could be days before he wakes up. I need to get him out of here.

I untie him and try to pick him up, but he's to heavy. Then an idea comes to my head. I clean off the tool cart and manage to roll Luke onto it. I then use the rope to tie and secure him, and pull it backwards so I can push the door open. I suddenly feel a Big Bang against the door. A guard just ran into the door and fell backwards.

I think of laughing but I realize that I'm way too scared. I turn around and push Luke and the cart down the hallway. the turns are hard but my adrenaline rush pushes me farther and makes me stronger.

At the end of this hallway is a door. I pick up speed and run the cart into the door. It opens into a flat, cement path leading into the forest, I follow it with Luke until it starts to get bumpy. We're far enough into the forest to not be seen. Luke starts to wake up. Perfect timing. He screams so I cover his mouth and whisper, "it's me, Lily. You're okay." I realize that his vision is probably blurry too, so I try to tell him my name. I look into his eyes and tell him to blink. That makes the blur go away. He manages to say, "Lily."

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