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kelsey pov

'i wish the feeling was mutual but i don't feel that same about you'


'i wish the feeling was mutual but i don't feel the same about you'

no your kidding

'i wish the feeling was mutual but i don't feel that same about you'

i know i would of never happened, why did i make myself that me and zion would ever happen
i quickly think of an answer were he won't worry that i'm mad at him or he won't question about it,

'friends then'

no not good

'maybe that's for best'

no that ain't it

'oh okay cool let's just be friends, it would be better any way'

perfect i hit send and turn my phone off as tori comes back in to the car
"did he answer you" she asked opening the door and placing the fires and two burgers we order in the middle of us
"uh yeah here look for yourself" i say and throw my phone on her lap, she gasp and huffs as she places her nail polish thumb on my home button to open my phone (she had a finger print)
"that same about you, just be friends" she read some part of  messages out loud making me cringe more then what i am already "no fucking way this prick" she said and hands my phone back i laugh and look down at lily beat up converse
"it isn't a big deal tori" i say and start to drive away
"no K it is because you deserve someone who will be there for you no matter what" she says and shakes her head flicking off the place zion works at as we drive off, i laugh and she turns on form 'chance the rapper' as we head off on the high way
"how about brandon have you talked to him" she asked eating a fry i can smell them from here the beautiful smell made me melt
"maybe i'll head over his house tonight" i smile i can see tori smirk form here even if  i'm not looking at her
"would you date brandon" she asked and i shrugged, ive never thought of that even if i would i think the feelings for zion would never leave
"i honestly don't know" i say and make a sharp turn to our block the kids played as we drove through the block
"tori, kelsey" mrs M says and waves as we passed by her house
"hey it's mrs m stop" she said and i nodded stoping
"hey mrs M" i smile as i roll down the window
"hey girlies where you girls headed" her thick jersey accent stuck out through ever word she said
"we just got some food and we're going to go to mine" tori says leaning down to see mrs M more clearly
"awe that's good girls, if you guys need anything don't be scare to give us a call even you sweetie" she pointed to tori who smiled "how nick" she says and tori smiles her eyes grew even by the sound of his name she really loved him more then any one i know could love someone
"he is good just started his first job" she smile and mrs M nodded
"yes he told me about that" she said and leaned against my car "well i better let you girls get going, we need to catch up soon" she said and tori nodded as we waved and i started to drive off
"she the fucking best" i say pulling in to tori drive way tori nodded "god i love her " i laughs and tori nod in agreement and opens the door and heads out for the car with the food bag in her hand
"you know you wanna marry nick" i say and she shrugs
"i would love to but we have different life goals, he wants to make music i want to make art" she says and i nod tori was really in to drawing and has been drawing since we were really little "but i know me and nick we can make it work" she says and opens the door to her house, her siblings run pass the door
"sarah and dino go upstairs" she yells and they nod, they are scared of her and i'm nothing but surprised i would be too
"hi kelsey" dino says as he runs up stairs i smile and wave hi before walking in to the living room
"you hungry" she asked and i nodded as we heard the kids laughing upstairs
"has their dad called" i ask she shook her head
"why would he" he says placing the box of fries on the neat table cloth
"not even a fucking birthday card kelsey" she says and starts to tear up "not even money for my mom" she says, the twins were born around the same time as lily was but they are younger then lily, their dad just left them this summer and it crushed tori because he was like a father to her too and when he left it crushed the whole family that tori refused to go home and stayed at my house until her mother made her come home, she was then determine to take care of the twins and her mother will all her heart
"st least he isn't hurting you any more" i say and she nods taking a fry
"but now he is hurting the twins with this fucking bullshit" she says as dino come inside
"hey dino" she smiles as she comes up to her she hugs him and gives her a kiss on her forehead
"you want a fry" she asked and he nodded biting a fry, dino was diagnosed with autism when he was 6, it killed their father tori thinks that's why he left since dino wasn't like sarah
"how is school franks" i smile he shrugs
"i-it is really good kelsey" he smiles and looks down at the table i smile and nod
"any girls" i raise my eye brows he always laughed when i asked him about girls
"go ahead dino tell her what you told me" tori says and i smile
"i have a girlfriend" he smiles and i make an awe sound
"what's her name" i asked franks blushes and bites the fry
"her name is mac she has autism too like me kelsey" he says and smile as he sits down. 
this was it this was the family dino was a beautiful boy and my mom and tori mom always prayed for him at church lily and dino always was there for him during school we loved him so much

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