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" I thought that we were strangers "

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" I thought that we were strangers "

THE CLOCK that sat on the grey walls of Hawkins High School library read a quarter to eight. Everything was as still as it was since this morning. Nothing was untouched except for the fours desks that are being used by the five students stuck in Saturday detention. With nothing to do the five kids only grew stale and bored out of there minds while being that stuck on those seats which felt like an eternity.

Lucas happened to stash a few lighters in one of his hidden pockets. He pulls a single lighter out and stares at it carefully. The red tip of the wooden stick was the only thing that caught his eye. With a cigarette resting between his lips, he flicks the end of the lighter against his bulky overused boots that happened to be resting lazily on his desk. He smiles satisfyingly as he watches the flames spread on the sides of his boot. He leans closer to the flame on his shoe and lets the end of his cigarette light up. He takes in a long drag and lets the smoke fly out as he sat back with his head staring up high on the ceiling.

As the smoke of the cigarette filled the dull air, Maxine stares at nothing but space with her head resting on the palm of her hand. Her long red curls sat all through her desk. With Maxine busy thinking about who knows what, Mike had nothing to do except to play with the strings of his sweatshirt. He would pull one side of the string while the other side would go the same way.

An unusual arose grew inside of Will the more he stared at the boy that was sitting across from him. He couldn't help but imagine exactly how Mike actually looked in his wrestling uniform. Just that simple thought suddenly cause his insides to rise including a particular part of his body. Will nibbled on his fingernails nervously as he noticed who decided to pay him a visit. Will grabbed his bean that was sitting on his desk let it rest on the particular part that was currently rising.

Eleanor noticed a string hanging loosely from her sweated and decided to take the chance to pull that loose string out of her dirty black sweater. A satisfying grin appeared on her lips from the sight of the loose string that was finally unattached to her sweater. She starts to wrap the string around her index finger. With every wrap around her finger, the tighter her finger got. The usual pale color of her finger was slowly turning into a light shade of purple the tighter she wrapped the string.

As Lucas took a long drag of his cigarette, he smacks the side of his boot causing the flame to finally vanish. With a tune ringing in his ear, he lifted his arms up as if he was holding a guitar and strums to the beat of the music. Eleanor was growing bored from the sight of seeing her pale finger turn purple she decided to draw on the paper that Mr. Brenner had passed out.

With Eleanor busy with her drawing, Mike decided to crumple up the paper on his desk and flick it as far as he could as if he was playing a game of football. He cheers silently at his success then quickly grows silent as he eyes the other people near him.

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